Page 25 of The Renegade

“He told me I could learn on the job.”

Grant shook his head. “I would be mad at him, but he probably saved your life, and I owe him for that.”

I knew I shouldn’t let his words get my hopes up, but he sounded so sincere. Did he have feelings for me that went beyond duty? “Should I go back to mending the fence with TJ?”

Grant scowled. “Hell no. You don’t need to be anywhere near him.”

“You said he wasn’t a danger to me.”

“Rogue said that, and that’s not the point. You shouldn’t be around any of these men. This is what we’re supposed to be protecting you from.”

“No, my manipulative asshole of an ex-boyfriend is what I needed protection from, and honestly, all I asked Rogue for was a place to stay until I could find another job. Rogue helped me find my last one, so he’s already done a lot.”

“The job at the bar?”


“Damn, that’s another thing I have to thank him for. He put you in my path, right where you needed to be.”

Heat rushed to my face. “That was… I… You said it’s dangerous for me here.”

“It is but not as dangerous as you being out there on your own. I’m going to fix your problem.”

“And then send me on my way?” I immediately knew I shouldn’t have said that. This was about him taking care of me, not… My mind flashed to the feel of him inside me. The way he’d gripped my hips as he drove deep. The sounds of pure pleasure he’d made as he came. He’d wanted that as much as I had.

Grant scowled. “You’re not going anywhere until I say you’re safe.”

“Because you’re in charge?”

My heart pounded as he took a step toward me. What was he going to do? Whatever it was, I didn’t think I was going to protest. He reached for me, then we were interrupted by a laugh.

“I don’t know what’s going on here, but I like it.”

I turned toward the speaker and was confused when I saw Rogue. Why had he changed his clothes? And had his hair always been that short?

He grinned at me. “I’m Rhys. It’s nice to meet you. I see you’ve already met Grant.”

“Leave us alone,” Grant snapped. “We’re busy.”


“I’m serious.”

“Wow. Rogue said you and the new boy knew each other.”

Grant gave him an icy look, but he didn’t flinch. I supposed he was used to it.

“His name is Jacob.” He turned to me. “Jacob, this is my brother. Usually Rogue is the asshole twin, but—”

“I have my days,” Rhys assured me.

“Do you have a reason for being here other than bothering me?” Grant asked.

“I wanted you to see how far Orbit has come. He’s finally ready to be ridden by someone other than me.”

It had been so long since I’d been on a horse. “I could—”

“No,” they both said.