Page 79 of The Renegade

“I don’t want any of your food,” he screamed at me. “You’ll poison me.”

TJ jerked Evan away when Grant moved to attack him.

“Don’t ever say anything bad about Jacob again,” Grant snarled. “If you do, I’ll show you evil.”

Evan kept ranting as TJ dragged him away.

“How did we not see any of that?” I asked.

Grant shook his head. “I don’t think he was that bad off when he arrived. Something, maybe us killing his handler, broke him.”

I nodded. “He has seemed more and more agitated each day. I almost feel bad for him.”

“Yeah,” Grant said. “He’s a son of a bitch for leading them here, but he’s obviously been damaged by his past, and Brandon was manipulating the hell out of him.”

“What will happen to him?”

“That’s up to the FBI.”

“So we’re turning him over?”

“Eventually. Unless they refuse to negotiate. X called, and we’ve got a meeting with the other agent who was part of this operation.”

“The blond guy?”



Grant glanced at his watch. “In ten minutes. You have impeccable timing.”

“How did you know to be here?”

“TJ called me as soon as you closed yourself up with him.”

“So you were listening at the door.”

“Most of the time.”

I bent to pick up the larger pieces of the broken mug. “Did you think I was in danger?”

“I’m not taking any chances with you. That’s why we’re locking Evan up.”

“Where? Do you have a secret dungeon in the basement?”

Grant smiled. “Something like that. It’s a requirement for a place like this.”

I supposed that was true, but it still gave me the creeps. “You aren’t going to…”

He frowned. “What?”

“Torture Evan or…”

“No. Evan will stay locked up, but he’s got a bed, and he’ll be well fed and cared for. Hopefully, he won’t be with us long.”

“What will the FBI do with him?”

Grant sighed. “I’d like to say they’ll get him the help he needs, but I don’t fucking know.”