Page 21 of Ascension

My stomach tightens with each step I take, pulling me back towards the auditorium. The sensation is so compelling, I struggle to move, allowing others to walk around us while I try to shake the feeling. I can barely keep my attention on the headmaster, the pull towards the back of the room so insistent. I search around as it intensifies, unable to locate the source.

My mind is jumbled from what little information is given. After this Ascension ceremony, I’ll get to meet my mother. The question is, did I even want to meet her? Sure, my father is rarely home and has issues expressing emotions, but I’ve always known he loves me and cares for me. Although I may be upset with him for potentially keeping the truth from me, I still love him.

My mother, well, she’s a stranger to me. She let me grow up thinking she was dead, to just come back into my life when I turn twenty. She missed me falling off my bike the first time, learning to swim, my first dance recital, and now everything is supposed to be forgiven? I’ve felt lost most of my life, lacking that female role model because she is a god and too good to visit earth?

Lost in my thoughts, I barely register the conversation between Kali and Domenic. “—Aren’t you excited, Liv?” she asks, snapping me from my thoughts.

“About what.” She looks at me as though I’ve grown a second head.

“The Ascension, of course.”

We stop by the fountain to regroup, students still exiting the auditorium behind us.

“I think we should get through the next few months before worrying about that.”

Her face falls, eyes creasing with worry. “Are you not excited for the Ascension? We’ll finally be able to figure out our other biological parent and find out what our powers are.” The excitement creeps back into her tone by the end of her question.

I frown, looking back at her. I learned at breakfast that Kali’s family situation was vastly different from mine. Her father remarried after her own mother left. She had a large family and plenty of support growing up. Chewing my lip, I debate telling her where my thoughts have gone. Not wanting to bring her down when the friendship is so new, not wanting to take away her excited glow, I keep quiet.

Domenic’s eyes flicker to me, taking in my torn gaze before moving back to Kali. “Can you believe we got to see him?” he exclaims, attempting to change the subject.

“I know. I tried not to make eye contact, though. Did you see him scare Katrina? I’m sure she must have peed her pants.” She laughs, lowering it to a light chuckle and blushes in embarrassment when the group next to us looks over.

Confusion creases my brow and I look back and forth at both of them, waiting for some other information.

“I can’t believe he was actually there. No one has ever seen him around campus, then he just shows up at orientation,” Domenic continues, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “Things are really getting interesting since you’ve shown up,” He teases, his eyes lingering a moment too long. An uncomfortable shiver moving up my spine.

My stomach twists again, after becoming just a dull twinge since moving over to the fountain. It slowly grows in intensity, forcing my eyes to move around, searching for the cause.

My eyes dart back towards the auditorium as an imposing figure emerges, shrouded in shadows. Unable to see past the sea of students still milling about the corridor, I instantly know this is the person that I am being pulled towards. The sensation intensifies as he draws closer. Kali sucks in a deep breath and the students near the door clear a wide path. Cowering to the sides as he passes through.

His stride, long and confident, heads straight in my direction, and the students scramble out of his way as though his mere presence will set them on fire. His form comes into focus as the crowd continues to part for him. His muscles bulge as he moves, his arms are broad and thick. His chest flexes with each footstep as his black leather armor stretches over his linen shirt, daggers sheathed in the leather straps crossing his broad chest.

My eyes move back up to his face, his cropped chestnut hair, and as he draws closer, his hazel eyes lock on to mine. The pulling sensation is finally sated, now finding the source drawing it. His face betrays no emotion, and his eyes entrance me as I focus on the delicious mix of green and brown, so complex and compelling. My eyes rove over this mountain of a man, the urge to close the few steps between us so strong, I have to force my feet to stay rooted to the floor.

He continues forward despite the crowd still looming ahead of him. They scatter out of the way as he draws near, not wanting to get caught in his path. My breaths come quickly. A few feet are all that separates us now. The corridor grows silent, no one daring to make a sound. Some students silently slink away, while others move off to the side, wanting to listen in on the interaction—nosy little shits.

He comes to a stop in front of me, his presence intoxicating and nowhere near as intimidating as he seems to be to others. Kali and Domenic step away out of my periphery, cowering in his presence, not willing to make direct eye contact with him. I, however, stupidly stare straight back at him. Belatedly realizing I’m the only one doing that—his presence evoking a different effect than it seems to with everyone else. I draw myself up as far as I can, trying to not seem so small and weak in comparison to his towering figure. My eyes start at his feet, running up his height and I debate climbing him like a tree right here in the middle of the hall.

His lips quirk up a fraction, not noticeable to anyone else. As though he wouldn’t want anyone but me seeing the slip in this crowd. Maybe he’s reading my lewd thoughts from my expression as I gaze at him.

His thick hand reaches out to grip my upper arm, not too tightly, but enough to shift my attention. His rough touch is electric on my bare skin.

“Let’s go,” he growls, tone gruff, and he begins to turn, leading me away. I almost follow him, swept up in the moment before I’m pulled back to my senses and dig in my heels and not moving a muscle. He stops, hopefully because he doesn’t want to hurt me, and drops his hand and stares back at me, bewildered.

“Men and their audacity,” I scoff, shaking my head, not even knowing why I’m protesting against this mountain of a man. My pride takes the driver’s seat, wrestling control from my desires.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I don’t even know you. Besides, I need to go to class.” I take a step back, inhaling deeply. His scent is an intoxicating mix of smoke and cinnamon. I try to calm my conflicting emotions. Part of me wants to slap him for attempting to bring me anywhere. The other wants to follow him—hopefully to a closet or room with a door that locks—for a few hours.

“Forget class.” His eyes bore into mine, making me pause. My breath catches as he holds my body’s ensnared gaze, eyes heavy on mine. Without warning, he turns, a loud rumble vibrating from his chest and he sneers at the students surrounding him. A wave of power echoes off of him, pushing the students back. I hadn’t noticed that many had drawn closer in an attempt to overhear our conversation. I scowl at them right along with him, watching them scamper to their feet before bolting in a different direction to retreat.

“Why don’t I need to go to class?” I attempt to draw his attention back towards me, telling myself it’s because I want to give the other students a chance to leave. Not because of the desperate need I feel bubbling inside me to see those hazel eyes on me once more. Nope—that definitely isn’t the reason.

“You don’t need to learn from these fools.” He darts a scathing look around, not finding anyone to direct it at. His brows knit together in confusion, not having a target for his glare now that he scared everyone off. Even Kali and Domenic stand further back, looking hesitantly at me, not wanting to evoke his ire.

“I’ll teach you how to use your powers right now. You don’t need this.” His hand reaches for the thin bracelet encircling my wrist. My thoughts immediately flash to what happened with Adrian, the blast of power that knocked him across the room. The idea of hurting others makes me flinch away, moving my wrist behind me out of his grasp.

“I don’t even know who you are.” I throw back at him, sneering and trying to cover up my flinch with outrage. His eyes widen in shock and he takes a step back from me. I hear Domenic choke in surprise at my words. I don’t turn around, not wanting this man to turn his anger on him.