Page 40 of Ascension

“I sense a story here.” Domenic’s tone is amused, not realizing the sudden shift in my mood. Kali grimaces, scanning my face.

“I was texting someone,” I trail off, glancing around nervously. Not wanting everyone around me knowing my business. “When I accidentally bumped into this asshat, who was so full of himself, he couldn’t even accept my apology. He just went off on me.” I grumpily sip my coffee, hoping the delicious liquid will help lift my spirits once more.

“Was he a …” Kali trails off, not wanting to say the word aloud. I catch her meaning, though and shrug my shoulders.

“I honestly have no clue, but we both agreed to stay far away from each other,” I explain, letting the irritation roll off me with those words. He is not my problem, and thankfully, he didn’t seem like he wanted anything to do with me either. My stomach sinks at that thought.

I push away the piece of me that was disappointed to see him walk away. Domenic’s eyebrows furrow, looking back and forth between the two of us, not catching on to our covert conversation. He opens his mouth but is interrupted by the bell ringing.

“Let’s get started,” Professor Gabris announces, standing from her desk. She glances nervously at the door, her eyes darting to me. She pauses, visibly relaxing when Mateo doesn’t come storming through the door.

You bring one hulking war god to class one time, and now no one can get over it. I grimace at the hole in the board where Mateo’s dagger impaled it yesterday, grudgingly understanding their trepidation. I mean it’s not like I invited him or anything.

“Where did we leave off last class?” she asks, waiting for volunteers. A few students raise their hands, including Katrina. She anxiously waves her hand in an obnoxious gesture. Begging the professor to choose her. Gabris gives her a polite smile and gestures to her to answer.

Katrina bounces up from her seat excitedly, much to the professor’s shock. She struts to the front of the class and moves in front of the board. Professor Gabris gives her a questioning look, which Katrina can’t see since she’s standing with her back to her.

“My name is Katrina. In case anyone here doesn’t know already.” She laughs, holding her stomach as though her words were pure comedic gold. The concept that one person in the room not knowing her is the most outrageous thing she would ever hear. The silence stretches through the room for a moment before Stacia and Veronica chuckle half-heartedly in response.

“Anyway,” she continues, giving them a side-eyed glare for waiting so long. “Last class, we discussed the major gods. We were able to get through the five major light gods. Before, someone’s—” her eyes narrow on me pointedly, crossing her arms in a huff “—uninvited guest started throwing knives around.”

I open my mouth to refresh her memory. About to tell her, it was actually only one knife, and I definitely did not invite him, when the professor cuts me off, stepping in front of Katrina.

“That’s quite enough, thank you, Katrina. The God of War is always welcome in our class.” She chuckles nervously, eyes darting around the room as though he might be listening in. I honestly wouldn’t put it past him. Katrina still stands, arms crossed, glaring at the professor for interrupting her.

“You can go back to your seat now,” Gabris directs, motioning towards the empty chair, effectively dismissing her. Katrina huffs out an indignant breath before stomping dramatically back to her seat.

“Yes, we did discuss the major gods yesterday. We took a closer look at the five major light gods. We even got a first-hand perspective from one of the major light gods himself. I see that as an invaluable insight that not many demigods are privy to.” She looks at me nervously, as if I’m reporting back to the war god. I purse my lips, not wanting to be the girl that everyone tiptoes around because of the big bad god of war.

“Today, we will continue with the five major dark gods. Just as Osias is the head of the light gods, there is a head of the dark gods. Romulus. As the most powerful of the dark gods, he has the ability to wield any of the dark powers. This makes him the perfect counterbalance to Osias. The two gods oversaw the ethereal realm for millennia, ruling over the gods and protecting the realms from swaying too far in either direction.” She looks uncertain speaking these words as though waiting for some unknown power to strike her at the mention of the head of the dark gods’ name.

“As I explained, it’s important to remember that light and dark are the origins of their power. One does not necessarily entail good, nor evil. Different powers are needed for many reasons, ensuring the realms maintain their harmonious balance.”

“You may not be as familiar with the dark powers, as this university is focused on the light-powered gods. Most of you should remember from your pre-course studies that our light gods at the academy are only able to sense light-powered demigods coming into power.” I glance over at Kali confused by this. I hadn’t fully realized what a disadvantage I had only showing up the day before classes. Most of the other students already had a background in the basics the professors expected us to be well versed in by now. Kali notices my eyes on her. She nods, confirming Gabris’ statement, and giving me a sympathetic smile.

“With that being said, most of your study at the university will be geared towards light magic since no one here would have dark magic. We will, however, discuss all of the majors, light and dark, as they are tied deeply with the history of the gods and how we got to where we are today.” I look around the class in an attempt to see if anyone else is as confused as I am. I only see nodding calm expressions. It seems as though I’m the only unfortunate person in the class to not have this vital information.

“The next god we will be discussing is Octavia, God of Death.”

An eerie chill creeps up my spine at her words. As though just speaking her name would bring death upon us. I see some of the other students shudder in fear and silence settles over the classroom.

“Some argue she is more powerful than Romulus. The power of death, unlike other powers, is only reserved for the god of death. Romulus cannot use these powers, despite having all other dark abilities. Most scholars believe this is due to death’s power being so extreme. Having more than one god able to wield it would throw off the balance of the universe.”

Gabris writes the names onto the board, putting Romulus at the top.

“This brings us to our next two gods—Titus and Kallen. They are the sons of Romulus and Octavia. Upon mastering their powers, they surpassed other gods with their powers, taking their places as two of the five majors. Although Titus and Kallen are offspring of Romulus and Octavia, neither of them possess death’s power. Titus is the god of vengeance. His powers are used to not only right the wrongs perpetrated against others but to set about world-changing events. Kallen is the god of storms. Surprisingly, although his parents are both dark gods, his power comes from both light and dark. He controls storms, which can both heal the earth as well as bring about catastrophic change.” Professor Gabris moves away from the board, where she mapped out the gods and their connections, allowing a visual representation of her words.

“The last god we will be discussing is Aurelia, the God of Lust.”

I pause at her words, gritting my teeth. Jealousy bubbling up inside at the mention of that name. Adrian’s words from yesterday race through my mind.

“Aurelia’s power is both from light and dark. However, she is considered a dark-powered god. Lust is not inherently dark. Although it can have many implications. For example, lust is a key factor leading up to love. However, lust can also be used as a tool to manipulate.”

My mood darkens at the mention of her name. I clench my jaw, teeth gritting together and I attempt to calm my increasingly rapid breaths, drawing in air at a slow, deliberate pace. The jealous irritation fades, loosening its hold on my body. I let a mask fall over my face, not wanting others to see the way that name affected me.

We just had to be discussing Aurelia, the vindictive god that had her offspring write embellishments about Adrian. Aurelia, the god apparently powerful enough to be a dark major. She has experienced Adrian’s sensual teasing kiss. Has definitely had my god of illusion between her legs—I cut off that thought, not wanting to acknowledge the claiming words. The rage that was building within me again, like a burgeoning flame, is instantly doused. The fear that accompanies that thought acts like a bucket of ice water, chilling me to my bones.

Professor Gabris’ words filter back through my mind, and I belatedly realize I tuned her out. Focusing on my jealous rage rather than the vital information being relayed.