Page 18 of Ascension

Ilean back in my black leather chair, lazily propping my legs on my oversized oak desk and glare at the papers gliding to the floor as my black leather boots slide more off the side. Stacks of papers rain over the edge, and I purse my lips and wave my fingers. The papers stack themselves back up in a neat pile on the opposite end of my desk. I roll my eyes at the documents as though they are sentient beings, misbehaving for the sole purpose of pissing me the fuck off.

My temper wanes as I pick up my daggers once more, twirling one through my fingers before my wrist snaps, sending it hurtling towards the bullseye painted on my office door. It sinks into the wood, perfectly in the center ring. The sound of the metal impaling the wood brings a small smile to my lips.

However, the joy is short lived, once I look around, remembering there is nothing to be happy about in this hell hole. I glower at the finely detailed oak door, as though it is the sole source of my misfortunes.

I ready the next dagger, flipping it in the air and catching the hilt effortlessly. My wrist flicks once more, the blade embedding right next to the first one. I snatch the last one, sending it hurtling at the door, just as it starts swinging open. I use my powers to redirect the blade into the door trim. A hair’s breadth away from impaling itself into the intruder’s skull.

“Nice to see you too, psychopath,” Adrian mutters, eyes flashing to the blade, a mere quarter of an inch from his head. He swings the door closed, shaking his head at the sight of the other two daggers embedded there. I smirk to myself, quickly schooling my face before he turns back to me. Not wanting him to catch the amusement in my eyes.

“Am I the only one doing any fucking work around this place?” His eyes narrow on me, shaking his head in disgust. I lean further back in my chair, arms coming behind me to prop my head against them, sparing him a lazy glance.

“Did you just come in here to nag me to death, or does your unwanted presence have some sort of purpose, Adrian?” I glower, lazily picking up another dagger and balancing the tip on my finger. His eyes flash to my movement.

Rolling his eyes, he stalks forward, shoving my boots to make space before he perches on my desk. He meets my glare head-on, cocking his eyebrow in challenge. I nod to him, allowing him to continue. Tamping down on my urge to use my powers at the implied challenge.

“I need a favor,” he trails off, looking back at the door.

“Just spit it out, Adrian,” I growl, not having the patience for a long-drawn-out story.

“I need you to watch over the orientation this morning.” Refusing to meet my eyes, he crosses his arms.

“That’s a hard pass,” I chuckle, flicking the remaining dagger. It sinks into the door sitting on the other side of the first. I glance back at him. His eyes are narrowed on me, his body language stiff. I huff out a breath of annoyance before silently waiting for him to continue.

“I have to go to the mortal realm. But someone should be there to watch over … everyone.” He pauses on the last word—the emphasis drawing my eyebrow up in question. I close my eyes for a moment allowing my consciousness to drift to the mortal realm to make sure.

“I don’t sense any emerging powers. Besides, since when do you care abouteveryone?” I ask suspiciously, knowing there’s something he’s not telling me.

“It’s a personal matter, and it’s one person, in particular, I care about,” he grinds out, teeth clenched, attempting to give me as little information as possible. Well, not me in particular, but anyone who may be listening in. Neither of us trust any others outside of our circle. I lean my head back further, shutting my eyes firmly and let out a long groan. I stay like that for a moment keeping the fucker in suspense before lifting my head once more.

“Fine. You owe me, though,” I grind out, exasperated with this new headache. He looks back at me wryly, shaking his head. Some of the tension drops from him with a sigh.

“So, what are you really doing today?” I ask again, cocking an eyebrow. He glances around the room, looking at me pointedly. I roll my eyes at him and nod, his trip would have to remain a mystery, for now, it seemed.

“Are you going to fill me in on who I should be looking out for?” I grumble, tone apathetic, as I remain seated, hiding my curiosity. He barks a laugh, knocking my boots off the desk as he raises to his feet.

“You really think I’m that stupid? I trust you to protect the students. I don’t trust you to not make a move on her just to spite me.” Shaking his head, he gives me a disbelieving look. I shrug back. I guess I wasn’t as good at hiding my curiosity as I thought. I swipe the daggers from the door, placing them back in their various holders in my leather armor.

Swinging the door open, we both make our way into the nearly empty corridor. A few students still rush around, staring wide-eyed at my form. I keep my face stern, despite feeling overjoyed on the inside, the fear and respect in their eyes is like an all-you-can-eat buffet to me, and I devour the power it gives me.

Even the professors stare at us, most intimidated by two of the four gods obligated to stay at the academy this year. I internally grumble remembering this fact and how to punch the next person who reminds me a year is nothing in the grand scheme of our immortal lives.

I hate it here, the halls suffocate me, I long to be anywhere but here. Preferably a battlefield to take out the rage boiling inside me, battle lust singing through my veins. I push down the urge, my fists clenching, as my brow draws even lower. A student jumps as he accidentally meets my eyes, pulling my lips up in a low growl. Terror fills his gaze and he freezes in fear for a moment before turning on his heel and sprinting away. I let a small chuckle slip out. Well, that definitely helped cheer me up. Adrian just rolls his eyes, used to my behavior after all these centuries.

Adrian stops in his tracks, looking conflicted as he stares at the closed auditorium doors.

“I won’t let anything happen. I promise.” My deep voice echoes off the now-empty hall, snapping him from his thoughts. He nods, clapping my shoulder in thanks, and I watch as he drops his hand. Taking a deep breath, he makes his way out the opulent entryway to dissipate past the wards. I turn my attention back to the auditorium doors, pushing them open with a bit more force than necessary.

The grand wooden door slams into the marble wall, sending a crash echoing throughout the auditorium. Scowling at the door, I stomp into the room, footsteps thudding off the marble floors. Two staff run to close the opening once more, keeping their gazes low to the ground, in an attempt not to endure my ire. I glance around the room. Students turn in their seats, immediately spinning back once they see me. Lowering themselves into their chairs to avoid my wrath, their attention falls back on to Headmaster Mavros. He briefly looks towards me before continuing his speech.

“With that being said, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Osias Academy.”

I prop myself against the back wall, leaning on the cool marble and lazily rest one leg over the other, rolling my eyes at the headmaster’s words. He should have said welcome to hell, or at least my personal hell. Cooped up in these cavernous walls, the marble may as well be prison bars.

Osias, that egotistical prick must feel so important having the only academy to train the rest of the gods’ children named after him. On second thought, he probably doesn’t even care, just another accolade metaphorically collecting dust on a shelf, teeming with others just like it. I’m sure he would be laughing to see me here. I glare at Mavros as though this is all his fault.

He continues his bullshit speech, and I scan the room, trying to see if I can pick out Adrian’s girl. Sighing, I give up on my pointless task, not being able to make anyone out from the back of their heads.

“Your professors and I are here to guide you through your academic journey and beyond. Please do not hesitate to speak to one of us if you have any questions at all. All of us have been in your shoes at one point, walking these same halls as students many moons ago,” Mavros continues on, acting like all the staff are one happy family. I’ve seen the staff acting quite the opposite in my few months here.