Page 83 of Just for Forever

Chapter 27

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.


Ipace my room as I consider what I’ve done. Or, I guess I should say, what I’m about to do. I pause to rip the letter from the printer. I fist the piece of paper in my hand as I consider yet again if I’m doing the right thing.

But there’s actually nothing left to deliberate. I’m done considering. Done weighing both sides of the coin. It’s done. The decision is made. I won’t let my family slip from my fingers. I am not my father. A man who doesn’t deserve the designation of ‘father’.

I leave my room and bound down the stairs. I need to tell Ellery what I’m doing. I locate her in her office despite it being nearly seven in the evening when I know she started at five this morning. These ridiculous working hours can’t be good for the baby, but every time I bring up my concerns, she shoots me down.

One problem at a time. “Can we talk?”

Pain flashes in her eyes as she purses her lips and considers me. “You want to talk now?”

“Yes, if you’re not too busy.”

“Not too busy?” she snarks at me, and I know I messed up.


“Now, you want me to listen?” Her voice raises until she’s nearly shouting.

I shut the door behind me. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

I should have known this stubborn woman won’t let me get away with a mere I’m sorry.

“I’m sorry I ghosted you for the past few days. After you told me you would never leave Winter Falls, I had some thinking to do.”

And I had to rearrange everything. I thought I could convince Ellery to move away from Winter Falls and follow me to Chicago. I have no idea what I was smoking that made me believe she’d move when everyone warned me about how attached to this town she is.

“You hurt me,” she says in a soft whisper I don’t think she intended me to hear.

I rush to her and kneel at her feet. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s fine.” She wipes her tears away. “It’s not a big deal.”

“Stop,” I order her. “Do not belittle your feelings. Your feelings are your feelings. If what I said or did hurt you, you need to tell me.”

“I’m not… I don’t know … It’s not as…”

She doesn’t need to finish her thought for me to understand what she’s saying. She’s not used to making herself vulnerable. Her college boyfriend really did a number on her and her ability to trust.

I stand and draw her to her feet. “Come on. I ordered pizza. Let’s discuss this over food.” Her stomach rumbles at my words and I know I’ve got her now.

“Fine,” she gives in with a grunt.

I wait while she switches off her computer and locks her files away. Once she’s finished, I grasp her hand and lead her out of the inn to the carriage house and her apartment.

“Did you tell Gracious to deliver the pizza to the carriage house or your room?” she asks as she collects plates and silverware.

“Depends.” She lifts an eyebrow. “On how mad you’ll be when I answer carriage house.”

She sighs before asking, “What do you want to drink?”

“A beer.” I need a bit of Dutch courage for the upcoming conversation. She sniffs my beer before handing it to me. “Does it bother you I’m drinking alcohol when you can’t?”