Page 49 of The Renegade

He was so gentle now. I liked him demanding and rough, but I like this too. I felt so safe as he held me, safe enough to cry until I couldn’t anymore.

When I found the strength to sit back and face him, I saw what I’d done to his shirt. Spit, tears, and cum stained the shoulder.

I gestured toward it. “I’m sorry. I…”

He shook his head, then pulled the shirt off and used it to wipe my face clean. “It’s just a shirt, and it can be washed.”

“I don’t know why I did that. This was… I wanted it. It was so good I came in my pants.” Heat rushed to my face. How many ways was I going to embarrass myself tonight?

“You did? Really? Just from me fucking your mouth?”

I nodded.

“God, you’re so damn perfect. And you needed that release—the cum and the tears. You’ve been through a lot.”

“I… Yeah.”

He stood and helped me to my feet, but as soon as I was upright, he lifted me into his arms.

I rested my head against his shoulder. I felt totally fucked out, and my muscles seemed to have forgotten how to work. I wasn’t even sure I would have cared if we’d passed someone, but no one seemed to be stirring. Grant carried me to his bedroom and set me in the center of his bed.

“I should really go change and shower and…”

“I’m not done with you.”

“But I thought…”

“If you thought once a night was all I had in me, you’re about to be really fucking shocked. Also, that’s insulting.”

Laughter rose up in me, and I couldn’t contain it. “That’s totally not what I thought. I wasn’t insulting you. I just didn’t think you’d want more from me.”

“I want everything from you.”

Fear shuddered through me. If I gave him everything, and he sent me away, I wasn’t sure I could put myself together again.

“I meant it when I said you were going to stay with me from now on. You’re mine, and you’ll stay here in my bed.”

“So when Rhys said you’d tie me to the bed so I’d never leave, he really wasn’t exaggerating.”

Grant snorted. “If that’s what it takes, that’s what I’ll do. But I have a feeling you like being here.”

I ran my teeth over my lower lip, then forced myself to look up at him. “I do, but—”

He tilted his head and studied me. “But what?”

“I’m scared.”

“Now you’re scared? You didn’t think to maybe be scared a little while ago when I tried to warn you?”

I shook my head. “I’m not scared of what you want to do to me. I’m scared you’re going to change your mind again.”

“No. I thought sending you away was the right thing. I wanted to give you a chance to get away from me, from all the shit I’m involved in, but you didn’t take that chance, so now you’re not only staying here because it’s the safest place for you, you’re staying because I’m not letting you go.”

A moment passed as he held my gaze. I was trapped there. I didn’t need to be tied down. His look pinned me like he’d wrapped me in chains.

“Take your clothes off,” he said. “I need you naked.”

I was sure my face was bright red. So far, when we’d been together, it had been dark and there’d been no chance to fully undress. The thought of lying there naked in front of Grant, who was so fucking gorgeous when I was… not, made me want to run.