Page 49 of Just for Forever

“Sorry? For what?”

“Sorry, our child won’t have four grandparents.”

I snort. “Have you met my parents? My mom won’t have any trouble filling in any gaps left by your father. My dad’s parents are still alive as well. They’re Russian immigrants and will smother their first great-grandchild in love and worry.”

“I can’t wait to meet them.”

Oh boy. I forgot about him meeting them. Babushka loves to ‘test’ new members of the family. Mom and her get along like ants on fire now, but Mom’s told us the story of how they met. Gulp.

“What about the rest of your family?” I ask before my thoughts can spiral any further.

He finishes his water and sets the glass on the counter before answering. “There isn’t much. I’m a single child. My mother never remarried. Her parents died when she was young. I have an uncle, my sister’s older brother, but we’re not in touch. He blames my mom for her husband leaving her, since he warned her about him.”

“What a jerk. You don’t abandon family because they don’t do what you want. I wouldn’t have any sisters left if I did.”

He nods. “I know, which is why I will never abandon our child.”

“I believe you.” And I do believe him. Our child will be the top priority in Cole’s life. I can see it plainly now.

But here comes the rub – the real reason I’ve been claiming I don’t know what I’ll do about the baby when there’s no chance in hell I’d let anyone else in the world raise my child – I can’t be certain I will be Cole’s priority, too. And having Cole in my life only for him to return to Chicago where he does who knows what with another woman will hurt.

It shouldn’t hurt. I barely know the guy after all. But I prefer not to lie to myself – too much. My heart is entangled and it’s going to sting like a bitch when Cole shows up for our child with another woman on his arm.

I’m not about to tell Cole any of these thoughts, though. It won’t change anything. He’ll still abandon Winter Falls the second the community center is built. But I can’t refuse to allow him to be a part of this child’s life. Especially not after everything he’s told me. I need to woman up.

He cradles my face. “Good. Does this mean you’ll stop avoiding me now?”

I nod and his face descends. I hold my breath, but his lips don’t meet mine. He kisses my forehead and I nearly swoon at the sweet gesture.

“And we’ll get to know each other? Become friends?”

“Okay,” I rasp.

“Good. Let me know when your next baby appointment is,” he says before dropping his hands and strolling out the door.

Welp. Apparently, I’ve decided to go for a ride on the highway commonly referred to as heartbreak road.