Page 91 of Deception

The kiss is hard, and demanding just like Mateo. The thought causes me to giggle against his lips until he rolls his hips against mine again, making me gasp.

“Be careful, little mate. I’ve been sitting back, but now it’s my turn to be in control,” he growls against my mouth, his eyes sparkling with wicked delight, the look making my heart thud against my chest in anticipation.

“Oh ya, I’ll believe it when I see it,” I say with a teasing grin. “I believe you promised to make me scream your name, and I’ve been waiting—”

His hand clasps the back of my neck as his mouth crashes on mine, both of us fighting for control of the pace. My back arches as he presses his hard cock against me again.

I pull my lips from his, about to demand he unbuttons his pants when a noise from the hallway makes my blood freeze in my veins.

“Mateo.” I tap a hand against his armored chest, halting his movement partway to my neck. My head darts to the side, listening intently for any other noise.

“Fuck,” he curses at the sound of footsteps echoing down the empty hall. His hands move under me to scoop me up against him, maneuvering us over to the corner of the room. I unwind my feet from around his waist to stand on my own but really, what was the likelihood that they’d be coming in here of all places.

Well, if I was still in the mortal realm, I would definitely buy a lottery ticket since the brass doorknob twists, the wooden door swinging open to reveal two figures shrouded in darkness. I squint, attempting to make out their forms, but I don’t see the telltale outline of wings.

Mateo turns his back to me, shielding me from whomever just entered through the office door. I peer around his massive form to watch them step into the room.

“How long will they be out?” a woman whispers, moving to the wall to switch on the lights. I clap a hand over my mouth to muffle my startled gasp before I remember I blocked our sounds. The orb light illuminates the two women’s faces. The last two women who should be here, Helene and Anastasia. Mateo steps forward, but I wrap an arm around his waist, keeping him with me.

“We’ll learn more like this,” I whisper, sighing a breath of relief when his body relaxes in my hold.

“We should have half an hour,” Anastasia’s voice wavers, cringing away under Helene’s regard.

“You’re supposed to be the god of nature. You should know how long your herbal tincture will keep them asleep for,” Helene snarls, a sea breeze lifting her hair up around her.

“I know, but every person processes it differently. The minimum should be half an hour, though,” Anastasia explains, closing the door behind them.

“Fine, it shouldn’t take us that long, anyway.” Helene kicks up the corner of a dark red rug adorning the hardwood floor before stooping to inspect the floorboards.

“Wouldn’t the others have found whatever you’re searching for already?” Anastasia wobbles as her limbs shake in fear.

“No you idiot, I used a spell, so the opening is only visible when I use my powers.” She huffs out a breath of irritation before placing her hands above the board, and the sea breeze spreads throughout the room, tickling the inside of my nose with its salty smell.

Helene’s grin broadens as the board pops open, her fingers eagerly grasping at an object inside. She hurriedly slides it into her pocket before I can even make out what it is, sealing the board back over the opening.

“Let’s go before anyone wakes up,” Helene hisses, glancing around the room nervously before flipping the rug back. Their footsteps are quiet as they make their way to the hallway, and Helene turns off the light. She grins maniacally before she shuts the door, retreating to their residences.

“Let’s go after them,” Mateo growls, stomping towards the door.

“You know as well as I, whatever she had will be gone by the time we get to them. She probably had five different plans in place, just in case they got caught.” My shoulders slump in defeat, but my eyes find their way back to that floorboard.

“We’ve got to do something,” he growls, pacing back and forth in the small office.

My feet seem to move on their own accord, pulling me to her hiding place. “What if this is why you couldn’t find anything?” I ask, almost to myself, lowering to my knees.

He pauses his pacing, eyeing me curiously as I pull back the rug.

“What if I could use her power? Do you think it would open for me?” I glance up at Mateo, my lips quirking to the side as I run the thought over in my mind.

I place my hands over the hardwood, not waiting for a response, and concentrate on the power inside me. Pulling up the memory of the crisp sea air tickling my nose, lifting my hair, and I focus that out through my palms. I pause, waiting a moment, but nothing happens, no gust of air, no click of the board.

I try again, imagining this time the breeze carried by the crashing waves of the open sea. My eyes snap open at the click of the board popping open.

“You did it,” Mateo says. I breathe a sigh of relief and lift the piece of wood. My hand searches in the open space, making sure I haven’t missed anything before pulling out the only other item in there, a stack of paper tied with a string to fit in the small space.

Well, here’s hoping they tell us something.