Page 44 of Deception

Maximus pulls open the heavy doors of the dining hall, and I let him guide me through them. My gaze locked on the hand he still has firmly grasped in his. Kyros waits for us in the hallway. Chewing my lip nervously, I glance between the two of them, gauging their reactions.

I expect to see hurt or betrayal cross his features when he sees Maximus’ hand engulfing my own, but he only smiles down at me, pushing his tousled brown curls from his face. The acceptance makes me remember the scene in Kyros’ office, and tendrils of desire lick up my spine. Imagining if that had happened now that mine and Maximus’ relationship has progressed, and how different the ending could have been.

My body lights with excitement as Kyros wraps an arm around my waist, his hand splaying on my lower back.

“I hope you had a good lunch,” Kyros murmurs, smiling down at me. I go to answer him when my heart plummets in my chest as Maximus’ hand slips away. Shifting my fingers to thread between his, I keep his hand firmly clasped in mine. My head whips in his direction, silently chastising him as I look up through my brows, my lips pulling down in a grimace.

Nope, I wouldn’t let him slip away now that Kyros is here. If this is supposed to work between all of us, I need to show them that I care about them all equally, and I wouldn’t flit from one man to another at the drop of a hat. They’re all mine, and I’m all of theirs.

He huffs out a breath of annoyance at my persistence, but I see the tension leave his body, as his shoulders lose some of their rigidness and his hand relaxes against mine, finally relenting. I smile gleefully, breaking our gaze, but I don’t miss the exasperated sigh that leaves his lips.

They nod to each other, coming to some sort of silent agreement. My brows knit together at that, unsure of how they all seem to know exactly what the other is thinking without any of them saying a word. Sometimes they’ll even pick up mid-sentence as though completing some internal conversation.

Kyros guides me forward with his hand on my lower back, and Maximus stays by my side, taking us in the direction of the courtyard. My chest warms with contentment at the two blood brothers and their acceptance of each other and their respective connections to me. A goofy grin lifts my lips as they lead me out to the courtyard. I’m completely fine if they’re possessive with other men, but it fills my heart with joy that they can both be touching me in this way without going for each other’s throats—well, more so Maximus.

We make our way down the steps and along the cobblestone path in a comfortable silence and I relish the feeling of having both of them so close to me. When we pass through the wards Maximus tries to release my hand, but I only grip him tighter, I let loose a sound of protest when Kyros goes to slide his hand from my back and I step closer, not wanting either of them to let go just yet.

Kyros chuckles while Maximus grunts out a sound of annoyance, but they both humor me, letting me keep them both close to me for a few moments longer. I feel the familiar pull of power, my body breaking apart in a swirl of silent wind and reappearing a moment later in front of the grand manor. I step towards the towering building, ready to go inside, when Kyros’ hand slides to my hip, his finger lightly gripping me and halting my movement.

“Your father’s waiting for you behind the manor. We figured it would be less conspicuous for him to wait there. We don’t need the council’s eyes on us,” Kyros explains, jerking me out of my contented daze. My smile instantly falls at his words. The interaction between Kyros and Maximus had completely distracted me from the reason we’re going back to the manor in the first place.

I haven’t seen my father since that first day, the only communication I received was a text from him a few days later apologizing that he wouldn’t be able to come back until the first trial. My stomach sinks as I replay his broken promises. Despite knowing the truth now, that he’s not only a god but the leader of the light majors, I can’t help but feel that familiar sting of disappointment at another promise not kept. Unlike the times before, though, I know I’m not the reason for it.

Three weeks have passed, and I’m sure he isn’t here to give me answers. I chew my lip, dispelling some of my nervous energy. There must be something wrong for him to be here a day early.

“Do you want us to go with you?” Maximus grumbles. I look up, expecting to see annoyance on his stupid, handsome face, my mouth already opening to tell him off. I definitely don’t need an attitude when my body is thrumming with anxious tension as it is now.

To my surprise, his brows are creased with concern, giving me as soft an expression as I’m sure he can muster. The tension immediately flees, my own annoyance relinquishing its hold on me.

“No, I’m sure he wants to speak alone,” I answer, shaking my head in response. I squeeze his hand in thanks, giving him a tight smile. Reluctantly, I release my grip on his hand, letting it fall to my side, already missing his strong presence entwined with mine.

Kyros’ hand slips from my waist, and I turn to him, catching it before it can fall to his side. I give him the same departure, grateful for his kindness and support, and my eyes soften as I look up into his honey-brown ones, silently relaying my gratitude. He nods in understanding, squeezing my hand reassuringly. Letting his hand drop from mine, he takes a step back, as though putting some distance between us is the only way he’ll be able to let me walk off alone. Emotions still high from the last time I left without any of them at my side.

I’m struck by that thought, one if not both, have been by my side since I came back, and I hadn’t realized how used to their strong, comforting presences I’ve become. A chill runs over my skin at their distance, and I wish I could lean in and give them both a chaste kiss before I leave. To cement my feelings for them both, and reassure them that I’ll be coming back.

I’m not sure how well that would go over just yet, seeing as they needed to have a silent conversation over my head, just to both touch me, even in a comforting manner. A tiny sliver of hope blooms in my chest, mixing with the dread that twists in my gut at the prospect of whatever my father wishes to speak to me about.

Hesitantly, I step away, knowing I need to, for all our sakes. It wouldn’t help anyone if I never left their side. We need to be able to spend time apart to build the trust between us all and strengthen our relationships. I let that thought bolster my resolve and turn from them, taking a deep breath to steel myself for what’s to come.

Come on, Liv, it’s your father, I chide. Despite that, I know there’s been a shift, a disconnect between our lives in the mortal realms and our roles here. I don’t know how I fit into his world, and I’m not sure how he’ll fit into mine. The number of secrets between us are piling up like an impenetrable wall—I hope we can break through. Despite everything, he’s my father, and I know he loves me just as much as I love him. I know he must have a reason for keeping the truth from me, like he did for keeping my powers from me.

I follow the cobblestone path up to the house, turning where it branches off to the side of the house. The manor is imposing, I’ve never really noticed the weathered stone exterior. Ivy climbs up the side of the house and wraps around the back.

I turn the corner into the sprawling garden that lies here, and I exhale a deep breath, taking in the beauty of the lush green grass spreading out for miles. A gazebo made up of marble columns with ivy wrapping up around them breaks up the landscape.

A shadowed figure stands within the structure, and I narrow my eyes, squinting to see clearer. My father steps out at that moment, his familiar straw, blond hair gleaming in the sunlight. I exhale a breath of relief and follow the path down to the gazebo. Thankfully, he wasn’t in the middle of the wide-open lawn where the path doesn’t reach. Otherwise, I’d need to slip off my shoes to meet him. I don’t want to ruin another pair of heels by sinking them into the damp dirt.

My father retreats under the shaded gazebo, gesturing for me to follow him. I climb the few steps up, steadying myself against one of the towering columns, the marble floor slippery under my heels.

“Careful, Liv,” he warns, reaching out a hand to help steady me. I accept his proffered hand, allowing him to guide me over to a long marble bench along the side of the marble railing.

He lets me go, waving a hand around us. The same gold sheen of magic washes over the sides, effectively disabling anyone else from hearing our conversation.

“Now we can speak,” he announces, brushing off the imaginary lint from his grey suit jacket, and straightening the fine designer fabric. I let loose a frustrated sigh, bringing his gaze back to me, his eyebrow quirking in question.

“Why all the secrecy, dad?” I sigh in exasperation, not wanting the rest of my life to be like this. My father and my mates would need to come to some sort of an agreement or a truce. I won’t be able to stand being pulled in so many directions.

“I know, Liv, they’re your mates.” He mimics my frustrated breath, lowering to the opposite bench with a tired groan. I straighten at the noise, truly observing him now, and see the dark circles under his eyes and the weary way he holds himself, finally letting go of the fearless leader persona.