Page 34 of Stalked By Monsters

“What about Prince?” I ask, hoping they can’t hear the nervous energy ratcheting up in my voice.

“He’s your partner for class,” Harper says, her brows creasing as she stares back at me as though that point should have been obvious. “How are you going to be able to work off enough magic without alerting him?”

“I’ll have to stay in control, but I think I should be able to use enough power and not call attention to myself,” I say, relief flooding me at the direction of her thoughts. “And I’ll start using my magic for everyday tasks too, anything to help ease the strain.”

“I guess we’ll give it a try,” Harper huffs out on a breath of frustration. “But if you’re not getting out enough power, or you think Denver might be catching on, we’ll need to demand that Landon switches the pairs.”

“Agreed,” I say, completely on the same page with my best friend.

“We should get back to the other issue at hand,” Carter says, gesturing to the book still sitting on my bed. “We have to find out more about this monster and how you ended up transporting your subconscious to this dream realm.”

“I was hoping you weren’t going to say that,” I groan, and sink back down onto my bed.

“Tough luck,” Carter replies. “Now stop being a chicken and open it up.”

I sigh in resignation and flip open the pages to where I’d been reading in the library the other day. There’s a section labeled ‘Transportation to Realms’.

“Transportation across the realms is strictly forbidden, and anyone caught doing so willingly will be subject to a trial by their peers,” I read aloud, grimacing down at the text. “Although all texts containing any spells have been locked away, and are only to be accessed by the elders, there are some who have the innate ability to cross through the fabric of the worlds. Those who possess this ability must have a connection in both realms, tying them to their form. Only their mind is able to travel, which creates minimal risk, but all connections must be disclosed to the elders.”

I scan the rest of the page but it just goes on more about how one should never cross the realms and the history that Landon explained on the first day of class.

“Connection?” Carter asks, his brows furrowed as he stares at the book now lying open in my lap, as though it may just answer all his questions for him.

“It doesn’t even explain what the hell a connection is.” I scowl down at the book like it’s purposely withholding information from me. “How would I have a connection with—him?” I ask, tripping over the word monster again, still unwilling to admit that’s what Damon truly is.

“I have no idea,” Harper murmurs, staring out the arched window on the other side of the room.

“And a connection in each realm, what sort of connection? Family?” he asks, his eyes widening at the possibility.

“I seriously don’t think any of our family are monsters, otherwise you’d find yourself with the same problem,” I say, frowning. “Right?”

“I don’t think we can rule anything out yet,” Carter says, and stands from his place on the couch. “I’m going to check out the library and see if there are any other books I can find on what sort of connection that might be. But for now, we don’t say anything.”

Harper’s attention snaps back to him as she nods her agreement. “We shouldn’t even discuss it unless we have a silencing spell on the room like now.”

“Agreed,” I conclude, closing the thick book with an echoing smack. “I’ll keep looking through this one in the meantime, and we’ll plan to discuss it in a week.”

“And I’ll be sure to keep an eye on you while we’re in class,” Harper says, standing from the bed and making her way to the door. “Maybe we should come up with a code so we know if there’s something urgent. We don’t want to leave it until things are about to explode in our faces.” The message is clearly meant for me judging by the pointed look she gives me.

“I vote for pineapple,” Carter says without a hint of amusement on his face.

“What?” Both Harper and I blurt the question aloud with similar looks of confusion.

“Pineapple,” he repeats with a sigh of exasperation. “That should be our code word.”

“Why?” My brain is already aching as I attempt to follow his thoughts.

“Because I love pineapple and Harper hates it,” he explains, as though we’re both idiots for not guessing that. “Sounds perfect to me.”

“Fine. The codeword is pineapple.” The pounding in my temple worsens.

Harper grumbles something under her breath but thankfully doesn’t argue.

“I’ll see you both at dinner,” Harper says, her hand poised on the doorknob but she pauses, looking back at me. “And no more keeping stuff from us.”

“I won’t,” I say, my stomach souring as the lie slips from my lips.

“Seriously, Aria,” Carter holds my gaze, his eyes boring into me, and I nod. I hate myself for doing this, but what choice do I have. Neither of them would understand—hell I don’t even understand it.