Page 15 of Ascension

Ifumble around to my right, searching for the culprit of the incessant beeping pulling me out of my dream. My hand clasps around the source, light filtering in through my still bleary eyes. I smack it a few times, seemingly finding the right button since it finally silences.

Rubbing my tired eyes, I go to roll out of bed, but smash into something hard instead. I jerk out of my sleepy haze, blinking rapidly, attempting to make out what the hell is in my bed. I blink in confusion, my eyes focusing on a marble wall.

Whipping my head around, I take in my surroundings before the events of yesterday come streaming back through my consciousness. A sigh escapes my lips, and I lie back down, pulling the duvet up over my head. I could happily stay in the comfort of my new bed and not face my new reality so soon.

With the most dramatic groan I can muster, I throw the duvet back off me, remembering Kali is supposed to be coming to get me. I grumble to myself and swing my legs out of bed and march over to the attached bathroom, not wanting her to be late due to my dramatics. Surprisingly, the bathroom is already fully stocked.

Jumping in the shower, I get myself ready for the day. I hurriedly dry my dark brown locks straight and apply just enough makeup under my sea-green eyes to stop me looking like a zombie. The garment bag still hangs where I left it, so at least my clothes won’t be crumpled. I pull out the uniform and purse my lips, examining it critically. The only saving grace is a burgundy tie. The uniform includes a form-fitting short-sleeved shirt and a black pleated skirt. Accompanied by white knee-high socks, of course.

I frown, looking in the bag for some sort of footwear since the gladiator sandals had turned back into my muddy heels after I took them off last night. I shift the bag around, finding cute satin burgundy heels to match the tie at the bottom of the bag. Luckily, I’ve pulled on the clothes before the knock comes at the door. I fix my tie in the mirror, thankfully already tied, because who really knows how to do that nowadays. I would have wasted thirty minutes struggling along with a video tutorial to get it looking even half-decent.

I hurry to the door, flinging it open to a startled Kali standing on the other side. Her uniform almost matches mine. However, her tie and flats are all black. I chuckle to myself, realizing Adrian must have had something to do with my uniform. His thoughtfulness brings a faint smile to my lips.

“Hey, girl,” I chirp, a bright smile on my face. I wave her forward, racing back to my bedside table to retrieve my forgotten phone. I turn around, noticing Kali holding something out to me.

“I think this is for you. I found it outside your door,” she says sheepishly, holding a burgundy leather backpack out to me. I eagerly take it from her. Inside, there’s a black notebook along with pens, and sticky note stuck to the front of it.

‘Make sure to look in the shopping bags -A.’

This man really knows how to spoil a girl. I smile to myself, his thoughtful gesture warming my heart. Leaving his note on my desk, I open the paper bag from the electronics store and pull out a tablet and wireless keyboard, and I place them into my burgundy backpack, along with my phone. There’s also a laptop, which I leave on the desk since the tablet is better suited to take notes with.

A knot twists in my stomach thinking back to our trip to the store. I was putting distance between us while Adrian had only been thinking about me. I swallow thickly and swing the bag over my shoulder.

Digging through my purse, I find my favorite lipstick, which just happens to match the bag perfectly. I quickly fill my full lips with the dark color, smiling at myself in the mirror. Kali clears her throat, and my eyes fly to her, but she’s awkwardly staring down at her black flats.

“Ahh, so sorry,” I blurt, grabbing my key from the desk before we head out the door. Quickly locking it behind us, I throw the key in the bag’s side pocket. There’s a skip in my step as I follow Kali down the hall and out of the giant bronze doors. We walk silently along the corridor towards two large wooden doors propped open, revealing a bustling dining hall.

“So, what’s good?” I look towards her as we make our way past the table to the large buffet-style serving area. My heels click against the marble floors as I confidently stride alongside Kali, drawing more than a few lingering stares from nearby tables.

“Mostly everything, since students come from around the mortal realm, they have a mix of different international cuisines.” She glances at me, eyes brightening in excitement, as her smile grows. “I’ve sampled most of them so far. It’s so interesting to learn what different cultures eat for breakfast.”

“So if students come from across the world, how does everyone understand each other? Surely not everyone speaks English?” I question, glancing around the crowded cafeteria, unable to distinguish any different languages over the din of conversations mixing together.

Kali’s face brightens at my questions, her eyes lighting with keen fascination. “I wondered that when I first arrived. After some research, I discovered an enchantment was placed on the realm long ago. It allows for the melding of languages. So I could be speaking French, but it would sound like English to you. It even goes so far as to change the movements of your lips for the person you’re speaking to.” My eyes widen at her words, the concept of a power able to complete such a feat still sounds impossible to me. I purse my lips and nod, deciding it would be beneficial for my sanity not to mull over her words too much.

We grab plates, and make our way through the breakfast foods. I choose some French toast and drizzle maple syrup over it. Piling some fresh fruit onto my plate, I head over to the coffee bar. I opt to make a cappuccino, expertly maneuvering around the machine as I prep the espresso and steam the milk.


Kali nods.

Scooping the foam on top and topping each with a sprinkle of cocoa, I hand one to Kali who is standing still, watching me in awe.

We make our way over to an empty table and slide into seats opposite one another. Her plate is filled with an array of food from across the world.

“I’ve never really traveled,” she says sheepishly, looking at me then glancing back at her plate, digging into her culinary trip around the world. Her eyes light up at the first bite as she munches animatedly. Pulling a notebook from her bag, she jots down the food and the country of origin.

“I’m sure you’ll get to travel after this.” I motion around us, smiling at her encouragingly, before digging into my own breakfast. The strawberries look delicious, and I attack them like a wild animal, ravenous from the unintentional ‘world upheaval dieting plan’ I was on yesterday. I should probably trademark that before it becomes the next fad.

“Where are you from? I tried to guess based on your breakfast choices, my best guess is New York?” Curiosity lights her eyes as she looks up excitedly.

“Nope, not New York. I’m from Toronto, Canada.” I smile back at her.

“That’s awesome. I’m from a small town in Maine. I’ve never really been able to travel, but that is definitely the first thing I want to do as soon as I’m able.”

I smile back at her, promising myself I will take her around the world as soon as we can leave. If this place has a summer break or something.

“I’ve only been to Maine once, and not on purpose. Our GPS took us on a shortcut through Maine to Nova Scotia. We ended up on a deserted road covered in ice, stuck in between two hills. Negative five out of ten, would not recommend that experience to anyone.”