Page 36 of Deception

“The council has gone too far this time,” Orrin roars, slamming his fist down on the ancient oak table, his medium blond hair swinging around him in his fit of rage. The wood vibrates beneath my folded elbows, propping my head up as I feign interest in their conversation. I look down at the raised grains, and smooth my hand over the weathered surface that has held up for millennia. Standing the test of time under the numerous tantrums we’ve all had around it.

“We all understand that, Orrin.” Osias sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face, clearly just as tired of the back and forth as I am. “We need to focus on what our next move is and how to keep my daughter safe.”

Orrin’s face reddens, and he visibly grinds his jaw. The bastard god of wisdom is surprisingly even more pompous than Osias, and that’s saying something. His mouth flies open, and I have no doubt a scathing retort is poised on his tongue. I tip my chair back as he jabbers on. Tuning them out, I lift my black leather boots up, letting them thunk against the table one at a time. The echoing sound draws them from their squabbling, having the exact effect I intended. I suppress the smirk that begs to spread across my lips.

“I’m just about done with all your inane chatter,” I announce, rolling my shoulders. The cracking of my joints is the only noise that penetrates the sudden silence. Sure, it would be nice to have their help, but it isn’t necessary. My brothers and I can take care of our mate, we don’t need the majors’ help with that.

“I think a better topic is why did Osias keep this from us?” Nyssa asks, jumping from her seat. She trains her narrowed gaze on Osias and paces in front of the entrance, her blue hair plaited in a braid, swings behind her as she effectively blocks the exit. “And why did he ban the rest of us from staying in the mortal realm when he’s been playing mortal for the past twenty years?”

Normally, I would rejoice in the attacks against our fearless leader, but today, today I want to get the hell out of here and check on my mate. With the first trial only a week away, I need to check on her progress and make sure my brothers have prepared her well. My mind drifts to the memory of her smile brightening at the appearance of the shadow demons, her battle lust that called to mine in that moment.

“Come now Nyssa, even you can’t be that naive. The reason is quite obvious, especially since the council is already trying to dig their claws into the girl.” Orrin’s condescending tone breaks through my thoughts.

“Not to mention … ” He tips his thumb slyly in my direction, as though I can’t see the snub. I narrow my eyes on him, and my jaw clenches.

“Can’t we go back to ganging up on Osias? That was fun,” I grind out between gritted teeth, attempting to feign a disinterested tone, yet the anger won’t fade.

“I agree,” Nyssa sounds behind me, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. The woman is always searching for justice, no matter how obnoxious it may be to others. I mean, I had the same questions for the asshole, but Osias would undoubtedly only give us half-truths. The echoing of her high-heeled leather boots reverberating across the floor grates on my very last nerve.

Osias’ wooden chair screeches against the marble floor, and I suppress the urge to cover my ears at the high-pitched sound, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

“That’s enough.” His voice booms throughout the room, echoing off the marble walls surrounding us. “I’ve said all that I will on the matter. It was done to keep my daughter safe. I won’t apologize for that.”

“I guess you’re fine with this now, considering … ” she waves a hand haphazardly in my direction. Leaving the accusation in her words hanging in the air. I nearly leap out of my chair at the insinuation. I never have, and never will be on that asshole’s side. Thoughts of Olivia make me hesitate, though, my fingers gripping into the wooden armrests, leaving indentations in the oak. Would everything really work out between Olivia and me if Osias and I are constantly at each other’s throats?

Memories of the rage that burned through my veins when she dissipated out of the auditorium, out of my life, assault me. Sending a wave of heat blasting through me. I will my rapidly increasing heart rate to settle, reminding myself that she’s back, she is safe. I narrow my gaze at Osias, who’s with Nyssa still, their voices barely breaking through the surface of my mind, still swirling with a million racing thoughts. How am I supposed to just let go of millennia worth of ill will? Osias has quite literally been the bane of my existence for as long as I can remember.

“I, for one, think it’s lovely that Mateo has found his mate,” Phillipa drawls, perched daintily on her chair, a serene smile tipping her lips up. Her eyes look dazed, yet I know the true cunning behind them. She isn’t one of the majors for no reason. My head jerks in her direction, my gaze narrowing in on her. Out of my peripheral I see the others do the same. I’ve grown to become wary whenever the god of love interjects, and I never let her seemingly passive nature fool me. There’s usually some other motive when she decides to insert herself in a conversation.

“Oh, there’s no reason to look at me like that.” She giggles, waving us off as though we’re all overreacting. Well, experience tells me we’re not. “I love, love.” Her voice reaches new heights, almost piercing my eardrums.

“What are you up to?” Osias asks cautiously, creeping in her direction.

“Oh silly, nothing, of course. I’m just glad you found someone worthy enough to have a child with.” She beams, the kind look sending chills down my spine. I know the truth behind those smiling eyes.

“Phillipa,” Nyssa warns, cautiously sidestepping her way over to the god of love. You know things are about to turn bad as soon as Nyssa puts herself in the middle.

“Oh sweet Nyssa, nothing’s wrong,” Phillipa says lyrically, but despite her words, I see her fingernails gouging into the oak table. Damn, after all our scuffles in this room, this would indeed be the day we destroyed this furniture into tinder.

“I would love to meet Olivia,” Phillipa continues, her words raising my hackles. No, she took it too far this time. I don’t bother being kind, gentle or pleading like the rest of them.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Well, Phillipa is not the woman anyone wants to betray. Sure she loves with all her heart, but if anything goes wrong, her love turns dark quite quickly. The most unassuming of all the majors is the one most gods should be wary of.

I surge to my feet, kicking the chair out behind me, vaguely making out Nyssa narrowly dodging the thick wooden seat. I glower at Phillipa as I march my way over to her. Lest she forgets I’m the god of war. She will not lay a hand on my mate. Phillipa has a reputation for lashing out at the loved ones of her enemies rather than the adversary themselves, since she knows exactly how powerful love can be. I don’t care how scorned she may feel with Osias’ perceived betrayal. I don’t care how she may retaliate, as long as she doesn’t take any action against Olivia.

I smile back at her and her face immediately blanches, knowing the only reason I must be smiling at her now is because of the battle lust that flows through my veins.

I lean in close, her putrid smell of sugar and violet singeing my nostrils. My face twists at the intrusive scent, and I use it to my advantage, turning the facial gesture into a snarl. Footsteps cease around me, the only noise in the room, the growl that curls my lips, and Phillipa’s shocked intake of breath.

“I don’t fucking care how pissed you are at Osias, you won’t touch Olivia. Is that understood?” The words come out clipped yet clear, using the last vestiges of my willpower to hold myself back. She blinks her wide blue eyes at me in surprise, and I honestly can’t remember the last time someone stood up to the god of love in this way.

Her head slowly dips in acquiescence, and I hold her gaze a moment longer until her eyes move to the weathered oak table.

“Good.” I step back, straightening, and wipe my hands clean, feeling a film of her vile sweetness clinging to me. I suppress the shudder that attempts to escape me as a chill runs up my spine. The tension surrounding the room seems to snap at that, and collectively we exhale a sigh of relief.

“Don’t worry everyone, the only reward necessary is to escape your suffocating presence. So please, please, hold your applause.” I take a dramatic bow and feel Phillipa’s glare on my back. Let her narrowed gaze burrow into me all she wants. We both know who would win in a fight, especially given what—or who—I would be fighting for.

Nyssa stares back at me incredulously, her gaze flitting from me to Phillipa in shock. Orrin looks unimpressed, yet I can see the pallor of his skin. Osias, he gives me a scathing look, obviously jealous of my good looks and charisma. It seems the poor sap will never hold a candle to me.