Page 92 of Only Forever

I open the door and motion inside. “Shall we?”

“Where are Gabrielle and Elizabeth?” I ask as I look around at the room full of people. A room my two younger sisters are absent from.

“Gabrielle had a panic attack when Rowan stood up to introduce himself and she realized what a behemoth he is and ran into the kitchen. Elizabeth went with her,” Ashlyn answers.

“Dream girl,” Rowan growls.

“What? I’m merely telling him what happened.”

Juniper snorts. “Liar. Gabrielle’s fine,” she tells me. “She’s helping Mom in the kitchen.”

“But she did say Rowan is a behemoth.”

Juniper throws her arms in the air. “I give up!”

Ashlyn bows. “My work here is done.”

“I’ll go check on them.”

Cassandra grunts. “You don’t need to check on them. They’re not children. They’re fine.”

Lilac squeezes my hand. “I’ll go.”

Ashlyn waits until Lilac enters the kitchen to speak. “Good. Ms. Fuddy Duddy is gone. Now, we can discuss the bets.”

“What bets?” I don’t know why I ask. Every bet I’ve learned of in Winter Falls thus far has been a gross violation of privacy.

“When will Juniper and Maverick get married?”

“Hello!” Ellery raises her hand. “Cole and I are getting married first.”

Cole cocks an eyebrow. “We are? I thought you forgot about my proposal since you refuse to discuss a date.”

“I didn’t ‘refuse’ to discuss a date. I told you I can’t set a date until Aspen does.”

“Thanks, Ellery.” Aspen blows her sister a kiss.

“Since Aspen has set a date, it’s time for us to set our date.”

“Any chance you can tell us the date now?” Ashlyn asks. “And we’ll pretend to not know when you announce it.”

“So, you can win all the bets about the date?” Ellery snorts. “No way.”

“I’ll share my winnings with you.”

Ellery sighs. “Why are you dead set on winning? You don’t need the money.”

Ashlyn crosses her arms over her chest and sticks her bottom lip out. “Because Sage wins every single bet. The woman knows everything going on in town. I wouldn’t be surprised if she keeps track of our ovulation schedules.”

“You’re pregnant. You’re no longer ovulating,” Lilac says as she returns to the living room.

I shake my head.

“What? Does talk of pregnancy and ovulation embarrass you?”

“Gee, Lilac. Way to induct the man into the family,” Lyric grumbles as he enters the house.

Aspen checks her watch. “I didn’t think you were going to make it in time to eat.”