Page 9 of Forever For You

“Irresponsible?” What is he talking about? I return my attention to the boxes. “Whatever. I’m none of your business. Move along now.”

“Get off the ladder.”

I keep my attention firmly planted on the boxes in front of me. “I’m not getting off the ladder.”

“Your sister sent me up here to make sure you’re safe. Now, get off the ladder.”

I puff out a breath of air. Of course, he’s here filling in as my non-existent big brother once again.

“I don’t need anyone to check on me. I’m perfectly fine.”

“You’re going to fall and break your neck.”

“I promise to be careful. There. Satisfied? You’ve done your big brother duty. You may leave now.”

Hands grasp my calves. Big, strong hands. Ugh! I don’t need to be thinking about how big and strong Rowan’s hands are. And now I’m imagining how those big, strong hands would feel on the rest of my body. While I’m naked. Dammit.

“Get down from the ladder,” Rowan orders from between clenched teeth.

Poof! There went my fantasy of him getting all handsy with naked Ashlyn.

“Fine!” I shriek. “I can come back later,” I mumble under my breath.

He releases my calves to steady the ladder as I descend. When I reach the bottom, he doesn’t move, and I end up cocooned by his body. I can feel the heat of his body emanating through his shirt. I feel safe and warm surrounded by him. Too bad he doesn’t wrap his arms around me.

No, Ashlyn. We don’t want his arms around us. We’re getting over him, remember?

I shove at his chest. “Move, you big oaf.”

He drops his hands and steps back. “Promise me you won’t come back here and climb the ladder.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Why would I promise you anything?”

I’m a big fat fraud. I’d promise him the world for a simple kiss.

He grabs my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

He drags me toward the door, but I wrench my hand from his. “I don’t need an escort.”

I’m too busy fuming at the hulk wannabe and forget to pay attention to where I’m walking. I trip on an extension cord and go flying. I land on my foot and hear a distinct snap as pain radiates throughout my foot and ankle before shooting up my leg.

“I think I broke my foot,” I hiss before the pain becomes too much and it’s lights out.