Page 38 of Ascension

Iroll over, a groan leaving my lips at the pounding in my head, pulling me out of my dreams. My hands clutch my head, willing the pain to stop. The pounding starts again, sounding different now that I am conscious. I pause, eyes popping open in confusion. The pounding continues, yet my head feels fine.

I jump out of bed frantically searching for my phone, realization hitting me when I see the time on the screen. I bounce over to the door, still in yesterday’s uniform, to see Kali standing on the other side. Her smile lights up when she sees me dressed. Slowly dimming as she scans me further, my rumpled clothes betraying me. Surely my hair is another dead giveaway since the strands are sticking out haphazardly.

“You don’t look ready.” She winces. Her words are hesitant. She shifts on her feet uncomfortably, unsure of what she should do now.

“Definitely not ready. It looks like I forgot to set the alarm, so thank you for the wake-up call.” My cheeks burn as I remember exactly why I fell asleep so abruptly last night. “You go on without me. Looks like I’m skipping breakfast this morning. I’ll just call it intermittent fasting.” I wave her on, not wanting her to miss out on my account.

“Are you sure?” she asks warily, eying my wrinkled clothes and rumpled bedhead.

“Of course. You go on ahead. I’ll meet you in class,” I assure her, giving her as wide of a smile as I can without giving away the fact that I haven’t brushed my teeth yet this morning.

“I’ll try to grab you something.” She nods before turning to leave. Making her way towards the dining hall, she looks back once more, indecision passing over her face.

I wave quickly before shutting the door. Not wanting her to wait for my late ass. I shake my head, bringing my palm to my face. Note to self, set the alarm to go off every day so this doesn’t happen again. I rush into the shower, stripping off my crumpled uniform. Needing to wash off the smell of arousal still clinging to me from last night.

I hurriedly dry my hair, throwing it up into a messy bun, and quickly swipe a coat of mascara on my lashes and dab on a red lip gloss since I don’t have time for much more. I pull on a new uniform and slip my feet into my burgundy heels. My phone tells me I definitely don’t have enough time for breakfast, but I might be able to meet up with Kali and Domenic still.

Luckily, I didn’t unpack anything yesterday, so my bag is all ready to go this morning. I shove my phone in before swinging it over my shoulder. I quicken my pace, closing the door behind me, hoping to see some familiar faces on my way. The halls are busier than yesterday. Most students already finished breakfast, and are now lounging by the fountain.

Swinging open the doors to the almost empty dining hall, I glance around our usual space. Finding the seats empty, much to my dismay. I glimpse the meager array of food still remaining. The last few students in the hall, leaving through the door.

I swipe a half-stale croissant from the tray and rip into it, moaning around a mouthful of the buttery pastry. Grateful to have some food in my stomach.

Taking my phone from my bag, I check my messages. With another bite of the croissant, I scroll through, distractedly walking back out to the hallway. Seeing a few unopened messages, I decide to answer them back since I have a few minutes left before class. The most recent message is from Kali.

Kali: We headed over to class early. I’ll save you a seat!

Liv: Thanks, girl! On my way.

I smile to myself, grateful that I found someone as sweet and kind as Kali on my first day. Hopefully, I don’t corrupt her too much. I do a little evil cackle in my head, already knowing that I definitely will. Next, I see an unopened message from Adrian.

Adrian: Hope you had a good sleep, angel. Can’t wait for our date next week.

Followed by a winking emoji.

Liv: Oh, I had a great sleep. One might even describe it as orgasmic.

At my own teasing reply, I giggle, almost choking on the piece of pastry. I hear the beep of Adrian’s immediate response, but decide to not look at it. Leaving him wanting more, just as he did to me last night. His mention of our date next week sends a pang to my chest as I remember my encounter with Kyros yesterday.

I pull up his contact I entered yesterday, and send him a message. I bite my lip, heat rushing to my cheeks, thinking how he fit into my fantasy last night. I push the nervous energy aside, opening a new message.

Looking up, I start walking towards the classrooms again. The hallways are almost entirely empty now. I glance around, not seeing anyone on my path. I look back down, typing the message as I walk, a big goofy grin tilting my lips.

Liv: If it isn’t Kyros, Mr. God of Healing himself. It’s Liv, also known as the clumsy book girl.

I look down at the message, my thumb hovering over the send button and chew my lip nervously. My thoughts moving to Adrian and last night, indecision warring within me.

I’m pulled from my thoughts, the space darkening the only clue before I collide with what could only be described as a boulder. My face smacks off the hard, unyielding material. The impact causes my thumb to lower onto the screen, pressing the send button.

I stumble back, my heels close to slipping out from under me on the smooth marble floors. Barely righting myself in time, I take a deep breath in, attempting to calm my racing heart. My eyes lift to the figure before me.

Somehow, I had veered slightly off course in my haste. I assumed I had walked into a door or a wall with how hard the surface was. Instead, I see a towering figure with his broad muscled back turned towards me. He wears all black, a leather jacket, and black jeans. He turns as though in slow motion, and my eyes catch on his sharp, chiseled jaw, lined in dark stubble.

My hands itch to trail over it. His thick black hair styled back, his emerald-green eyes are so intense, cutting as they take me in, assessing. Despite the hardness, there is also a bright light, as though they see all.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I say, smiling sheepishly at him in apology. I swallow, and a nervous flutter enters my stomach, feeling a distant connection between us.

I silently hope he isn’t another god I need to watch out for. That would definitely be my luck lately. I expect his gaze to soften when our eyes meet. To my dismay, they harden further, his lips curling in a sneer. His eyes scan me, disdain clear in his gaze.