Page 106 of Deception

I glance over to the tornado, still whipping debris towards Titus, his dark-brown hair flying around him as his suit jacket flaps violently back, as he struggles just to stay upright. The wind and fire keep him at bay for now. He readies two more balls of his power, aiming around the tornado for me, but I move the mass of wind and fire at the last moment, and the power is sucked into the swirling funnel.

Abigail crumples to the floor, clutching her arm to her chest as she stares at the space where her hand was just moments before. The destructive power apparently cauterized the wound as no blood leaks from the crusted edge of her limb. Helene checks on her, and to my relief Domenic still stands there shell-shocked himself, constantly scanning the clearing in an attempt to keep up with the flurry of movement around him.

“Little mate? Are you alright? We’re almost there.”Mateo’s voice sounds in my mind, and I sigh in relief. I can keep this for a few more minutes. Then, with Nelle safe, I can keep them at bay until the numbers are on our side.

And that’s when I see her—Nelle creeps up behind Domenic, a thick vine from somewhere in the dense foliage clutched in her hands. My breath catches in my throat as indecision wars within me. I shift the tornado towards Helene just as Nelle slips the vine around Domenic’s throat. His eyes widen as he fights against the pressure, his hands flying to the thick greenery choking him. His fingers desperately scrabble for purchase, and his lips part, trying to suck down air past the force pressing against their windpipe.

Panic sends my pulse skyrocketing as my gaze shifts to Helene, the swirl of wind and fire mere feet from her, but it’s moving too slow. Her head whips around at the sound of Domenic choking against the bonds. I switch gears, throwing up a barrier between her, but I’m too late. Helene’s hand snaps out before the barrier can fully form, and a stream of air barrels straight for Nelle. The air wraps around her neck, Nelle’s caramel eyes bulging before an audible snap rings out around the otherwise silent forest. My barrier slips into place a moment later. Helene’s air stream snuffed out, but I’m too late.

My pulse pounds in my ears, drowning out all the sound around me. Nelle’s hands go limp, her neck hanging at an unnatural angle as the vine slips from her fingers. The sight etches itself in my mind, and my throat grows hoarse from the sounds I make, but no noise reaches my ears.

I throw my hands out and stumble forward, trying to catch her limp form in my arms as her body crumples to the ground.

Light emanates from my palms as I focus all of my energy on her, every last drop, she can have it all, just please don’t let her die. The world needs the brilliant light that is Penelope Warner.

I throw myself to the ground, catching her lifeless form mere inches from the ground as the light builds to a crescendo around me. The power encircles her, seeping into her prone form, but she doesn’t move. Her eyes are still wide, lacking their usual spark. That realization cleaves my soul in two. The very essence of my being cracks apart at the loss that threatens to overwhelm me.

“Please, Nelle, please wake up,” I sob, my chest shaking with each word as my lungs desperately attempt to suck down air. Tears well, blurring my vision, and I let them stream down my cheeks, pouring every last drop of power that I have into her. My heart cracks—her chest isn’t rising and falling. I don’t feel the jackhammering of her heart against her chest as my hands slip there, desperately forcing the power into her chest.

Black smoke encircles me now, emanating from my chest to mix with the light as I pour everything I have into her. Power dark and ancient I never knew sat at the bottom of that sparking sea bursts to the surface to aid me.

We sit like that for a few moments, the light and dark swirling together as one and soaking into my sister’s lifeless body as I clutch her to my chest, rocking back and forth as I whisper to her. Words of encouragement, words of heartache, I’m not even sure.

My brows furrow as my power cuts off, the light and black smoke ceasing as suddenly as they came. I search inside myself, but I still have power to go. There are still reserves in my center. So I push again, desperate to pour everything into her, to heal her, to save her. But there’s no use, no more power will move into her stiff muscles.

“No,” I whisper, my fingers brushing her black hair from her face as I stare into her caramel eyes, still frozen in shock and fear. Tears soak into her skin, and I’m not sure if they’re mine or her own from her final moments.

I wheeze in desperate gasps. I’m stuck on her own as those thoughts play on repeat through my mind. Her final moments. Nelle is dead.

My arm is wrenched away from her body as a gold bracelet is slipped on. My powers vanish in the next moment, leaving me cold and bereft, mixing with the soul-deep ache of losing Nelle.

Panic grips me as masculine hands move Nelle from my lap. I lurch forward to pull her back, but I’m pulled up. My feet barely catch my weak body beneath me. My physical energy drained from the amount of power I used.

“I can’t leave her,” I scream, attempting to scramble out of Titus’ hold. “I can’t leave her.” My fists pound feebly against his chest as his arms wrap around my body. I attempt to push him away, but I can’t break out of his hold, not after the power I just expended.

“You can’t do anything else, and we’re leaving,” Titus murmurs, and my heart leaps in my chest. Thoughts of my four mates filter through my mind, remembering Mateo’s words to me mere moments before Nelle—I reach out using that mental link, but there’s nothing. I search inside myself for the sliver of their essences, but it’s gone or shrouded by the power-blocking bracelet clasped tightly to my wrist.

I can’t do this—after just losing Nelle—I can’t be ripped away from my mates. I let out a bloodcurdling scream, but it cuts off only seconds later as Titus’ power wraps around us, a silent wind spinning us as my body breaks apart and we dissipate into the air.