Page 47 of Ascension

“I’m assuming this is the asshat from earlier?” He chuckles, leaning backward to meet my gaze, none of us wanting to leave the safe space just yet.

“Well, thankfully, he didn’t listen to the part about staying far away from you.” The words sound like a joke, yet his amusement flees as they fall from his lips. “That was close, Liv.”

I nod, swallowing thickly. The actual weight of the earlier events bearing down on me finally sobers me from the adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

“What did he say to you?” Kali asks, her voice coming out in a barely audible whisper. “We saw him shift, but we couldn’t make out any of his words.”

“He said his master would have fun with me.” I shudder remembering the demon’s hissed words, his putrid breath invading my senses. Not wanting to remember the glimmer in his beady eyes as he spoke. His words sound more like a promise.

“He was going to take you with him?” Her words come out in a squeak, arms gripping me tighter. As though her grip alone could ward off any further attempts. My heart warms at her reaction, not having many close friends other than Nelle before. It’s nice to make two friends quickly, especially ones that care so deeply.

“Get your hands off of her.” The words are growled so close to my ear I jump, not having heard him approach. The interruption cuts off my response. I grind my teeth in frustration at the controlling, surly jerk that apparently thought he could speak down to me and dictate who was allowed to touch me.

I turn on my heel, whipping around to face him. My stare is cold and unblinking. Except his gaze isn’t focused on me. Instead, his look is locked on to Domenic. Brows lowered, his eyes narrowing on my friend, promising nothing short of death and destruction.

“Who do you think you are?” I ask incredulously, my words come out cold and hard. He may be the reason I’m still standing here in one piece, but that doesn’t mean he can dictate how I interact with my friends.

His eyes flash back to mine, wide with shock before they narrow on me. His gaze is assessing, calculating as it runs over first me, then Domenic. His lips quirk upwards, the closest thing I’ve seen to a smile on his face all day.

He puffs out his chest, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. I furrow my brows in confusion, this expression looks bizarre on the darkly handsome jerk. He opens his mouth about to speak before a slimy voice slithers its way through the room. Cutting him off before he can utter a word.

“What in the ethereal has happened here?”