Page 26 of Deception

“You all should get back to class.” Kyros walks to the door, hand poised over the brass knob.

Kali glances towards the door and back to me. She chews her lips, indecision warring in her blue eyes.

“We’re going to do whatever we can to help you train,” she declares and stands abruptly from her seat.

“We’re coming up with a training schedule. I’ll let you know if there’s anything you can help with,” Kyros assures her, opening the door for them in dismissal, and they nod in agreement. Kyros’ willingness to include them must put Kali at ease as she pulls me into a quick embrace before moving to the exit.

She eyes Kyros with a stern expression before she walks through the door. Zina and Lucas wave on their way out and shuffle by Kyros awkwardly. This whole situation with the council is clearly putting them on edge around any of the gods.

“Are you alright?” I ask Domenic, who hesitates before rising from his spot perched on the arm of the couch.

“I’ll be okay. You need to take care of yourself. Show the council who they’re messing with.” He clasps my shoulder and holds my gaze for a moment. My brows knit together in confusion, unable to discern the look he’s giving me right now. He blinks before I can figure it out and glances at Kyros before striding out the door to join the others.

Kyros closes the door, but I catch him bristle at the brief contact between Domenic and me. I fight the grin that begs to stretch across my lips and settle onto the couch.

He expels a long sigh and shakes out the lingering tension from his limbs. He pulls his tan leather office chair out from his desk, wheeling it over in front of me before taking a seat.

“I want to start your training off with learning my powers. Of course, being able to fight and defend yourself is important, but it will give me peace of mind if you’re able to heal as well,” Kyros admits earnestly, rubbing the back of his neck at his heartfelt confession.

I chew the corner of my lip nervously, not expecting that. My powers stand at the ready, begging to be used, but I still fear even dipping a toe into that never-ending sea. I turn the thought around in my head. Although I’ll need to use my powers, it won’t be an offensive power. It has no chance of inflicting any harm.

I exhale a long breath and debate whether or not to share my feelings, but push down the voice inside me that urges me to keep my thoughts and emotions to myself. I cringe, forcing myself to open up to him at the memory of the pain and loss I felt when Adrian left. I don’t want to feel like that, not again. Meaning I need to be more open and honest with them.

“I’m scared, Kyros.” My mouth tugs down with the admission. Not used to being this vulnerable with anyone other than Nelle. “Since the battle with Titus, I’m scared to use my powers, scared of the power I have and who I might hurt with them.”

His face softens at my words, and he rolls his chair closer. My legs slip between his and he closes them, the pressure a reassuring comfort. He leans forward, grasping my hand and cradling them with his in a tender gesture.

“I know.”

I exhale a breath of relief at those words, like a weight has been lifted off my chest. The burden is no longer mine to shoulder alone.

“You used your powers expertly, even with the minuscule amount of training you were given. You still used your power to help us, to save us even. I’m not entirely sure we could have gotten out of there and kept the school safe if it hadn’t been for your quick thinking.”

My brows crease at his words, and I go to argue, but he cuts me off.

“No, don’t discredit yourself. You did what few others could do. You stepped in when we needed you and used your inner strength to wield what must be a vast amount of power.”

He squeezes my hand, and his lips tilt up in a sincere smile, his eyes twinkling with admiration.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, strengthening my resolve. I nod with my eyes still shut, not allowing myself to chicken out, even though my brain screams at me not to give in to his kind words.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” I relent and open my eyes, seeing his amused gaze staring back at me.

Kyros nods, and grins in pure delight. I’m entranced by him. That is until he abruptly stands and makes his way over to his desk. He pulls open one of his desk drawers and searches around for a moment before brandishing a silver dagger. He holds it up in triumph, the stray beams of light filtering in through the weathered window panes, glinting off the blade.

My brows knit together in confusion at the scene, not understanding why exactly he needs a dagger. The connection clicks in my mind a moment before he lowers the edge to his forearm, and the blade cuts into his skin, a line of bright red blood welling up in its wake.

“Kyros,” I exclaim and bolt up from my seat. Desperately I clamber over to him and knock the knife from his palm. Before he can cause any further damage. The blade clangs to the ground, the metallic ring echoing through the quiet room. It skitters beneath a bookcase, the force splattering drops of blood across the hardwood floor.

Kyros chuckles at my display, and willingly holds his arm out to me to inspect. Taking great pleasure in my concern for him.

“Seriously?” I ask, and huff out an exasperated sigh, at the dark blood along the wound as rivulets spill onto the hardwood floor. I delicately drop his arm and search around for something to staunch the bleeding. My heart thunders in my chest, and fear tightens its grip on me, constricting around my lungs.

“Olivia,” he prods in an amused tone. I whirl back on him, my eyes narrow into a glare, and I stare back at him incredulously. He merely gazes back expectantly, as though he’s waiting on me to remember something. I purse my lips. Not having time for his nonsense, my mind entirely focused on finding something to help him.

“You can heal me,” he reminds me with a chuckle, and I grit my teeth at the sound, unable to understand how he can be so cavalier.

“Seriously, you sliced your arm open just for me to heal it?” I stand, shocked in place. I feel like he should have given me some warning or instruction beforehand. Like, hey heads up, I’m about to slice my arm open. It might’ve helped to avoid the minor heart attack I’m now suffering through.