Page 54 of Just for Forever

Chapter 18

If you can stay calm while all around you is chaos, then you probably haven’t understood the situation properly.

Iopen the door to my apartment several hours later to discover my sisters gathered in my living room.

“Now what?” If my question sounds snarky, it’s because it is.

“You didn’t honestly think you could sneak out of the bar without repercussion, did you?” Juniper asks.

“Yeah! We were celebrating my appointment as mayor. You can’t miss it,” Ashlyn adds.

I collapse on the sofa and lay my head back against the cushions. “I didn’t escape to go have fun or – you know – catch up on my sleep because I’m pregnant or to have some time to deal with how everyone in town knows I’m pregnant despite my not telling them.”

Aspen giggles. “You didn’t seriously think you were keeping your pregnancy a secret, did you?”

“You didn’t know until I was four months.”

Lilac raises her hand. “I knew.”

Ashlyn slaps her shoulder. “And yet you didn’t tell us.”

“You didn’t ask.” Lilac does not ascribe to the ‘an omission is a lie’-team

“Anyway,” I say loudly to stop all the talk of who knew what when, “I had to deal with a plumbing emergency.”

Aspen shivers. “Don’t tell me someone tried to flush their underwear again.”

“Nope. A watch.”

“How do you flush a watch?” Lilac’s not being nosey. She’s genuinely curious.

I shrug. “No idea. When I fished the watch out of the toilet, the guest was all ‘So that’s where my watch went.’ Idiot.”

“Some people are negligent when it comes to handling their things with care. And it doesn’t matter how much the thing costs.” Juniper shakes her head.

“Are you talking about—”

“No!” Juniper barks to cut off Ashlyn’s question. Someone has a secret. I wonder what it is.


“No!” I guess Juniper isn’t open to talking.

I check the clock. It’s after eleven. “I’m exhausted. My bed is screaming my name. Can whatever this is wait until morning?”

“We’ll be quick,” Aspen says.

I motion for her to proceed.

“You’re being a bitch and as your sisters, it’s our duty in life to inform you of when you’re being a bitch. You need to give Cole a chance.”

I rear back at Aspen’s declaration. I’m being a bitch. What?

“We know you have this hang-up about Bob, who sounds like a tool by the way.”

At Lilac’s statement, I narrow my eyes on her. “How do you know?”

“He wasn’t difficult to locate.”