Page 70 of Just for Forever

Chapter 23

Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is done.

Isigh as I sink into my chair in my office. I make sure the door is closed before unbuttoning my pants. Truth be told, it’s not a button situation anymore. I’m using an elastic band to keep my pants together. I really need to move buying pregnancy pants up on my to-do list, but who has the time?

The door opens and I sit up before my visitor notices my pants situation. I puff out a breath in relief when I see it’s just Cole. Just Cole? There’s nothing ‘just’ about the man.

He smirks before stalking toward me like he’s the predator and I’m his prey. Oh my. Is it hot in here? His blue eyes sparkle and his dark hair is all messed up as if he’s been running his hands through it non-stop. It’s my job to run my hands through his hair and ruin his hairdo.

Wait a minute, Ellery. It’s not your job. Nothing to do with Cole is your anything except raising this baby together. And having sweaty fun between the sheets. Nope. No more sex. I needed to scratch an itch is all. But somehow the itch got worse after I scratched it. Oh boy.

“C-c-can I help you?” Great. Now, I’m stuttering.

Cole doesn’t stop until he’s looming over me. I lean back in my chair to gaze up at him. Are architects supposed to be this sexy? Shouldn’t he be a skinny nerd with white pasty skin from being inside all the time? Not a bronze skinned beauty with broad shoulders.

He kisses my forehead. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

I ignore how his lips on my skin make me feel and concentrate on his words. “A surprise?”

“Yep.” He grasps my hands and heaves me from my chair.

I whirl around to fix my pants before they fall to my knees. Although if my pants were around my knees, it would give Cole easy access to my core which started pulsing the second I laid eyes on the man. Knock it off, Ellery. You’re not a sex-craved kitten. You don’t even like kittens, remember?

“Are we going somewhere?” I ask once I’m presentable again.

“We are,” he says and hauls me out of my office.

“Where to?”

“It’s a surprise,” he murmurs as he guides me out of the inn and into the parking lot toward his Jeep.

“Did you get a dispensation to drive your car in Winter Falls?”

He opens the door and helps me into the passenger seat before responding, “As a matter of fact, I did.”

My mouth drops open, and he tweaks my nose before shutting the door and rounding the front of the vehicle. He hops in and switches on the engine. When he turns left out of the parking lot, I realize we’re leaving Winter Falls.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

Ugh. Enough with repeating ‘it’s a surprise’.

“It’s a surprise as in you’re going to tie me up and kidnap me?”

His gaze whips to mine and the jeep swerves. He clears his throat and returns his attention to the road. “Do you want me to tie you up?”

I was kidding, but now I’m thinking about him tying me up and blindfolding me while I’m naked and he explores every inch of my skin. I rub my thighs together to create a bit of friction as the fantasy causes my body to heat and tingles to erupt in my core.

“I think you’re fond of the idea. I’m all for experimenting the next time we’re in bed.”

The next time we’re in bed? Whoa, Ellie! Cole and I aren’t in a relationship. Well... We are in a relationship. A relationship as in co-parenting our baby-to-be. Not a relationship as in we’re a couple. Cole’s an out-of-towner, remember?

“I don’t think we should add sex to our relationship.”

Cole frowns over at me. “You seemed to think it was a wonderful idea the other day.”

Yes, because I was horny and feeling lonely at being by myself on New Year’s Eve.