Page 37 of The Renegade

When I shoved the doors open, Rogue stepped from behind the tack room door, a gun aimed at my chest.

He jumped and lowered his weapon. “Jesus, I almost shot you.”

“What’s going on? Where’s—”

Jacob stepped out behind Rogue. When he saw me, his eyes widened.

“What are you doing here?”

“It was safer here. I… We…” His voice shook, and he was much too pale.

“Safer than the house? What the hell is going on? I heard shots.”

“Madison saw the guy again along with at least one more man. I came to tell Rhys. Then he went after them, and I stayed with Jacob.”

“In the barn?”

“Once we heard shots, I wasn’t going to leave.”

What was Jacob doing out there? I’d have to figure that out later. “Are you both okay?”

“Yes.” He took Jacob’s arm and pulled him out so I could fully see them both.

I gave him a careful once-over. He appeared uninjured. “Stay here with Rogue and do exactly what he tells you.”

He nodded slowly. I hated how scared he looked. When I found the men who were prowling around, I would tear them apart for doing that to him. I didn’t want to leave him, but Rhys was out there along with others I’d vowed to protect. I was in charge. It was my duty to find them.

“Which way did Rhys go?”

Rogue explained, and I turned to leave.

“Don’t go,” Jacob pleaded. I turned around, and the fear in his eyes made my heart skip a beat.

“Don’t worry,” Rogue said. “Grant’s unstoppable. You don’t have to worry about him.”

Jacob scowled at my brother. “He’s not immortal, and you said it was dangerous to cross the open space. He’ll be an easy target crossing all those pastures.”

Rogue looked between Jacob and me.

My chest tightened, and I wasn’t sure I could speak around the knot in my throat. Jacob looked so damn vulnerable, but I couldn’t stay.

Voices outside the barn had me motioning Jacob and Rogue back into the tack room. I ducked into a stall and held my gun steady. No intruders were getting past me.

Seconds later, I realized the men outside were Rhys and Colton.

“What the hell happened? I asked when Rhys dismissed the younger man and entered the barn.

“Grant? You’re back?”

“I am. Now talk.”

After repeating what Rogue had told me, he said, “TJ fired a warning shot before I got out there. They returned fire, so we had to go on the offensive. One of them is dead, but the one Colton saw the other day escaped.”

“How the fuck did that happen?”

“He literally just disappeared,” Rhys said. “Remember Ghost?”

I nodded.