Page 79 of Just for Forever

“I can’t be in a relationship with you, because I don’t trust you not to cheat on me when you’re not here.”

He growls. “You think I’ll cheat on you?”

“You don’t get it.”

“Damn straight, I don’t. Explain it to me.”

“When I was in college I fell in love with a man, Bob, he left and moved to Seattle where he lived with another woman while still being in a long-distance relationship with me.”

I glance over at Cole, expecting to witness understanding on his face but am instead confronted with anger. A muscle in his cheek jerks as he clenches his jaw. The waves of fury rolling off of him are practically visible.

“Are you mad?” I ask like a complete idiot. Of course, he’s mad. “Why are you mad?”

“Are you kidding me?” The question bursts out of him. “You basically told me you will never trust me because of what some asshat in college did to you. I,” he slams his fist against his chest, “am a thirty-four-year-old man. I am not an asshole kid whose only thought is getting his dick wet.”

I flinch at the venom spewing forth from his mouth. “But you don’t live here. Once the community center project is finished, you’ll be gone. Don’t you get it? I can’t leave Winter Falls. My entire life is here. My family and friends, my business. I’ve spent the last ten years of my life building my business. A business, may I remind you, that I cannot move. Literally. The Inn on Main will always be on Main Street.”

His anger seeps out of him. “And you’ll never move away?”

“No. Sorry. I won’t move away.” I rub my belly. “Especially not with baby West on the way.”

“Baby Hawkins,” he corrects.

“Whatever the baby’s last name is doesn’t matter.” I slam the lid shut on the can of worms labeled baby’s last name. “What matters is I want my baby to grow up here in Winter Falls where it’s safe and every single person in town will watch out for him.”

“I can’t change your mind?”

“I’m sorry, Cole, but no. On this, I’m firm.”

He inhales a deep breath before climbing to his feet. “Okay. Thank you for telling me,” he says before walking out the door and, I fear, my life.

I swipe the tears away as they fall. It had to be done. No matter how much I may want Cole in my life. My life is here. His isn’t. The end.