Page 90 of The Renegade

Trey laughed wildly. Was he high or just insane? What was it with the unhinged today?

“Put your gun down,” I snarled.

“You just don’t know when to be quiet, do you?”

“Actually, I do. I’ll quit this when you’re good and dead, and Jacob is in my arms again.”

“No!” he shouted, pointing his weapon toward me. Jacob jerked away, and I took the shot.

Trey managed to squeeze the trigger, but his shot went wide. I kept firing until I’d emptied all my rounds into him.

“Grant! Grant, it’s okay. He’s dead.”

With as many rounds as I’d put into him, he damn well better be.

I dropped my gun, hauled Trey’s lifeless body off the floor, and kicked open the doors to the balcony, not caring that I broke the lock.

I flung Trey over the railing and watched him drop to the ground.

“Jesus,” TJ called up from the porch. “Did you have to make such a fucking mess?”

“Rogue? Where is he?” Jacob rushed to my side. “I think Trey—”

“I’m going to live,” Rogue called.

“He will,” I assured Jacob. “But he needs a doctor.”

“I’ve had worse.”

“We’ll get him to the hospital,” I promised.

“I’d call an ambulance, but there’s a fucking body in the front yard,” TJ called.

“Then clean it up.”

I realized Jacob was shaking. I scooped him into my arms and carried him back inside.



“Did Trey hurt you?” Grant asked, sitting down and putting me on his lap.

“No. I’m fine. Trey’s really dead.” I couldn’t make my mind accept it.

Grant kissed the top of his head. “Yes, sweetheart. He’ll never touch you again.”

“You killed him for me.”

“I did.”

“I should be upset. I should… You shot him.”

The world swirled around me. Grant had shot a man for me. Over and over. I shuddered as I thought about his body lying in the grass below us.

“He was going to kill you.”

“He would have killed you too.”