Page 97 of The Night Hunting

But there was something else who made me hesitate.


She could have attacked me when we last met. She could have fought Shane and the others and tried keeping me there. She could have done so many other things. But she had let me go. Plain and simple.

If I tried reaching her now, would she hear me? Or would she attack me?

What now?Lucille asked in our minds.

The vampires might be hours away,Shane said.If we don’t attack now, we’ll be too late.

The four of us against thirty something?Forty?Dom asked.It might already be too late.

So we just give up?Shane said.If we can’t stop Paimon, then we at least need to buy some time until the vampires get here.He turned his head and looked at us with his wolf eyes.Ready?

The three of us nodded.

As one, we ran from behind the rocks and down the valley.

The first line of demons didn’t even see us coming. I jumped at the back of one and clamped my mouth around his throat, with enough force to snap his neck. I flinched with the sound, but didn’t dwell on it. I let his body fall and ran to another one.

Shane and I ran toward Paimon and Ivy, dodging demons who turned to us, or taking them down as fast as we could.

I killed the third one and dodged the fourth, when Ivy’s voice rang clear through the valley.

“She’s mine.” My half sister strolled toward me, like a model on a catwalk, and halted four feet from me. The demons obeyed her and took several steps back. “You don’t expect me to fight a wolf, do you?”

I looked around. Shane had reached Paimon, but the higher demon taunted him by shielding himself behind demons, sending them toward Shane, and throwing his darkfire bolts here and there.

On the other side, Dom and Lucille fought Rotgar and other demons as hard as they could, getting their number down, but not fast enough.

I shifted back into my human form. “You want to fight with darkfire because you know you’re better than me there.”

Ivy scoffed. “First, please, get dressed.”

I rolled my eyes. Really? That now? “I didn’t think you were a prude.”

“I’m not, but I don’t need to see my sister naked, do I?”

Other races weren’t as used to nakedness like we were, so I grabbed the long t-shirt I had brought in my fanny pack and hastily put it on. “Better?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Not your best look.”

I seethed. “Cut the crap, Ivy!”

“If you insist.” She lifted her hands and darkfire blasts flew at me.

On instinct, I ducked and raised my arm to deflect her hits. “That’s all you can do?” In turn, I sent her bolts of my own.

For a couple of minutes, we threw darkfire and danced around each other, moving along the ring formed by the demons. In that time, something was clear: Ivy wasn’t using most of her magic and neither was I. We didn’t hurt the other.

I stopped, facing her as a darkfire bolt zipped toward me and hit me square in the chest. I grunted, my shoulders ricocheting back, but as I expected, it didn’t hurt much.

Ivy’s eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

“I won’t fight you.”

“You must!”