Page 67 of Faerie Stolen


Two Seelie soldiers had been brought forward to take me by each arm and back through the woods to where the army was stationed.

They treated me just as I expected them to. Like a nobody human girl. One with no fighting abilities. Not that I was planning a coup alone in the middle of a massive army encampment, but I wasn’t as helpless as they were assuming, and in my head that gave me a key advantage.

This was the second time in a little less than a year that I’d been held prisoner. Third if you count when I first arrived to Faerie and was carted around by the police near the castle. What had at that time been the most terrifying thing to happen to me, which is saying quite a bit, now looked like a funny memory.

A few Seelie made their way in and out of the tent, dropping bread and a brothy sort of stew. I hated stew, but it did smell delicious. After I ate, my head bobbed a few times.

Was it poisoned?

I heard some shouts and wondered how Ryzel, Charlie, Weston, and Vara were faring. I couldn’t even begin to imagine them in a surrendered state, let alone one that a human forced upon them.

I giggled and a loopy sort of haze came into place. It reminded me a lot of how I felt when I snuck some boxed wine from the fridge at Darryl’s.

I laughed again. If Darryl could see me now, that no good foster father wannabe would be flat on his back in two seconds flat. I’d scare him so bad he’d pee himself before running and never laying a finger on another foster kid again.

I wasn’t just a foster kid anymore. No, I was a trained soldier. Maybe not a true warrior yet, but I would be. And I was stronger than that monster had ever given me credit for.

My thoughts grew more sporadic the longer I sat, and eventually I tipped over completely, falling onto the cool bottom of the tent. I shivered once but ignored the cold otherwise.

I wondered if Noah was okay. I wondered if he made it back home. Maybe he did. Maybe he was already coming back with the rescue team faster than I’d anticipated, as unlikely as that was.

The loopy feeling faded through the night, and when the breezy chill of morning rippled through the tent, I sat up, shivering uncontrollably, rubbing my arms.

Something had definitely been in that stew. But I also felt as though a layer of fog had been peeled away from my mind. Like I was thinking just a little bit more clearly. Whatever it was, I shouldn’t eat any broths or stews again from the enemy. I couldn’t afford to be subdued like that.

Nor did I want to be.

The curtains to the tent opened, revealing more sunlight along with a beautiful fae. His brown hair was tied at the nape of his neck in a ponytail, and he had to brush a stray strand of hair behind his ear when he entered.

On the inside of his right arm, his muscles flexed, drawing my attention to the Seelie symbol that had been on the tents in the woods. His pale skin making the black stand out fiercely.

Pale skin and brown hair, an undistinguishable color. He was handsome from afar, but completely ordinary up close.

“The woods are cool this morning. Extra blanket.” He placed a thick wool blanket, that was rolled up neatly, at my feet. As much as I hated accepting anything from him, I urgently wrapped the covering around my arms, feeling the warmth almost instantly.

“Is this poisoned somehow too?” I bit out.

He laughed. Tossed his stupid head back and laughed. “I expected nothing less from you. Arguing as a prisoner of war.”

I frowned at the statement and suddenly wondered who he thought I was. Perhaps the Seelie thought they’d captured Noah’s betrothed?

If I could get him talking, I had a chance of finding out more. If it was Vanessa they were planning on capturing, maybe I could get more of his plan out of him. Although it’d be tempting not to stop him.

“Who are you?” I asked, feeling braver than I had before since my initial question was met with mere laughter.

“I’m the crown prince, of course. Prince Landon of the Seelie.” He rose and bowed deeply.

I scrambled to stand, realizing how difficult it was since I couldn’t move my wrists. I was tied to the pole in the center of the tent but had the flexibility to move in a circle, rise, lie down. I’d been given some leeway in my prison. Just ropes keeping my hands bound, and then two knotted around my ankles in a way that allowed me to walk slowly.

Prince Landon’s head cocked to the side as he took me in. The way he looked me over was uncomfortable and I could feel my lips curl.

“You know, you’re taller than I expected. Mirabella is much shorter than I ever was at her age, and Mother is quite small as well.”

I stared at the fae as he rambled. This was the Seelie’s prince? Gosh help them. He was slightly crazy, talking about height and comparing me to people he spoke of like I knew who they were. Height? What did that have to do with anything here?

Before I could ask what he was going on about, he kept going on. “It’s incredibly impressive that you found us so quickly after your arrival. You tracked us down like a huntsman. Though I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re talented there. It’s amazing how things can just be natural gifts versus gifts that are learned. I wonder how far those skills extend.”