Page 8 of Ascension

Asnap pulls me from glaring at my treacherous shoes. I pause mid-step, eyes shooting up to Adrian. A sly smirk tugs his lips, and I decide to trade the target for my ire. I open my mouth, a sharp retort on my tongue before my heels disappear.

I let out a small oof, not being prepared for the sudden drop. My eyes dart down to the new misfortune that has befallen me. I purse my lips, taking in the new shoes on my feet. The heels are now replaced by gold gladiator sandals, the straps wrapping up around my calves.

“I felt these would be more appropriate.” He chuckles, turning to walk before he can appreciate the full weight of my glare. I huff out a breath and make my way after him, the blades of grass now ticking my feet instead of trapping them. I quickly catch up to him and I look straight forward, refusing to thank him, not wanting him to think he was right.

“How do you keep doing that?” I ask, thinking back to my blast of energy.

“It’s my power. Every god has a different power.”

“Okay … so what’s your power exactly?” I ask hesitantly, unsure if I truly want to hear the answer.

Adrian smirks, looking at me sideways as we make our way towards the marble staircase. He twists his fingers, a white lily appearing between them. His fingers graze against my elbow, stopping me before tucking it behind my ear. I freeze at the too-intimate touch, my body going rigid. My mind still whirrs from this afternoon’s events as it fights against the warm feeling spreading throughout my chest at his proximity. He smiles down at me tenderly before stepping away, the smile falling as he takes in my blank face.

“I’m the god of illusion. I can conjure anything into existence. Once I stop feeding my power, it ceases to exist.” The flower’s weight in my hair fades, leaving me feeling bereft without its presence. I swallow hard, before making my way forward again, not wanting him to see my lips pulled tightly into a grimace.

“So, what are my powers?” I look up briefly at him, feeling his presence at my side once more.

My feet echo off the marble as we make our way up the stairs. The golden statues ensnare me, the molded gold not giving too many facial details. My eyes snag on one, a sense of familiarity fills me, but I shake my head, pulling my attention forward once more.

“We won’t know until we figure out your parentage. Most demigod children are sent to live with their mortal parent until they are of age to attend the academy. There’s rarely a record of who their godly parent is until their powers are fully unlocked.”

“So, my father lied to me when he said my mother died when I was born?” I look up at him as we reach the entrance and pause, allowing that information to sink in.

“I’m sorry.” He glances down at me, eyes softly moving across my face. I take a deep breath, holding it in. Later, I will think about that when I can process everything that has happened today. I give him a tight smile and nod as we walk through the grand entryway. A shiver runs over my skin. Walking through the doorway, I glance back, seeing nothing.

“It’s a barrier. It senses if you are meant to be here and expels anyone who isn’t.”

I shiver, not wanting to know how it expels someone.

I follow Adrian down the marble hallways. Students milling about in uniforms stop to stare at us, whispering and pointing at Adrian. I pull myself up straighter, facing forward, feigning an air of confidence I don’t feel, and allow it to wash over my features and block out the whispers and stares that press in on me.

“So by gods, do you mean the ones from Greek mythology?” I whisper, my brows furrowing in confusion.

“Not exactly.” Adrian chuckles. “Most of the stories of the gods have been altered throughout the years. Fabrications written by humans based on their imagination.”

Adrian pulls to the right slightly, glancing over his shoulder to ensure I’m following. We pass under a marble arched entryway into a large corridor, shops line the hall, selling everything from clothes and books, to electronics, with a large office at the far end. He comes to a stop in the middle, waiting for me to catch up the few steps to him.

“I’ll go get you registered with the administration while you get fitted for your uniform.” He smiles down at me, a little too gleeful with that prospect. I scowl back at him, which only makes his smile grow.

“A uniform, seriously?” I question disbelievingly. “Can’t I just skip that?”

Adrian lets out a laugh. “I had a feeling you were going to say that.” He steps closer, his chest nearly touching mine. He bends his head down towards me, breath caressing my ear. “You can go get fitted for your uniform by the seamstress, or I can take the measurements myself.”

A shiver runs over my body, as I imagine his hands running over me as they had on the dance floor. His fingers gliding over my skin. He steps back suddenly, the air feeling colder than it did just moments before, losing the charge of our sexual tension. He smirks down at me, growing bolder since my earlier request for space.

“Fine.” I flip my hair behind my shoulder, turning back to where I think I saw the clothing store. I feel his chest against my back as he steps into me. He chuckles, his hot breath tickling down my bare neck and places his hands gently on my shoulders, slowly turning me in the other direction, towards the clothing store.

I step away from him abruptly. Scowling back at him over my shoulder and his laughs come even louder, vibrating through his chest.

“I knew that,” I scoff before hurrying towards the store, swiftly ignoring his increasing laughs behind me.

The name ‘Madame Cora’s’ shines on the store sign, the same glowing light emanating from it as coming from the lights in the sconces. Dresses and gowns of all shapes and sizes line the walls, the more casual pieces displayed on racks around the store. A large bronze desk sits on the far wall with a small bronze door leading to the back. I glance around at the clothes, idly picking through a rack of jeans.

“Is there anything I can help you with, dear?” A bright, cheery voice sounds behind me, and I turn to face the sound. A petite brunette stands behind me, hair styled into a short pixie cut, complimenting her attractive features.

“I guess I’m supposed to be getting a uniform.” I shrug, giving her a small smile, not wanting to direct any of my annoyance towards her.

“Perfect, just this way.” She rushes towards the small door at the back, excitedly hurrying to open the door. I follow along behind her, not wanting to run to keep up with her, and walk with purpose towards the door she already has held open. Tapping her feet impatiently, she ushers me inside, the door closing firmly behind us. She grabs her measuring tape from her worktable, shooing me towards the mirrors. Her measuring tape flutters through the air, flitting around me as it takes my measurements. She quickly writes them down, following her flapping tape through its circuit.