Page 28 of Ascension

Imaneuver my way through the halls, now packed with strolling students. Their pace slow and relaxed now that classes have finished. I make it back to the promenade, remembering my way there from yesterday. As I thought, the library is tucked behind the administration desk Adrian brought me to yesterday.

Pulling open the large bronze door, I pause as the room comes into view. I’m struck by the expansive space before me—plush, red carpet lines the floors, with rows of ornately carved wooden tables along the front. The room continues in a curve, bookshelves piled high all around the cavernous space, with even more stacks in the center.

I spot Kali packing up her books at one of the nearby tables. Professor Gabris walks further into the library as she waves at Kali in farewell. I sidle up to her, startling her while she packs her books away once more. She quickly darts a glance to the other side of the library. My eyes follow hers as she watches a vaguely familiar tall woman with blonde curls walking away.

“So that’s the real reason you ditched me, leaving me to suffer through combat all by myself.” I pout dramatically, flopping down into the chair next to her. A bright red blush creeps across her cheeks. She darts her gaze around, making sure no one is around to listen in on our conversation.

“That’s not the only reason. I like the research,” Kali admits, not meeting my eyes. My thoughts sober, her words bringing back my purpose. I briefly fill her in on what Professor Barros said in combat class. Her face pales as I explain my worries.

“There’s just so much I don’t know about this world yet. I don’t want to be walking around, blind to any danger that may be lurking at any corner,” I explain to Kali. She nods back, eyes soft with understanding.

“In the mortal realm, I just went with the flow, traveling, listening to anything my father said. Not really caring enough to take control of what happened in my own life. I don’t want that to happen here. If there’s some sort of threat, I want to be able to do something about it.” My tone is hard and determined. Strengthening my own resolve with each word.

“I guess it took being kidnapped to realize that.” My tone lightens, attempting to bring a bit of levity back to the conversation.

Kali’s face gains back a bit more color. Her brow is still furrowed in concentration while she pulls out her tablet. She pulls up the library’s directory, performing a few quick searches and composing some notes.

“These should be able to help.” She gestures to her tablet, producing a list of books with their locations. “They should all be available. If not, just let me know, and I’ll look for them tomorrow.” Her eyes dart over to the blonde woman from earlier, Stacia, I recognize from our brief interaction this morning. She sits patiently on a plush tan leather couch on the far side of the study hall. As my eyes follow Kali’s, I catch the woman darting her gaze away, attempting to avoid my notice.

“We need to uh—go over our notes from our study period. We were chosen to do this study together. I promise I’ll help you tomorrow, though,” she stammers out, noticing me following her gaze.

“No worries, girl, you do you.” I wink at her, causing her cheeks to redden once more.

“I’m serious, Liv.” She stops fidgeting, looking back at me with a hard glint in her eyes. “I really do want to help you with this—I will help you with this,” she amends, voice hard and determined, meeting my gaze confidently.

“I know,” I assure her, clasping her shoulder, my eyes holding hers. “I can get started on my own. Besides, we don’t know that there is for sure anything to worry about yet. Plus, you deserve some … study time.” I nudge her with my elbow, winking. She bats my arm away, shushing me as I let out a soft giggle. “Go on. I think I can manage a bit of research on my own for today,” I say seriously.

“If you’re sure?” she questions hesitantly, darting her gaze back over to the couch before landing back on me. “On second thought,” she starts, trailing off with a sad look in her eyes.

“No.” I stand from my chair, cutting her off abruptly. “I’ll be fine. Just give me the list, and I’ll start finding the books,” I reassure her, motioning to the list on her tablet. Nodding, she transfers the list to my tablet.

“Text me if you need anything.” She holds my gaze until I nod. Only then does she wave, and make her way over to Stacia.

I hold my tablet up, my eyes switching between the tablet and the numbers posted on the stacks closest to me. I start at the bookcase in front of me. Collecting a book titledThe Realms and Their Creatures, I fold it under my arm and search for the next book.The Gods and Their Powers.I examine this one, wondering what Kali may have been thinking.

Finding a basket, I pick up a few more books on the list. My curiosity gets the best of me and I find a secluded spot. A high wing-backed tan leather chair placed among the massive bookshelves. Settling into the seat, I pull out the tan leatherbound bookTheGods and Their Powers, straying from my original purpose. I flip through the yellowing aged pages, finding Adrian - God of Illusion listed in the table of contents.

I scan through a bit, turning the weathered pages carefully. Finally, I find a brief description that won’t take up too much time to read—I don’t have a lot of time for research as it is.

‘Adrian, officially known as God of Illusion, has many talents. He is one of the least serious gods, causing trouble everywhere he goes.’

A laugh sputters out of my closed lips, bursting forth unbidden and echoing through the bookcases. I clasp my hand over my mouth. Imagining his roguish grin, eyes dancing with mischief. Yes, that description definitely seems accurate.

‘His power of illusion—seemingly creating items out of thin air—can perform almost any feat as long as he continues to push magic into the illusion. However, these items are not permanent, which makes them an illusion. His most famous feat in the mortal realm is Stonehenge’s mysterious creation, which he is still fueling power into this day. He even created rumors among the humans that aliens created it to cause even more havoc amongst them.’

A wide smile stretches across my face, and I read about his antics. He is even responsible for creating crop circles famously blamed on aliens.

‘He has been alive since the creation, as with all original gods. Throughout this time, he has garnered a reputation as a ladies’ man, consistently revolving through the gods as he pleases.’

My lips purse into a frown at that, stomach clenching in a knot. Seriously Liv, you’ve only known him a day. I chastise myself mentally, chewing on my lip. Not wishing to read anymore, I quickly flip back to the table of contents finding ‘Mateo - God of War.” I pause for a moment, anxious for what I may find in his chapter. Sucking in a deep breath, I close my eyes, quickly flipping to the page, so I don’t chicken out.

‘Mateo, officially known as God of War, is one of the five light majors. His powers are some of the most impressive of the gods. He has the power to either start war and grow tensions throughout the mortal realm or end them. For example; he will generate conflict between countries when there is a worthy and noble cause that needs to be fought. However, he will quell tensions when the threat of war is due to selfish means. Although this is true, the god of war’s powers are generated from both dark and light magic. He tends to sway more towards the light, only embracing the dark power when absolutely necessary for the betterment of the realms.’

I chew my lip, thinking about his powers. They are so great that he could influence the world to fight for whatever means or cause he deemed fit. However, he only used them to better the lives of humanity.

‘Although the god of war’s influence is widespread, there are still some world leaders so corrupt, even his influence cannot dissuade them from entering their soldiers into a pointless conflict. He does use his powers in whichever means possible to help protect humanity at its core.’

My respect for Mateo grows, finding myself engrossed in his passage, not wanting to put it down. He puts on this facade that he was only interested in terrorizing others when it was ultimately the opposite. He lets the students here fear him and his powers rather than explaining his powers’ true meaning.