Page 15 of The Renegade

“You used to be so sweet and compliant. You know as long as you do what I ask, you’ll have the perfect life.”

Nothing had been perfect about the time I’d been trapped with him. He’d threatened me constantly about what would happen if I disobeyed him. By the end, fear was the only thing motivating me to stay.

“Tell me where you are, and I’ll come get you.”

“No.” Did that mean he didn’t know? Maybe, but he might just be toying with me.

“If you won’t listen, I’m going to have to be harsh with you. I can’t have people running away from me, not when they might spill some of my secrets.”

I willed my voice not to shake. “I’m not going to talk to anyone about you. I just want you to leave me alone.”

“It would be so much smarter for you to do as I ask.”

I would never go back to that life. “I’m never coming back.”

“Then I’ll have to come get you.”

He ended the call before I could reply.

I had to get out of there as fast as I could. There was a good chance he knew where I was, and if not, he would soon. Did he know where my apartment was? I needed to go there and collect the small amount of stuff I’d managed to accumulate after leaving him with literally nothing of my own.

I left while Miller and Jose were gossiping in the kitchen, slipping out quietly so I wouldn’t get stuck talking to them. In the back alley, I tugged on a loose brick a few feet from the dumpster. It seemed silly to be afraid of the alley now. It was empty except for a few stray cats and likely some rats that they fed on. I had far worse things coming for me if I couldn’t get out of there quickly.

I reached into the hole behind the brick and pulled out the stash of cash I had placed there weeks ago, knowing at any time my apartment might be compromised. I was going to make a stop at my building. Hopefully, I wouldn’t see Trey and I’d feel brave enough to retrieve at least some clothes. But if Trey had already found where I lived, at least I could afford to get a new phone and get out of the city.

I intended to toss my phone before I got to my apartment, but first, I had to call a friend, the same one I’d trusted to look for me if Grant had snatched me away. If I couldn’t feel safe returning to my job or staying at my apartment, I was going to need him again. It would be the second time he’d helped me start over.

I wished more than ever that I had Grant’s number. He could easily protect me. Our hookup had clearly been a one-time thing for him, but that didn’t stop me from fantasizing about him riding to my rescue like a fairy-tale prince.

I needed to forget about Grant. I’d never see him again. There had been a decent chance he’d come back into the bar, but now I wouldn’t be there if he did. Even if I had his number and he was crazy enough to come when I called, I couldn’t wait for that. I had to get moving.

Instead of my fantasy man, I called the one friend who knew my whole story and who might have the resources to help me once again—Rogue.

Tears stung my eyes when his voicemail picked up, but he called me back before I’d finished my frantic message.

“What’s wrong?”

At first, I wondered how he knew there was a problem, then I remembered what time it was. “My ex just called me.”

“On your cell phone or at the bar?”

“On my phone, but he probably traced the call. He acted like he didn’t know where I was, but I can’t trust that.”

“No, you can’t. Any idea how he got your number?”

“I don’t know. He shouldn’t have been able to, but I’ve got to get out of here. Do you know anywhere I could go?”

“Are you still at the bar?”

“I’m about a block away. I need shit from my apartment, but Trey could already be there.”

Rogue blew out a long breath. “You shouldn’t go alone, but it’ll take me an hour to get there, and that could be too late. Is there anyone at work who would go with you to your apartment? You could make up something like how you’ve had some break-ins, or you’ve got a family emergency and need someone to help you pack.”

I considered that. Miller and Jose were still working, but I didn’t know either one of them well enough to ask for that kind of help.

“No, I’m on my own.”

“Do you have the gun I gave you?”