Page 8 of The Renegade

“Am I wrong?”

I shuddered as he slid a hand up my back, making my t-shirt bunch. His hand was big, his touch soothing.

“I’m going to make you come so hard you see stars,” he whispered.

“Yes. Please.”



Ireveled in Jacob’s eagerness as I opened a packet of lube and squirted it over my cock, making sure to get my fingers plenty slick as I slid them along my length. When I pressed a finger against Jacob’s hole, he gasped, then pushed back, clearly wanting more. I loved his openness, the way he reacted, the sounds he made. He was everything I’d expected and more.

Once was not going to be enough with him. I could already think of so many things I wanted to do to him, but this had to be a one-time thing. I didn’t need to complicate my life anymore.

He’s trouble.

Fuck. Was this what X had meant?

It was too late to heed his warning now. No way in hell was I going to stop when Jacob was begging me for more.

I usually managed to push away all my thoughts during a hookup and just feel, but with Jacob, there was something about him that made me want more. I felt more alive in that moment than I had since I’d made my career-ending decision. Maybe, if I were honest with myself, it had been a hell of a lot longer than that.

I pushed in a second finger, and Jacob groaned. He worked his hips, riding my digits like he would my cock. Jesus, he was so fucking hot like this. I bent over and kissed my way up his spine as I finger-fucked him. When I sank my teeth into the back of his neck, he cried out. I licked the bite, soothing the angry red marks even as my cock jumped at seeing them there. I wanted to mark him. I wanted him to know I had thoroughly possessed him.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard you can’t think, can’t breathe, can’t do anything but feel.”

“God yes.”

I smiled and placed a soft kiss where I’d bitten him. He shuddered and pushed harder against my fingers, but I didn’t give him what he wanted. I slid out of his ass and sat up, kneeling behind him and bracing myself on one hand while I used the other to guide my cock to his hole.

He sucked in his breath as I pushed forward. His ass gripped my cock so hard it almost hurt. I persisted, pressing deeper, opening his tight passage.

“Fuck. I…” His whimper made me want to plunge all the way in. “This is…”

“You can take it.”

He nodded vigorously. “Yeah. Want to. Need this.”

He was perfection. I wanted to make him come harder than he ever had.

Once he relaxed a little, I fucked him with deep, punishing strokes. He arched his back and begged for more. He was so loud I wondered if we were entertaining the whole parking lot.

I didn’t turn around to find out, though. It didn’t matter. All I cared about was giving him pleasure. I wanted that more than I wanted pleasure for myself. I’d never been the kind of asshole who didn’t care if it was good for the guy I was with, but usually, I was more focused on myself. I knew my partner and I were both in it to get off. As long as that’s what happened, I was satisfied.

With Jacob, everything felt different. I wanted to take control, not because I needed to dominate him but because I wanted to protect him, to take care of him, to make him whine and whimper and beg just like he was doing. He was so beautiful trapped under me, writhing because I was giving him what he needed.

I leaned over him and ran my lips along the outer edge of his ear before whispering, “You feel so fucking good.”

He shuddered and drove his hips back against me.

“You’re about to come, aren’t you?”

He nodded frantically.

I wrapped a hand around his throat. “You’re so needy you can’t even speak. I bet you can hardly breathe.”

He whimpered and worked his hips faster. When he tried to reach under himself to grab his dick, I tightened my hand, making him gasp and sputter. “Not yet.”