Page 67 of Deception

I close my eyes, using my breathing techniques to center myself and wipe the anxiety from my mind. There’s no way I want to show them any weakness to take advantage of.

My eyes pop open at the sounds of the door, signaling the student before me must be exiting. Anger burns through my chest when I see the student before me, fucking Abigail, the council’s lightning wielding pet.

Her footsteps freeze, and a vicious cackle cracks through the silent hallway.

“Oh, if it isn’t Olivia, the special god in the demigod academy,” she says in a mocking tone, letting the door close firmly behind her. I cross my arms over my chest, reaching into my center to draw up some power—I refuse to let this bitch catch me off guard again—and narrow my gaze on her. Glad she finally decided to drop the sweet as pie routine. It really didn’t suit her, especially given the cruel smile that twists her lips now.

“I hope you know you’ll be the one responsible if anyone fails because of the council pushing up the date, it will be your fault.” She grins gleefully, taking great joy in the fact that there are undoubtedly a large number of students that despise me right now. I shake my head wondering what could have made this girl so unnecessarily vicious.

“Why couldn’t you just let him stab you like a good little girl?” she asks seriously, her face pulling down in a sullen expression.

I sneer and pin her with a look of disgust. Is this girl for real right now? She’s seriously asking me why I didn’t just let the guy stab me?

“I suggest you get the fuck away from me right now. Otherwise, I’ll show you what a fair fight is when I use my powers too.” I take a step towards her with a menacing glare, and her step back is automatic. Her face blanching at my threat, and her limbs quivering.

“You’re crazy but just you wait, you’ll get what’s coming to you.” She cackles maniacally before skipping down the hallway, her sneakers squeaking against the marble floor. This girl actually has the audacity to call me crazy? I shake my head in an attempt to dispel the shiver that creeps up my spine at her ominous parting words. I watch her out of my peripheral, unwilling to let her take me by surprise.

I turn back as the door creaks open again, and I brace myself for the worst. Steeling myself for one of the council members to walk through the door. But Mateo pops his head out the door, looking the other way before turning his gaze to me. He blinks in shock, as though he hadn’t expected to see me standing there.

He looks around the hallway, catching Abigail’s retreating form into the distance. His lips purse, hands clenching at his sides as he nods in understanding.

“She’s lucky she’s only a demigod, otherwise I would crush her like the toad she is,” he growls, still watching her back, as though she may turn into a demon at any moment and scuttle back to us. Not that I’m an expert on demons, but there must be some spider-looking ones that scuttle, right? I shake my head, clearing the nervous tangent from my mind.

“Let me know if anything seems off,” he lowers his voice, ensuring no lingering ears can hear him as he places a hand at the small of my back. I swallow thickly at the touch, and attempt to keep my mind focused despite the thrill that rushes through me with his massive palm on my back, his warmth seeping through the thin training shirt. I blink away the conflicting thoughts that flit through my head, wanting to examine the intimate touch given his recent distance. But this is definitely not the time for that.

“Ah Olivia, so glad you could make it,” Helene announces, a sly smile on her face as she assesses me with her usual calculating glint. She stands from her seat, striding gracefully before me. Her pale blue satin gown twirls out behind her.

“Oh yes, sorry for the delay, I just had to deal with your lap dog biting at my ankles.” I cross my arms over my chest, mirroring her exact expression. Two could play at this, and I wouldn’t back down regardless of their foolish games. I fight the urge to look at Adrian, to let his crystal blue gaze reassure me that I know what I’m doing, that my powers now flow from me like a gentle stream, following my will.

No, I can reassure myself, picture his gaze in my mind as he told me those same words, and hold on to it. I would not let her see any weakness.

“Let’s begin,” she says tersely, apparently done with the verbal sparring for now.

The three other council members sit in the front row of the makeshift stands. Towering red velvet thrones adorned with ornate gold detail sit along the side of the training room. My father, Kyros, Maximus, and Adrian all sit in the next row, much to my father’s irritation. The seating arrangements undoubtedly a power move on the council’s behalf. Mateo’s hand slips from my back, and he reluctantly makes his way back to his seat, leaving me standing alone before Helene.

I focus back on Helene. She assesses me before moving over to the guys. Her gaze darts back to me when I clear my throat, not even bothering to look chagrined at being caught. I purse my lips at whatever clever plan her mind is concocting.

She motions towards a large crystal perched atop a marble dais, beckoning me to follow her.

“You’ll stand here.” She gestures to a circle marked off of the wood floor. I pause, looking at her skeptically.

“I’ll stand there once you finish your instructions,” I inform her with a pointed look, crossing my arms over my chest. There’s no way I would follow her lead blindly without knowing all the details.

She nods in respect before continuing, “Once you step into the circle, the Crystal of Kleo will scan your energy, searching for your power signatures. Once that is determined, it will project scenarios for each of the powers in your case.” She eyes me knowingly, the fire at the trial making it clear that I would have more than one.

My father’s words filter back through my mind. I need to keep my concentration focused on each power, and not let the vast sea inside me pull on something I have yet to explore.

“The projection will cease once all of the scenarios have been completed.”

I nod in understanding, already having gleaned as much from my father. But it’s always best to make sure you know as much as possible before stepping into the unknown. She steps back, and continues walking backward until she reaches her seat, not willing to keep her eyes off me for one moment.

I raise my foot, taking one hesitant step into the ring. When nothing happens immediately, I move the other, taking a steeling breath once enclosed in the crystal's reach.

A bright light shines from the top of the column. I suck in a sharp breath as the beam focuses on me, and shield my eyes against the onslaught of light.

I stand entranced in the warm glow for a moment until the room shifts and changes around me. Gone are the walls of the training room, replaced by a shadowed forest.

The sun halfway through its descent, despite the few rays that shine through the gaps. The trees soak up most of the light, leaving the path before me shrouded in darkness.