Page 38 of The Renegade

“The guy’s like him, maybe even better. He just blended in with the trees and was gone like he’d never been there.”

Ghost was a tracker who’d been with our unit. I’d never known anyone as skilled as he was at disappearing. This was not good.

“All right. Once we ID the other guy, we’ll know where to start looking. Where is the body now?”

“Madison’s getting the samples we need, then making sure he’s not found.”

I hated thinking about her doing such gruesome work, but it was no worse than what she’d done before my brothers and I had helped her escape from the same men who’d assassinated my father. “Where’s TJ?”

“He headed back to the house. He was going to check with his contacts to see if there’s been any chatter about someone headed this way.”

That stubborn fucker was going to be the death of me. “That’s my job. I contact people, not him. He’s supposed to stay one hundred percent silent. I swear to God, I’m going to lock him in the fucking basement.”

Rhys smiled. “I can’t say I’d mind that too much, but you had to know he was never going to sit back and let us do the work.”

I had known that, but I’d been too optimistic about my ability to control him and way too damn focused on Jacob. I should take that as a sign and find somewhere else for Jacob to go. Where would he be safest?

I knew the answer to that. Right there with me.

“Rogue, go find TJ. Tell him I want to see him in half an hour. Rhys, round up everyone else and check the fences and pastures for any sign that someone has crossed our property line, then meet me in my office.”

Rhys nodded and left.

I turned to Jacob, who had stayed by Rogue’s side.

“What were you doing out here? You were supposed to stay in the house.”

“I’m not going to stay inside all day just because—”

Rogue interrupted. “Rhys was giving him a riding lesson.”

Anger ran through me. Rhys had no business dragging him outside. I could teach him if he wanted to ride. “You were supposed to stay in the house,” I said again through gritted teeth.

Jacob’s glare was so fierce I almost took a step back. “If I can’t even walk out of the house to get some fresh air, then you might as well lock me up in a cell because I really am your prisoner.”

My brother sucked in his breath. “Damn.”

“Get out,” I snarled at him.

Rogue grinned as he headed for the door. I’d deal with him later. I turned my attention back to Jacob. I felt the anger rolling off him. How quickly could I turn it to passion?

“I told you I was the one in charge. You agreed to that.”

“No. I agreed to that for one night. I wasn’t given a choice once you discovered me here. So far, I’ve accepted your dictates, and I’ve followed them. I’ve made your meals, and—”

“They’ve been damn good.”

“I’m not done.”

Jacob was clearly not going to let me sidetrack him. It reminded me of how demanding he’d been once I had him half-naked in the back of my truck. His cheeks were even flushed the same way.

As I watched him, the words he was yelling at me faded into the background. He was so fucking hot. I wanted to drag him to me and kiss him into submission. That would stop his rant, but I shouldn’t do that. I was already fucking obsessed with him. How much worse would it be if…

I forced myself to listen to him.

“Do you know what the worst thing about being stuck here is?”

“Jacob, I—”