Page 6 of The Renegade

Anything except him.

Go back inside.

Before I could move, Grant opened his door, stepped out of the truck, and stood facing me. I froze, heart pounding as heat raced through me. I couldn’t see him clearly in the dim part of the parking lot, but I thought he was beckoning to me. I swallowed hard and headed his way.

As I moved closer to him, I texted one of the few friends I knew would check up on me if I didn’t contact him again later that night.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, and I took in my fill of Grant, the broadness of his shoulders, the tightness of his t-shirt and jeans, the way his thighs bulged, looking like they might strain the worn fabric until it ripped. He had one booted foot crossed in front of the other as he leaned against his truck, making me think of a big cat, lounging as he waited for his prey. God help me, I was willing to be devoured by him, and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

When I was only a few feet from him, Grant fisted a hand in my t-shirt and yanked me in close. I sucked in my breath and tensed.

“You don’t have to be scared of me.” He whispered the words against my ear.

“I… Are you sure?” Like he was going to tell me he was lying.

He chuckled, and his warm breath sent shivers through me. “I’ll admit I don’t want to be gentle with you, but you don’t want that either, do you?”

My hands shook as I lifted them and laid them against his chest. It felt like granite. He could probably break me in half if he wanted to, but my gut told me he didn’t. He wanted to fuck me hard and fast, and that was exactly what I wanted. It had been years since I’d had that kind of satisfaction.

He reached around me and opened the door to the backseat. “Get in.”

I sucked in my breath and stared at him.

“You’re thinking of running.”

“Not really. I… um…”

“You want this, or you wouldn’t be here.”

I swallowed hard. “I do.”

He used a hand on my ass to pull me flush against him. “I could fuck you right here, press you up against the truck where anyone who walked by could see, but I think you’d enjoy it even more with a little privacy, wouldn’t you?”

“I… Yes.” I wasn’t actually sure. Once he touched me, I didn’t think I was going to care about anything else.

He inclined his head toward the truck. “Come on, then. Let’s get what we’re here for.”

I climbed in and slid across the dark leather seats. “This is a nice truck.”

“Uh-huh.” He pressed a hand to my chest and pushed until I lay back. “Jesus, how can anybody look at this mouth and not want to kiss it?”

I parted my lips as he ran his thumb across them and stared at him, wide-eyed. No one had ever talked about me like that. “You can… um… do that.”

“I can do anything I want with you.”

“Oh fuck.”

He chuckled as he stretched over me and kissed me breathless.

I clung to his shoulders, letting him fuck my mouth with his tongue. I was in over my head. This man was in a different league than the men I’d been with. He was right. I was powerless against him, and that was exactly what I wanted.

I bent one leg so he could settle better against my body, and he groaned as he flexed his hips. I felt the thick bulge of his cock sliding against mine and arched up, wanting more contact.

“Needy, aren’t you?”

“I… Yes.”

“Good. I like my men needy because I like to wear them out.”