Page 55 of The Renegade

“You mean when you were trying to take care of your brothers and look for a job?”

“I wasn’t working all day. Now quit arguing with me and let me soothe you back to sleep.”


“Turn over. I’m going to rub your back.”

Jacob sighed and rolled over onto his stomach. I ran my hand up and down his back, occasionally also rubbing his neck and letting my fingers tangle in his hair. Touching him was so soothing to me that I nearly fell back asleep too, but once I was sure he wasn’t going to wake anytime soon, I slipped from the bed and headed for the shower.



The next time I woke up, bright sun was streaming in through the window. My pajama pants were on the floor by the bed. I leaned down and pulled my phone from the pocket. It was ten o’clock. Grant had said it didn’t matter how long I slept, but I never thought I’d sleep so late. I should already be working on lunch prep.

I scurried to the bathroom. No way could I go downstairs without a shower, not after… I laid a hand against my chest as I remembered coming while Grant watched. I had only the vaguest memory of him cleaning the cum off me, both mine and his where it ran down my legs.

When I stepped into the bathroom, I saw a note stuck to the mirror. “Stay in bed as long as you want. I’ll take care of breakfast.”

I relaxed a little. Surely, even if he wasn’t a great cook, Grant had managed to make a passable breakfast for the others.

When I was showered and dressed, I hurried down to the kitchen. Evan was leaning against the counter, talking on the phone. He jumped when I opened the fridge.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Oh… That’s… It’s fine.” He turned back to the phone. “Got to go.”

I knew the guy was jumpy, and he had every reason to be, but he seemed especially keyed up that morning. He could have just walked to his room to finish his call if it was private.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure. I’m… good.” His cheeks were bright red, and the rest of his face was pale. He was definitely not all right, but whatever was going on was none of my business.

I studied him as he headed toward the back door, but my phone chimed, distracting me. It was Rhys.

You up yet, Mr. Lazy?

I could only imagine the teasing I would get later that day from both Grant’s brothers. Did they know where I’d spent the night? I had to assume they did.


Good. If you come to the barn, I can give you another riding lesson.

I’ll be there in 15.That would give me time to make sure I had a plan for lunch, one that I could work up quickly after my lesson.

Rhys sent a thumbs-up emoji.

When I’d figured lunch out, I raced back upstairs, changed into jeans and boots, and made it to the barn just on time. Rhys was giving me tips on mounting when I heard someone approaching.

“What’s going on?” Grant called.

“I’m giving Jacob a riding lesson.”

“No, you’re not.”

“He’s as safe here with me as he is in the house.”

I looked back and forth between the two of them trying to figure out why Grant was snarling at his brother. I knew he trusted Rhys.