Page 73 of Deception

Tingles run through my limbs, and voices filter through my mind, but I can barely make out the words. My mind is still reeling from the events of this morning.

She was almost taken—Titus almost overpowered all of us and took her. We sat helplessly behind that barrier of black smoke, simply watching the scene unfold before us. Powerless to do anything to stop it.

My mind whirrs with the events of the past few months, the series of attacks overwhelming me. I felt stagnant before Liv popped into my life, having completely immersed myself in my work. My life revolved around other gods and our petty squabbles, looking to cling to any shred of power. The constant back and forth between all of them had me feeling beyond tired, so I retreated into my books any spare moment I had.

Each century washed into the next with little meaning. So I lost myself in my quest for knowledge, soaking up every available text, hoping it would fulfill me. My power is healing, but there was only so much that could be done, for humanity, for the world. Reading had always been my escape, whether I was delving into a different world or enhancing my knowledge with my skills or facts.

Sure, my power brings good, helps others, but the amount of bloodshed I’ve seen is enough to make anyone doubt the goodness of others. Enough to question if there would ever be any end, or if each realm was destined to repeat its mistakes in a cyclic fashion, cutting down their adversaries in a quest for power.

Books and knowledge were my escape from that reality, for the ominous thoughts looming over me that no matter how many people I heal, there will always be hundreds I’m unable to get to in time. That many creatures are killed and maimed for the pettiest of reasons, and the number just seems to keep growing.

I never realized what I was truly missing until Liv came crashing into my life. A small smile tips my lips as I remember that first day in the library and how she felt in my arms as I caught her, how she gazed up into my eyes. I want her to know she is as protected as she was then, nestled safely in my arms.

Love is what many fight for, kill for, and I now understand that aspect of death and destruction. It all clicked into place when I saw Titus’ face across the room, watching gleefully as Liv was shrouded in shadows, pushed closer and closer to his waiting portal. His look of amusement at seeing us all trapped behind that barrier, helplessly pounding away, knowing the act was fruitless, but continuing anyway. Desperate need was the only factor driving us, my mind focused on the singular thought of saving her.

If it hadn’t been for her quick thinking, we would have lost her. Titus could have brought her anywhere, giving us no chance to come after her. We could have all the firepower in the world, but if he hid her away in the infernal realm, we wouldn’t have the faintest idea where to look for her, or how to overpower the dark gods to get her back.

But when I saw Titus’ smug smirk, thinking he had won, the overwhelming urge to smite him where he stood washed over me. My hands clench together into fists at the thought of being matched up with him. Wishing I had an offensive power right about now. I may be a well-trained fighter, but I would need some sort of attack power to defend against his own.

I glance over at my brothers—Maximus leans against a wall, his face pulled down into a dark glower, watching each of the council members with dark intent. Letting his malice waft off him in waves. I can only imagine the thoughts running through his mind, most likely similar to my own, but with a much darker edge, judging by his intense glare.

My gaze moves to the council, assessing them. Had they known what was about to happen? Had they orchestrated everything today to aid in Titus’ attempt, or had it all been an unfortunate series of events that played out before us? Titus merely hoped to catch Liv off guard with her powers drained from the trial.

I smile slightly as my mind moves to thoughts of her performance. Sure, her trials were more difficult, more deadly than any of the other students, but I knew she could handle them. Not only did she show an excellent mastery of her powers, but her intellect clearly shone through in the way she attacked each challenge. My chest swells with pride at her recognition of the ignis demon, knowing exactly what power to use on it.

She used each of the concepts taught to her and melded them together, using her power in more ways than I would have thought possible with such little opportunity to wield them. Memories of the other night in my office spring to mind, as I told her how proud I was of her progress. Her bravery and spirit shine brighter every day, and I can hardly believe she is the same girl that, only a few weeks before, refused to even use any of her powers, who was scared to even use her healing in fear of hurting anyone.

“Do I look like a buffoon?” Mateo’s roar jerks me from my thoughts, sending my gaze up at the auditorium stage. Mateo stands from his ornate gold throne, along with the other majors.

Osias stands beside him, and none of us miss the muffled laughter, he fights to suppress at Mateo’s word choice. The term one Osias himself has called Mateo countless times throughout the centuries.

Most of the day has passed while waiting for the other majors to arrive, at Osias’ behest, to decide the council’s fate. My nerves are frayed after the long hours spent watching over the council, the four of us had stood guard over them while Adrian took Liv to recover.

Nyssa steps out beside them, extending her scepter. Electricity buzzes from it, striking out to ensnare the council members. Their faces pale at the god of justice’s power wrapping around them and holding them in place. Victor’s stills, held frozen for a moment before he thrashes against the restraints. The blood quickly pumps back to his face as it reddens from the effort, the power tightening its hold on him with every movement he makes.

Her powers would keep them still until a judgment could be made. However, it would not block their own powers. I eye them suspiciously, searching for any sign of them reaching for their powers to attack.

The others stay motionless as they watch Victor struggle against the power. He apparently still has not learned that every move he makes would only make it worse.

“For fuck’s sake you moron, stop struggling,” Orrin chastises, stepping up with the other majors. He casts a look of disgust down at Victor, shaking his head in disbelief, his blond shoulder-length hair swinging around him.

Helene doesn’t look frightened or concerned like the others. No, she merely stares back at the major defiantly, sitting still in her seat as though the band of power wrapping around her doesn’t exist. Her gaze is filled with so much antagonism, it makes me wary. If she truly had anything to do with the attack, this would not be the way to glean anything from her.

A cool wind whips around the room, carrying the fresh sea salt scent of the sea. I step forward, glancing up at the stage about to warn the others when it vanishes. The breeze lifting my hair is snuffed out so abruptly, my loose curls flop back against my head. I drag my gaze from the stage to meet Helene’s cold cunning one, pinning me in place.

I narrow my gaze on her—she won’t intimidate me. Her power may be deadly and her mind constantly spinning, plotting, but I won’t allow her to silence me. She very well could be the reason that Titus knew the exact moment to strike Liv. So I won’t be letting her get away with any show of force. We may not have any proof just yet, but that doesn’t make me trust her. The council may be powerful, but the force of all of the majors combined would overpower them in a heartbeat, not to mention the addition of Maximus’ power of destruction.

I remember Liv focusing her power and energy on closing the portal. Her already tired body, fighting with every ounce of strength she had left to block off Titus’ access.

We were all torn between taking Liv back to the manor and getting to the bottom of today’s events. Eventually, we decided it would be best for Adrian to just take her back, and the rest of us to interrogate the council. With Liv gone, it feels as though a part of me went with her and I’m not fully able to focus on the events happening around me, as worry grips my chest.

Adrian refused to let go of her after catching her limp form inches before she hit the ground. Pushing the rest of us out of the way to get there first. The last month has had such an immense toll on both of them. I can only hope today showed him that he can no longer sit back when it comes to our mate. I can see the love shining bright for each other, just as I’m sure anyone can see the same in me.

I truly wasn’t sure how I would get past Liv having all four of us as mates, but these past few weeks have shown me what a blessing it is.

For the past few centuries, my brothers and I have been falling apart. Each of us caught up in our own pursuits, duties, and the drama of the ethereal realm. It was as though each of us had been stagnant, waiting to find a mate that hadn’t even been brought to this world yet.

But this shared connection with Olivia is not only bringing us closer, but is bringing meaning back to our lives. And that is something I’m grateful is happening, not only for myself but also for my brothers. Looking back now, I can clearly see that they too were passing through life without truly living and appreciating each day. But now, there’s a renewed vigor in us all, a will to carry on through a world that can become monotonous at times.