Page 8 of Deception

Ipace before the grand entryway, keeping my gaze focused on the distance. Searching for any sign of their return. I grumble under my breath, annoyance rising in me. What on earth could be taking so long? I clench my hands into fists, attempting to get rid of the tingling sensation spreading through them. My heart is racing in my chest. I already want to pummel Adrian for leaving her there in the first place. But, knowing Kyros, our mate batted her eyelashes and got him to go along with her hair-brained plans.

I brush a hand back through my short hair, the movement doing nothing other than to expel some of the nervous energy rushing through my body.

“Is she here yet?” Maximus rumbles behind me. I jump at his voice, nearly leaping into the air in surprise. I internally scold myself for letting my defenses get so low. I am the God of War. I need to be ready at a moment’s notice. I can’t let my senses grow so weak that even Maximus’s hulking form could sneak up on me.

“Do you think I would be pacing like this if she was here already?” I lash out, taking out my frustration on him. The fucker deserves it, after all. He’s the reason our mate left in the first place. I block out that small voice at the back of my mind that says he wasn’t the only one at fault. No, it was his fault. I would continue to put all the blame on his shoulders. Maybe a little on hers too. If it wasn’t for the asshole Osias and his fucking meetings, I would have been here more. I would have made sure there was no doubt in her mind of our connection.

I hear his warning snarl behind me, the two of us too near our breaking point to be exchanging heated words. Especially when Kyros isn’t here to talk us down.

“What did Adrian have to say for himself?” I ask, changing the subject to someone we could both direct our anger towards. I give him a sidelong glance. His fists are clenched and his teeth gritting in frustration.

“He had nothing else to say,” he growls the words, turning around, looking for something to slam his fist into to release the anger boiling inside him. The only thing being the pillars, holding up the stone overhang on the entryway. That is not a mess I’m willing to clean up.

“Kyros will get her back here, don’t worry, brother.” I clasp his shoulder, willing us to both believe the words. I see the effects of my sentiment almost immediately. He unclenches his hands, allowing them to rest at his sides, his eyes losing the flames of fury once lighting them.

A figure forms in the distance, cutting our conversation off abruptly—a single form appearing on the cobblestone path. The wards had been repaired almost immediately after our battle with Titus. I echo Maximus’s growl beside me, seeing the solitary male form making his way up the path.

“If that is Kyros, without her, I swear to the ethereals—” I grumble the words I’m sure are running through his mind as well, before I see the figure clearly, making his way up the marble stairs.

“Osias,” The name leaves my lips on a snarl. I instinctively step forward into his path. There is no way I’m going to let this colossal asshole in here when my mate is about to show up at any moment.

“I didn’t realize I ordered a welcoming team.” He chuckles, eyeing me dismissively. “What great service. I should come here more often.” The sarcasm rolls off of him in waves.

He climbs the last stair, rising to his full height. He matches me, Maximus standing a couple of inches taller than us both. Osias’ blond hair gleams in the sunlight, making him look like the superior god he always claims to be. His sea-green eyes assess me before he scoffs, as he always does. Apparently, finding something lacking. I puff out my chest in the challenge, my fists clenching at my sides. Barely holding myself back. The only thing stopping me from sending a fist squarely into his pompous face is the fact that my mate will be here at any moment.

I breathe out a sigh of frustration, my earlier nerves shifting from wanting her back now to hoping Kyros will continue to waste time, wherever he is.

“What are you doing here?” I grind out between clenched teeth. Repeating the command, not to punch him through my head, hoping it will keep my fist from acting on its own accord.

“What do you mean? Now that the Ascension has finished, I have every right to attend this school,” he states smugly, crossing his arms over his chest in triumph. His perfectly tailored power suit only adds to the pompous look.

“When was the last time a god actually attended to see their demigod progeny? Let alone the leader of the majors attending for no reason but to be a pain in my ass.” I scoff, mirroring his posture. If he wants to act like a pompous prick, I can do the same.

“Well, since you caused a temper tantrum when you were told it was your turn to monitor the school. I figured I might as well come by to see what all the fuss is about.” He chuckles condescendingly.

I hear a laugh rumble from Maximus’ chest, and I give him a sidelong glare. Not needing these two fuckers ganging up on me right now. If anything, Maximus should be on my side. We really can’t let Osias know about Olivia, especially since finding out she is a goddess. His attention would not be a good thing.

“Hello Maximus, good to see you doing well. Hope life at the school isn’t treating you as poorly as your brother over there,” Osias murmurs conspiratorially, pointing at me with his thumb over his shoulder.

Maximus goes to open his mouth, but I shoot him another glare, willing him to shut it back up. The last thing we need is for him to let something slip. Giving Osias the information we’re desperate to keep from him. Maximus purses his lips in frustration before giving me a curt nod, understanding lighting in his eyes. Despite my hatred for the pompous prick before me, he and Maximus had always gotten along. Osias is one of the few gods who can understand him completely, having to handle and deal with the same powers as him.

“Cut the shit Osias. I know you have an ulterior motive,” I press on, needing to get to the bottom of his seemingly random visit.

“I don’t answer to you,” he states, stepping closer to me, his hands dropping to his side. His earlier facade fades away—the true leader of the ethereal majors coming out now. Good, after thousands of years, I really have neither the time nor the patience to deal with his bullshit.

“I am in charge of the safety and security of the demigods in this school. So, yes, you do have to answer to me.” I step forward, mirroring his intimidation tactic.

His face transforms so drastically at my words, I can’t help but blink in confusion. His eyebrows lift, a smile creeping across his lips, keen eyes sparkling with pure delight.

“I’ll take your position then,” he pronounces, as though simply saying the words would make it true.

“Excuse me?” I ask incredulously—my jaw-dropping in shock. Osias wants to watch over the school. The only ethereal god exempted from taking a shift every few hundred years, now states that he will take my position. My jaw snaps closed, eyes narrowing on him. Full of wary suspicion.

“You heard me. I’m taking your spot. You can go back to your home.” He crosses his arms back over his chest, his expression not allowing any room for argument. “You should be grateful,” he proclaims, setting my teeth on edge.

“You can’t just—” I pause at the chime of a phone. All three of us check our pockets, pulling out our phones with the same level of anxious energy. I sigh in disappointment at the lack of new messages on my home screen. I stuff the contraption back in my pocket, ready to continue my tirade, when Osias lifts up a finger in front of my face. I bare my teeth at him, sure steam must be rising from my skin with the anger burning through me at his snide gesture.

His brows crease, smug smile dropping from his face. I pause on the rare slip from the leader. His face is usually either an impassive mask or glowing with pompous glee.