Page 62 of Just for Forever

I raise my hand, too. “Wanna bet she got married by Elvis?”

“I will not accept your bet. I know baby cakes has always wanted to be married by Elvis.”

Ashlyn smacks Juniper on the shoulder. “Don’t you go calling me baby cakes, too. You’re barely eighteen months older than me.”

“Which means I have eighteen months of experience on you.”

Ashlyn reaches for her again, but Rowan steps in between them. “No fighting on Christmas day.”

Ashlyn flutters her lashes at him. “But it’s tradition. And you’re in big trouble for telling everyone we eloped.”

“I didn’t tell anyone.”

Ashlyn cocks her hip and stares Rowan down. I count five seconds before he caves.

“It was an accident.”

Mom claps her hands. “Speaking of accidents.” She stands next to Cole’s mom. “I’d like to introduce everyone to Amy Hawkins.”

“Did you make enough food?” Ashlyn asks around a bite of turkey.

Rowan snatches the drumstick from her. “Behave, dream girl.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Hawkins. I promise my family isn’t always this crazy,” I plead. This woman is the grandmother of my baby. I need her to like me.

“Liar!” Ashlyn yells, and Rowan clamps a hand over her mouth.

Mrs. Hawkins laughs. “It’s fine. I always wanted a big family.” Her smile dims for a moment before she forces it back. “I’m glad my grandchildren will grow up with all these aunts and uncles.”

Grandchildren? I gulp. Does she think Cole and I are a couple? I glance up at him, but his expression doesn’t give anything away. Great. I guess I’m navigating this minefield on my own.

“Um…well… Cole and I…”

Cole sighs. “Mom, Ellery and I aren’t together.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh.” She clears her throat. “Even if you aren’t together with my son, I’d like to think of any other children you have as my grandchildren as well.” She flushes as she glances away.

I rush to her and squeeze her hands. “Of course, Mrs. Hawkins. The baby’s brothers and sisters – if they ever come into being – will be as much your grandchildren as this child I’m carrying.”

“Amy. We don’t use last names in the family.”

Her eyes water and she sniffs. Cole tucks her into his side. “Mom, you promised you wouldn’t cry.”

“You didn’t tell me I’m going to be a grandma.” She motions toward me. “You know I’ve always wanted …” Her voice cuts off when she loses the battle to hold back her tears. Mom snatches her hand and escorts her away.

“Are we going to do presents first or eat first?” Lilac asks when silence falls.

“Way to be sensitive, big sis,” Ashlyn mutters.

“What pray tell am I supposed to be sensitive about?” Once again, human emotions have confounded my middle sister.

“Ellery’s baby grandma rushed out of here bawling her eyes out. Have a bit of care.”

I throw my hands up. “No! We are not labeling Cole’s mom baby grandma. And.” I pause to glare at everyone. “We are also done labeling Cole baby daddy.”

Ashlyn grimaces. “What about if we bought Cole a t-shirt for Christmas with baby daddy on it before you threw down this rule?”

“I’m going to kill her. Surely, a jury would understand.”