Page 93 of Ascension

Adrian chokes on a laugh beside me. However, the others are nowhere near as amused.

“We got by on luck,” Mateo growls, the sounds reverberating through his chest. “We need to start your training tomorrow.”

“Training? What do you think I’ve been doing for the past month?” I ask incredulously.

“Now that you have your powers, we need to work on strengthening and focusing them,” he states proudly, as though I needed him to clarify that for me. Of course, I need to train.

“What are your powers anyway?” Kali asks, the anger leaving her tone. Directing the question both to me and the others and cutting off my biting retort to Mateo.

“Well, I think it’s safe to say you’re not a demigod,” Kyros announces, and the others nod in agreement. Sure, I figured that I wasn’t a demigod when the wings erupted from my back, but to hear it out loud, is a shock, to say the least.

“What am I then?” I ask hesitantly, not sure I want to hear the answer.

“You’re a god, Olivia,” Mateo announces proudly, cutting off Kyros’ words.

“Not just any god, you have the powers of a major. That’s the only way you would have wings,” Kyros explains. My brows furrow in confusion, my brain grasping for the answers. My head darts around, searching for the dais and the tome that holds the answers.

“I’ve already looked,” Kyros explains, pulling my gaze to meet his. “Either Titus took it with him, or it was called back to its temple,” he explains. The ancient tome is apparently unable to answer any of my questions as it had for my classmates.

“I think it’s safe to say your father must be Hector, the god of fire,” Mateo announces. My eyes flash to him. My father?

“Not necessarily. We haven’t seen if she has any other gifts. It could even be Weaponry, he has fire abilities, plus she picked up how to use a sword very quickly,” Kyros adds.

“No, you didn’t feel the heat coming off her when she burned Titus. Those were unmistakably Hector’s flames,” Mateo declares, leaving no room for argument.

“So my father isn’t my biological parent?” My voice comes out softer than I intend it to. It hadn’t clicked for me that, being a god, of course, my human father wouldn’t be my biological parent—guilt twists in my gut.

I had put off speaking to him since I was brought here. Convinced he had known about me, that I wasn’t entirely human. Now I realize he most likely had no idea. Tricked by my godly parents into caring for a child that wasn’t his. I was his though, I would be his daughter, not the daughter of this Hector and whoever the hell my mother could be. They left me, abandoned me, in a world I had no business being part of.

Adrian’s hand tightens on mine, comforting me, for the answer I know is about to come.

“No, there’s no way the father you know could be your biological father,” Kyros explains gently. “The gods are forbidden from living in the mortal world permanently,” he reminds me.

“Then who is my mother?” I ask hesitantly, not sure that I’m ready for the answer.

The room grows silent, the three of them looking at each other before turning their gazes back on me.

“It would either have to be Nyssa or Phillipa. They are the two major female gods,” Kyros explains. So my mother was either the god of justice or love.

“It has to be Phillipa,” Mateo blurts, drawing a glare from his bonded brothers. “What? I don’t see Nyssa abandoning her child,” he states plainly, crossing his arms over his chest.

My stomach sours at his words, reminding me of the callous disregard from both of my supposed parents.

“It would seem the most likely option,” Kyros agrees, giving them a pointed look. The look makes my brows furrow, as I look back and forth between them.

“Speaking of which, can you explain what a mate is?” Kali asks.

I jerk in surprise, my head whipping to Kali. Speaking of which? What the hell am I missing here? Mate—where did she even come up with that word? I rack my brain, searching for any mention of ‘mate’. I spin my head, assessing all four of them, their expressions ranging from guilt to anger. Adrian jerks upright in the chair, his eyes wide with … fear?

“A mate—” Kyros begins to explain, his expression resigned. Mateo lounges against the stage, his face a mask of nonchalance, as though he’s almost bored with the conversation. My gaze moves from Maximus to Adrian, who are both glaring at Kyros. He ignores them, continuing on.

“A mate is a term gods use for what mortals would call their soulmate. Though for us, we know our mate. There is a mate pull, an unavoidable attraction to each other. Your eyes are drawn to each other, and the rest of the world filters out. Regardless of your intention, you are drawn to meet each other’s gaze, locking and solidifying the mate bond. It’s very rare, I only know a few gods that have found their mate, and sometimes it can even take centuries for the mate pull to take place.”

I chew on my bottom lip, thinking over his words. The room grows silent around us. Mate—where have I heard that word before?

“Some gods can even have multiple mates—” Kyros’ voice cuts off with a grunt of pain. My eyes flick up to see him clutching his stomach, doubled over. Maximus pulls his fist away. My gaze moves between them, searching their faces for the answer.

Suddenly, the words filter back through my mind. Maximus roared at Titus. Demanding he take his hands off his mate—no he hadn’t said ‘my mate.’ He said, ‘our mate’.