Page 54 of Ascension

“Umm, thanks I guess?” I hedge hesitantly, quirking an eyebrow in question. She laughs at that as though I should know exactly what she’s talking about. Her expression sobers when she sees my brows knit together in confusion.

“I mean, I thought you knew. Katrina isn’t your biggest fan—” She trails off. I purse my lips, nodding at the statement. Kali moves to my side, having changed now. She looks to me, clearly she overheard the conversation since the change room remained empty except for us. Most of the students are still making their way from the gym, in no hurry since combat is the last class of the day.

“Well, she’s attempting to turn most of the students against you.” Zina cringes, not wanting to be the bearer of bad news. I just shake my head and shrug, turning to collect my bag from the locker.

“I’m honestly not surprised, and I’m not bothered.”

She relaxes at my words, and I take her arm, walking with her out into the hall.

“We should take you to Kyros to have a look at your leg.” I look over at her while guiding her down the corridor. She blushes at my words, looking over at me sheepishly.

“I—uh—I only tried to get his attention this morning because Katrina forced me to. She noticed he keeps looking at you in class, and said she wants to do whatever she can to make your life and I quote ’a living hell’” Zina winces apologetically, a blush creeping across her cheeks at the mention of Kyros’ name. “She can be pretty intimidating,” Zina admits anxiously, rubbing the back of her neck. Kali gives me a pointed look, and I concede, my misconceptions fading away at her explanation.

“Ya, she can, but that’s okay, you have us now.” Kali gives her a warm smile, clasping her shoulder.

I smother a laugh, looking back at Kali, smiling wide at her. How quickly her attitude changed. Just a couple of weeks ago, she was too afraid to speak up against Katrina. Now she’s consoling others, promising protection against her. Pride swells in my chest at how far she has come in such a short amount of time.

She shoots me a quick glare before her cheeks redden. Realizing that Zina saw the look, she shot me. I let my laugh burst free at that, unable to rein it in any longer. Kali’s laugh follows mine, stumbling over her feet as she doubles over. I pause too, and I clutch my stomach.

“Okay, you girls are fun.” Zina laughs with us, oblivious to the reason for our laughter.

Finally composing ourselves, we make it to the library, winding our way through the students crowding the halls. Everyone seems excited for the weekend and a short reprieve from classes.

Kyros looks up from his place at the front desk as Kali opens the door, his face brightening once his eyes lock on me. However, the moment of happiness is fleeting as his eyes move to Zina. A frown marring his handsome face now.

He rushes over, taking my place. He lifts Zina’s arm over his shoulder, Kali moving to pull a chair from the closest table. I frown at the contact, jealousy bubbling up in my stomach at the sight of her arm draped over his shoulder. I shake my head, reminding myself there’s no reason for me to be jealous. She’s hurt, and he’s the god of healing, that’s all. Besides, I’m about to go on a date with another man—or god.

I have no right to get jealous of his arm wrapped around her waist, supporting her weight. I push the feeling down, walking over to observe when he lowers her into the chair.

“What happened?” he asks curiously, his gaze moving from me back to her.

“Liv attacked her,” Kali pipes up, giving me a triumphant look. I huff out a breath of annoyance before meeting Kyros’ questioning gaze.

“She did not.” Zina laughs, clutching her stomach. “We were sparring in class, and I tripped over my two left feet.”

He nods, placing his hand over her right leg, the warm glow spreading over her skin. “Good as new,” he declares, stepping away from her. “There was only a minor sprain, but there’s no use being in pain.”

“Thanks so much.” Zina pops up, bouncing on her healed leg, testing her weight on it.

“We’re gonna go. I’ll see you later?” Kali asks, catching my gaze, Knowing I needed to get ready for my date with Adrian. I nod to her, smiling in thanks, before she takes Zina’s arm, leading her out of the library.

“Well, that was interesting.” He chuckles, looking at the door then back to me. I nod, my lips lifting in an unbidden smile. I honestly can’t help it around him.

He reaches out, grasping my hand, his thumb caressing over my knuckles. “I’m sorry this week has been so weird. I really never thought they would make me take over a class.” His other hand raises to cup my cheek.

“I really want to take you out on that date, but I think it would be best to wait until I’m no longer your professor.” He looks down, a pained expression crossing over his face, and my brows furrow in confusion.

“I don’t get why it’s a big deal. I mean, you’re not a permanent professor.” My chest tightens at his words. Despite his intentions, I feel the sting of rejection.

My reaction catches me off guard, not completely realizing I had let my guard down so far until this moment. My words feel desperate and needy—two things I am not. I turn my head from him, stepping out of his touch. Not expecting this turn of events. My breath catches in my throat. Olivia Rothchild is not one to be let down easy. She is the one that does the cutting before anything gets too serious. How could I forget that? How could I let myself become this vulnerable?

“I didn’t mean anything like that.” His eyes search mine, brows knitting together in confusion. He steps closer, reaching out to take my hand once more. My foot glides back, pulling me out of his reach, the movement reflexive.

“How did this go so wrong? Can we just forget I said that? I was only thinking about the backlash from your classmates, I didn’t mean—” I hear the hurt and frustration in his every word.

I close my eyes, attempting to remind myself that all he said was he wanted to reschedule, not cancel. But my brain fills in the blanks with unbidden thoughts. I attempt to push them down but they float to the surface. Of course he wouldn’t want to go out with me, he could never be happy with someone like me.

It’s best to cut and run now. My deep-rooted fear of rejection, bringing up memories of having my feelings pushed aside, never being able to express any real emotions. The urge to flee bubbles up in my chest. I want to express my emotions, the negative thoughts clouding my mind, but the words get caught in my throat.