Page 78 of Deception

“Well, now you have,” he mutters awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with either of them. “I’m terribly busy, so I’ll be off. I’ll see you all tomorrow for training.”

Katrina brightens at his words until realization hits her. He doesn’t meet her gaze again, instead staring directly at me. I nod in understanding, not wanting to say anything amid the thick, uncomfortable silence that settles around us.

With that, Orrin turns on his heel, marching straight to the exit without a backward glance. Apparently in a hurry now that his daughters have shown up. Nyssa winces at the abrupt dismissal, darting us all an apologetic look before following him, her black leather boots clicking against the marble floor.

Katrina is frozen in shock, her hands shaking violently at her side. My heart wrenches for her, my lips moving before I even register what I’m about to say.

“I’m so sorry, Katrina,” I tell her earnestly, putting aside all of the animosity in this moment. No one deserves to be pushed aside in the same manner as she has been. I glance over at Stacia, her face is pale, yet not as shell-shocked as Katrina.

“Shut up, don’t you dare speak to me, I don’t need your pity.” She spits the words at me, every note leaking with the vitriol she clearly wishes she could have directed towards her father.

I bite my tongue, not wanting to add fuel to the fire, recognizing her outburst for what it is.

“Let’s just go. I don’t want to be seen associating with her for any longer than I have to.” Katrina sneers, turning on her heel just as abruptly as her father had. Well, if I hadn’t seen the family resemblance before, I sure do now.

“Katrina,” Stacia exclaims in a shocked gasp. Katrina pauses mid-step at the incredulity in her sister’s voice. Even I blink in surprise at Stacia. She’s never stood up to her sister before. “I’m done with you acting like this. Our father is an asshole, so what? It doesn’t mean you have to be.”

“If that’s how you truly feel, you can hang out with these losers from now on.” Katrina flings the words back at her sister, and I don’t miss Stacia’s subtle flinch at the venomous words.

“You’re the first one to criticize or put someone down. Does it truly make you feel better about yourself? Just because someone doesn’t want to bow down to you doesn’t mean they’re any less of a person.” Stacia shakes her head in disgust, giving her sister a pitying look.

Kali steps over to Stacia’s side, clasping her hand in support. My chest lightens at the sight, glad that they both have each other at this moment. I’m full of indecision, but there’s truly nothing I can do at this point without making the situation ten times worse. Guilt twists my stomach at the fact that it’s come to this between the two sisters. Yet, I can’t help but feel pride for Stacia finally sticking up for herself and calling Katrina out.

I look between the two, seeing a wave of calm wash over Stacia with Kali’s hand clasped tightly in hers, giving her strength. Katrina’s eyes seem to move there simultaneously, her brows lowering to glower at them both. I chew my bottom lip nervously, readying myself to step between the two sides. Sure, it’s a family matter, but if she’s about to bring Kali into this, she’ll have another thing coming at her … me.

Instead of the anger I expect to see, Katrina’s face morphs into a pained expression, tears welling in her blue eyes before she turns back to the dining hall.

“You’ve made your choice,” Katrina says with a weary sigh, slowly retreating down the hall, bypassing the dining hall altogether now. Veronica matches her stride, and in all the commotion, I hadn’t even noticed her waiting off to the side.

My brows crease in confusion at what just happened, not fully understanding Katrina’s reaction, and I attempt to piece together the confusing puzzle Katrina seems to be.

“I’m sorry about her,” Stacia says on a tired sigh, scrubbing a hand over her face in exhaustion. “She hasn’t had the easiest life, not that it excuses her actions.”

She gives us a sad smile before glancing back to where her sister is just turning the corner to the students’ rooms.

“I’m just tired of standing by while she treats everyone like dirt, even those she calls friends.” Stacia looks down at the ground, frowning. Kali squeezes her hand reassuringly before ducking down and pressing a sweet kiss on her lips.

“Well, that was interesting.” Domenic chuckles dryly, awkwardly swinging his leg, clearly uncomfortable at being present for such an emotional moment. The sudden break of the tension brings a small smile to my lips, and I glance at him, causing Maximus to growl beside me. I jerk my attention up to him, having forgotten for a moment that there are still so many people present.

I pat his arm lightly in a reassuring gesture since he always seems on edge around Domenic … or any guy other than my other three mates, for that matter.

“Who are they?” Zina asks excitedly, motioning with her head over to the guardians in a not-too-subtle nod. Lucas stands by her side, awkwardly shifting his weight from foot to foot, a blush creeping across his cheeks as he stares at the side of her head. I quirk my lips to the side, unsure how to answer her question since I’m not exactly sure myself.

“You should all come back with us for dinner. It seems we all have some catching up to do,” Kyros offers with a smile, stepping up to my other side.

“Seriously?” I ask. They’ve never allowed anyone over before, aside from my father and Phil that one time. But something tells me that wasn’t necessarily letting, as much as my father not taking no for an answer.

“Of course, any friend of Liv’s is welcome, it’s her house too.” Kyros lets loose an amused laugh, as though the prospect of them not knowing they were allowed is preposterous.

“Since when?” I ask incredulously, propping my hands on my hips.

Kyros doesn’t answer, simply bending down to place a chaste kiss on my cheek. Apparently thinking that would just make me forget my question, which, if I’m honest, it does a little. A smile crosses my face at the sweet gesture, and warmth floods my chest.

“I guess we should go then,” I hedge, motioning towards the guys’ office on the opposite side of the hall. I clear my throat, feeling my cheeks heat from the tender moment.

I catch my father’s eyes, and he excuses himself from the waiting guardians. He had stayed back during the entire altercation, either engrossed with commanding his troops, or not wanting to be involved in the drama. Either way, I can’t blame him.

He moves past my guys, wrapping me up in his arms in an unusual display of affection that seems to be quickly becoming the norm in this new world.