Page 13 of Ascension

“Was everything fake? I mean, was it all a ploy to get me here?” The question leaves my lips before I’m even sure what I am saying. I cringe internally, scared at what his response may be. Wishing I had asked this before revealing any vulnerability to him. He steps forward. His hand clasping my chin, gently lifting my head to meet his.

“No,” He states simply. Eyes boring into mine, no hint of a smile left on his lips. He meets my gaze head-on, begging me to believe him. Our eyes stay locked on one another. I finally nod, seeing the sincerity written across his handsome face. His sly grin returns at the acceptance in my eyes.

“Actually, I might get in trouble. I’m really not even supposed to interact with students before bringing them here.” He grins mischievously, leaning in closer. “It was worth it, though.”

He pulls away, heading back over to the bags he left on the desk. He pulls out a black phone with a red case.

“I thought you might want this first.” He smiles, handing it to me. I turn it on, and it boots up with a strange symbol on the front. “The electronics run off of magic here. However, they will connect to the mortal realm,” he interjects, seeing my mouth open, that very question poised on the tip of my tongue.

“About Nelle …” I start, not even knowing how to articulate all the questions I want to ask.

“I used my powers on her. She went home shortly after we left her. She thinks you accepted a place at a university. She knows nothing of the ethereal realm and will not remember even if you attempt to explain it to her.”

“She’s safe, though?” I ask hesitantly. I could figure everything out as long as Nelle made it home safe. I breathe a sigh of relief at his nod. Adrian steps into me, wrapping me up into his warm embrace.

The realization of not seeing her again hits me like a freight train, my breath hitching, and I fight off the tears welling up in my eyes. The entirety of the situation presses down on me, a tightness gripping my chest. My breaths come in short and shaky gasps.

Adrian pulls back, placing his hands on my shoulders as he meets my eyes. “Breathe in. Now out,” he coaches, pausing between prompts to allow my breathing to stabilize. The weight slowly lifts from me with each set of breaths. His hands slide up to cup my face, my cheek nestling into the intimate touch.

“You’re not alone. You have me. I am not going anywhere. I know it’s fast, I know it isn’t normal, but we’re not normal. I’m here, and I’m not leaving.” His face softens, all tension evaporating when he meets my eyes, willing me to take in his words. The words echo in my mind, sparking fear and comfort inside of me at the same time. His declaration is both what I needed to hear and what I dreaded at the same time.

“I’m just not adjusting to this quickly. Do people normally adjust this quickly?” My brain rebels from the sudden turns my life has taken despite the feeling of rightness both Adrian and this realm spark deep within my chest.

“I wouldn’t really know. I can’t say I’ve stuck around long enough to see how anyone else copes,” he says sheepishly, the admission evoking the same emotions. Convincing me further of the truth in his words. He lowers his head, resting his forehead against mine. I lean into the touch, relaxing against him. Slowly inhaling and exhaling without his prompting now.

“I’m trying,” I whisper softly, his stillness calming me as I breathe deeply. The tension is almost completely gone from my body.

“I’m starting to see that,” he murmurs on an exhale, fingers caressing my cheek soothingly. Like he sees all of my broken parts and accepts me for them.

Before I realize what I’m doing, I raise up on my toes, my lips softly brushing against his. He sighs, moaning at the light touch as though it is precisely what he was craving. His hand slides through my hair possessively, cupping the back of my head. His mouth comes down on mine harder, claiming me. His tongue runs across my lips, and I let out a soft moan, parting for him. The sound is muffled by his mouth as he swallows it.

His tongue dips between my lips, caressing mine, and I meet him with just as much hunger. As though we are picking right up where we left off in that change room. He pulls me closer, my body molding against his. His other hand wraps tightly around my waist. As if he’s scared that if he lets go, I may disappear.

Adrian draws back, reluctantly ending our kiss. My body still craves more. He places a chaste kiss on my forehead before stepping away, both of us panting from the fevered kiss. His gaze is hungrily devouring me and I draw in deep breaths in a desperate attempt to get my heartbeat back to a steady pace, allowing the desire rushing through me to settle. He leans back into me once the lust wanes, swiping a thumb over my swollen lips and brushing my locks behind my ear.

“We’ll have our time,” he whispers, almost more to himself as he reluctantly draws back once more.

He drops to pick up my forgotten phone. Apparently it slipped from my hands during our frenzied kiss. I blink slowly, not even realizing it had fallen from my grasp. His fingers quickly tap across the screen before turning it for me to see. A single entry sits in the contacts, the name reading ‘Adrian’ with a heart-eye emoji accompanying it. I roll my eyes, my lips lifting in a small smile as I take the phone from him.

“I’m here if you need anything. I mean it, nothing is too big or small.”

I nod at him, and his eyes sear into mine, conveying his sincerity. He leans down, his mouth meeting mine in one last scintillating kiss before breaking away.

“I would really like to continue this once you’ve adjusted.” He lifts his eyebrows, a sly grin stretching across his lips. He darts to the door, giving me a final parting look over his shoulder. He chuckles at my half-hearted glare before I drop that act and let out a small giggle myself.

Shaking my head with a goofy grin still stretched on my lips, I lock the door and collapse onto the bed. The giddy feeling dissipates as I stare up at the bronze-plated ceiling. I pull my phone out, quickly typing in Nelle’s contact and my father’s from memory. I pull out the torn piece of paper and type in Kali’s contact, I send her a quick message letting her know my room number to meet in the morning.

The silence weighs in on me, so I slowly sit up and scoot up on the plush bed. I lean against the headboard, and prop my phone up on my knees. I click the video call icon dialing Nelle. It takes a moment before the phone starts ringing through the speaker. I send her a quick text letting her know that it is me so she’ll actually answer.

“Tell me everything.” Nelle’s voice echoes excitedly off the empty walls, the familiar sound making me relax as I smile back at her, comforted to see her safe.

“I’m not really sure where to start.” I bite my lip. “Well, you can start with sparing no detail on you going home with that piece of man candy.” She waggles her eyebrows at me. Enjoying the brief moment of levity before her expression grows serious. “Then you can explain how you suddenly decided you want to go to university and decided to go to one across the world instead of with your best friend.” Pouting, she looks at me, her face falling with disappointment before she looks down and picks at her top. Not wanting to show me the hurt in her eyes, but I see them glisten.

“I’m sorry.” I mentally curse Adrian for not giving me all the details before shoving his tongue down my throat. Definitely his fault. I take zero responsibility. “It just happened so quickly. It seemed like the opportunity might have passed me by if I hadn’t seized it then.” I attempt to make my explanation vague, not wanting to contradict the details Adrian made her believe.

“Besides, it’s not permanent, and we can always visit each other.” I inwardly cringe at the lie, not knowing if I will be able to leave this realm again. I hide the sorrow I feel at that thought, smiling through it for her sake.

“I know, just ignore me. I know I’m acting dramatic.” Nelle looks up, her lips tilting in a slight smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, and bats away a stray tear.