Page 50 of Ascension

I shake the feeling of guilt, thinking of what Nelle would say to me. If she were here, she would shake some sense into me, reminding me that I am single and can talk and flirt with whomever I want. A weight lifts from my chest at that thought, as though Nelle were here with me right now.

“At least you’re okay.” He sighs, releasing the built-up tension. His thumb tenderly strokes my knuckles, pulling me from my thoughts. I give him a small, shy smile, looking up at him through my lashes, grateful for the comforting touch. He returns my smile before his eye catches on the wreckage around us. He grimaces, surveying the room around us.

“How about we go somewhere a little less—”

“Depressing?” I ask bluntly, not wanting to sugarcoat what happened today. I could use many other descriptions, but dwelling on it wouldn’t do either of us any good.

“You could say that.” He chuckles blandly, his eyes showing no amusement. “Do you want to go with the others?” he asks tentatively, still holding my hand. However, he doesn’t meet my eyes.

“No,” I blurt quickly. Not ready to leave his comforting presence so soon. “I don’t really want to be with everyone just yet.”

He nods in understanding, his mood lightening at my words, and finally, meets my eyes. The light glinting off his honey-brown irises brings out the flecks of gold. A slow grin spreads across his face as though he’s unable to keep it at bay.

His cheeks form the most attractive dimples I’ve ever seen, and my brain urges me to lick them and then run my tongue down his neck. I bite my lip, eyes focused on them, mind now wandering to consider if he has those sexy lower back dimples too.

Still clasping my hand, Kyros leads me out of the classroom, leaving the destruction behind us and oblivious to the lascivious turn my thoughts have taken. We walk through the ordinarily bustling halls in silence—the regular groups of students nowhere to be seen in the aftermath of this morning’s events.

We make our way to the library. The hushed whispers of students grouped around the study tables hit my ears as Kyros opens the doors. The relaxed environment from yesterday has completely shifted to one of fear and trepidation. Students look up from their tables, casting wary glances around the room. Word has, of course, spread to the rest of the school by now, causing everyone to be on edge.

Kyros glances around, pursing his lips at the furtive glances from nearby students. Sensing my tension, he guides me behind the desk. A young male student sits where he checked out my books yesterday, helping a few students in line. He leads me towards the door he disappeared behind yesterday, leading to a small cozy office.

“Please take a seat,” he urges, gesturing to a large plush leather couch. Letting go of my hand, he closes the door behind us before moving over to a table in the corner. I’m bereft without his warm, comforting touch.

“Is green tea okay?”

I nod, noticing the kettle in front of him. I sink into the leather chair, relaxing for the first time in what seems like days, as Kyros puts the kettle on.

“So, if your powers are healing, why are you working in the library? Wouldn’t a clinic or something be a better fit?” I ask, watching him ready the mugs. The question has been floating through my mind since meeting him yesterday. He lets out an amused chuckle, putting the tea bags into the cups before facing me.

“Books are sort of my escape. I love sitting down and getting lost in the pages. It helps distract me from some of the more gruesome events I have to see.” His voice trails off, his eyes becoming distant. As though fighting back thoughts of one of those times.

“Well, thankfully, there isn’t much healing to be done here. Today notwithstanding.” He grimaces at his words. Looking back at me in apology.

The whistling of the kettle pulls us both from our thoughts and he turns to pour the water into the mugs.

“So there aren’t usually attacks?” I ask cautiously, my voice low and small—Professor Barros’ words replaying in my mind. At my tone, he pauses mid-pour, turning slowly to observe me, brows furrowing in concern. I relay what Barros told the class yesterday about being prepared for any threats.

His eyes become distant, and he rubs his chin thoughtfully. I can almost see the gears whirring in his head, running over my words.

“To my knowledge, there haven’t been any attacks on the college prior to today. I believe the professor was speaking in general. Combat has always been a mandatory class for new students,” he states, pausing before he adds, “I’ll do some research, though. Perhaps there have been some instances that haven’t been widely reported.”

His eyes light up with that thought. His mouth quirks up in excitement before he remembers the subject at hand. I spot the telltale reddening of his cheeks in embarrassment before he turns to hide it and finishes up by pouring the water he had abandoned. I can’t help but smile at his reaction, genuinely seeing how his love for books and knowledge put him at ease.

I smile up at him in thanks, accepting the tea he offers to me. Cradling the mug in my hands, I sink back into the couch, letting the warmth sink into my tired bones. Admiring his ability to put me at ease using logic to explain the situation in a new light—all without laughing off my concerns. He counts them as valid and volunteers to help me find any information he can.

His caring and concern send warmth blooming in my chest. “I could always help you,” I offer, not knowing why my voice sounds shy and hesitant.

I really don’t act this way normally—only around him. Nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach, as I gauge his reaction.

“I mean, I’m not the greatest when it comes to academics, but I’m sure if you put me on the right path, two pairs of eyes are better than one,” I offer sheepishly.

“I would love to have your help.” His words come out in a rush, as though scared any hesitation on his part would lead to me retracting my offer. “I mean for research purposes, of course.”

I chuckle at his attempt to hide his excitement. “Yes, of course. Research purposes.” Amusement lacing my words, I quirk an eyebrow at him, leaving him to interpret my meaning. A blush creeps over his cheeks once more, his eyes searching mine as I bite my lip. His gaze is drawn to the movement.

I could definitely see this conversation shifting to a different tone. Yet, Maximus’ words still play at the back of my mind. I can’t keep letting these men sidetrack me. I need to get some answers.

Kyros’ face sobers, seemingly sensing my shift in mood. I take a sip of tea, letting the warm liquid soothe my throat. Green tea is definitely not as delicious as coffee, but the warmth comforts me, relaxing me further. Giving me a moment to collect my thoughts.