Page 74 of Ascension

“It doesn’t matter, we’ll figure it out later.”I project, giving him a reproachful stare. Not wanting to hash out all the details in front of Liv.

Fuck, these assholes weren’t even supposed to be back yet. They indeed are my brothers, those pains in my ass.

“When did you become the leader, brother?” Mateo drawls. Leaning back against the wall. A sharp gleam to his eyes. Speaking out loud instead of projecting to us.

“Brother?” She questions, looking back and forth between the three of us.

“Uh—yes, we’re blood brothers. We performed the same ritual you and Nelle did earlier,” I explain sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously. She narrows her eyes in suspicion, eyeing me warily.

I breathe out an exhausted sigh, realizing I haven’t exactly been honest with her either. I internally kick myself, knowing I could have told her about the others when I explained the blood ritual. Perhaps we could have avoided this if I had. I felt the urge to keep her to myself for some reason.

I eye my brothers warily, noticing we all did the same thing. None of us confided completely in the others. As though we knew subconsciously this point would come one day.

“She isn’t just your mate. She’s all of ours. You can’t just blurt out shit to make it seem like we’ve been keeping things from her.”I direct my anger towards Mateo, knowing precisely what the asshole’s trying to do.

He closes his eyes, hissing out a breath of anger through his clenched teeth, before focusing his gaze back on me. I can see the struggle to push down his rage now he finally has the facts laid bare in front of him.

Mateo shakes his head—his breathing evening out, jaw relaxing. My mouth drops at the sudden shift. I’ve never seen the god of war put a cap on that furious energy before. My shock quickly changes to suspicion at the calculating gleam in his eyes.

“Oh, but you have, brother. I can see you’ve gotten close to her. Yet you’ve decided to keep essential details from her. I’ve been away with the majors, which is the only reason why you’re so far ahead,”Mateo answers smugly, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

“It’s not a fucking competition,”I seethe, hiding my gritted teeth behind my lips, not wanting Liv to see the internal dialogue passing between us.

“No, it’s not. If we are to share one mate, we all need to be on equal footing. I’m just ensuring that happens,”he admits triumphantly.

Time stops around us, a scream piercing through the night air. My head whips to the side, to the empty space where Olivia stood only moments before. The cool night breeze flows through the now open door.

“What in the actual fuck is going on?” Mateo growls, taking off out the open front door. Kyros and I rush after him, finding her just a few paces from the doorway. Her eyes wide, trained on something in the distance.

I turn to Liv, about to take her back inside, when she extends her arms. Dragging my gaze back out to the woods beyond the stone path, I take a cursory glance but see nothing.

I turn back, about to lift her up over my shoulder, but a movement draws my gaze back. A figure shrouded in darkness appears in the distance. Followed by another—and another.

Well—fuck me—this is definitely not how I planned to spend my night.