Page 70 of Deception

Panic grips me as a thick band of smoke wraps around my middle. I thrash against the pressure, desperately attempting to escape its hold. My breath catches in my throat and fear closes around me like a vise.

“Angel, it’s just me, you’re okay.”

My heart leaps at the nickname and voice that accompanies it. The last vestiges of sleep that clung to me now fall away.

My brow knits together in confusion, slowly piecing together my surroundings. I run a hand over my soft sheets, noticing my covers draped over me. Adrian pulls me back against him, his hand running over my hair—now loose from my messy bun—in a soothing gesture.

I hold back the question poised on my tongue, not wanting to break the illusion if that’s what this is. I lightly pinch my arm, holding my breath as I wait to see if this is another dream.

“Angel?” Adrian asks, his warm, thick fingers moving to clasp my chin and tilt it back to meet him. I lean into the touch, turning to face him fully. The movement causes a few inches of space between us, and I fight the urge to close the distance and press my chest against his. I look down, finding myself wearing a black silk nightgown in place of my training clothes, which were undoubtedly ripped and ravaged by the trial and attack by Titus.

I slowly peruse Adrian’s bare chest, my fingers itching to run over his sculpted abs and trail over the familiar valleys and ridges there.

“Are you alright?” His worried tone draws me back, blinking away the trancelike state. Despite his tone, there’s a mischievous glint in his crystal blue eyes, betraying the fact that he caught my gaze.

My heart pangs at that look, unable to place the last time I saw that easy-going smirk or teasing look in his eyes.

“I’m alright,” I answer, seeing that he’s waiting for some sort of response. My words come out softer than I intend, sadness tingeing them at the sense of loss that sweeps over me.

“Hey.” He tips my chin up, I hadn’t even realized my gaze had drifted down again. I reluctantly meet his eyes, and they flit back and forth between my own. Searching for something.

He exhales a long breath, his eyelids fluttering closed for a moment, forehead crinkling in concentration, as though steeling himself. My breath catches in my throat, and dread pools in my gut, greedily taking in every facial expression, preparing to guard my heart against the inevitable rejection.

“Look, Olivia, I can’t do this anymore.” His tone is pained as he rushes out the words. Pain lances through my chest, even with my preparation. I inhale sharply as though those words were a physical blow to my heart.

His eyes pop open at the sound, softening on mine as he cups my face between his warm palms. Lightly smushing my cheeks.

“Stop jumping to conclusions,” he says sternly, nodding my head with each word. A nervous chuckle escapes, unable to hold it back despite my stomach churning wildly.

“I meant, I can’t keep holding you at arm’s length. Today showed me that—we almost lost you, Liv.” His words cut off abruptly, and I reach out for him, placing my palms on his chest in a reassuring gesture, needing to feel him with me just as much as he needs my touch.

“Titus almost took you today—again. If you hadn’t thought quickly, who knows where you would be right now.” He exhales with a long sigh. I really have had little time to think about everything myself. The events this morning—was it even the same day—had happened so suddenly, I barely had time to react, let alone process the emotions rushing through me.

I take in a shuddering breath at that thought, my mind revisiting the picture engrained there. Titus waits eagerly on the opposite side of the portal, the transparent blue surface distorting his features, making his maniacal grin even more chilling.

One of Adrian’s hands drops from cupping my cheeks and runs along the curve of my neck to rub my bicep in soothing strokes. I blink away the memories, not even realizing my limbs had started to shake at the scene running back through my mind.

“You’re safe,” he whispers reassuringly, his hand still rubbing small circles on my arm, helping to warm my chilled bones. I push the thoughts from my head to focus on the here and now. Titus didn’t succeed, I’m safe with Adrian’s warm body nestled close to me.

“Today made me realize I don’t want to waste another moment without you. I don’t want to dwell on the negative memories. I need to create new ones.” His hand stills on my arm, and he lightly squeezes it, holding my gaze ensnared in his. “I can’t keep living like this, as a shell of my former self.”

My lips pull down at his words, pain slicing through me at the fact that I made him feel that. Not only had he felt the pain of loss, but he felt like he lost a piece of himself because of me.

“Hey, stop that,” he warns, thumb brushing against my cheek. “You didn’t do that, I did. I continued to hold on to those negative thoughts and feelings long past when I should have because of my pride. That’s my fault, not yours.”

How is he always able to read my self-deprecating thoughts with just a look?

“But it’s at least partly my fault.” I pause, pulling back when he attempts to interrupt me. “I know you didn’t want to hear it before, but I have to tell you for us to move past this.”

He pulls in a long breath, the air hissing past his teeth as he runs my words over in his head. Indecision wars on his face, and I can almost see his internal struggle over my impending words. I need him to hear the truth, to understand the thoughts whirring through my mind, especially that day in Mexico.

He nods solemnly, his crystal blue gaze meeting mine with a look of determination.

“That day on the beach, I admit I was trying to move on. I’d convinced myself that Maximus’ words were true, that none of you truly wanted to be with me.”

I pause, seeing his brows furrow, and I smooth my hand over his arm, mimicking the same calming gesture he did for me just moments ago.

“I know the truth now. My own insecurities blinded me from seeing the truth then, though. I’m working on them. It may take time, but I want to be here. I’m in this, Adrian, and I’m not leaving.”