Page 49 of Forever For You

Chapter 17

Slap-happy – a state of being dizzy with happiness, which is usually caused my multiple slaps to the head but can also be the result of losing crutches

Irush out of the doctor’s office – without my crutches – and spin around for the people in the waiting room, most of whom I don’t know.

“I am free! I tell you – FREE!” I lift up my walking cast to show it off.

Juniper glares at me. “Please tell me you’re not going to paint your face blue and pretend you’re William Wallace.”

“You have to admit Mel Gibson was pretty hot in Braveheart.”

“So hot.” She fans her face. “Although, the little ponytail he sported in The Patriot was dang sexy.”

My sister is more crazy about movies than I am, which is saying a lot since I studied drama in college. I never imagined myself as a Hollywood star, though. Trust me, I know my ass is too big for those superficial Hollywood types. I don’t actually know any Hollywood types, but I read People magazine.

“Come on,” I grab her arm and drag her toward the exit of the doctor’s office. “Let’s go have lunch to celebrate.”

“Aspen, Ellery, and Lilac are meeting us at the burger joint on the highway you’re always raving about.”


Since the only places to eat in Winter Falls are the diner and the brewery, I sometimes branch out to other locations to find some grub. Not as often as I’d wish. I don’t own a car, after all. It’s a good thing there are a few vehicles owned by the town, which residents are allowed to borrow for essential tasks. Unfortunately, ‘dying for’ a burger fix is not considered essential by the other residents of Winter Falls.

I prance into the burger joint showing off my walking cast to my sisters.

“Does this mean you’re moving back in with Juniper?” Lilac asks, and I freeze on the spot in the middle of the restaurant.

How could I forget there’s a time limit on my staying in Rowan’s house? I knew living with him would be difficult. But I thought it would be difficult because of my unrequited love for him. I never imagined he’d kiss me and call me a mistake. Technically, he said the kiss was a mistake, but it felt like he was saying I’m the mistake.

But if I’m a mistake, why did he kiss my forehead? What the hell does ‘quite the contrary’ mean?

“Earth to Ashlyn.” Juniper snaps her fingers in front of my face. “Where did you go?”

“I can imagine where she went.” Aspen wiggles her eyebrows. “I think we all can after Rowan carried her out of the bookstore the other day like she’s a damsel in distress and he’s her knight in shining armor.”

“Nothing happened,” I’m quick to point out as I join them at their booth. And no way am I a damsel in distress.

Ellery gestures toward my face. “Your expression doesn’t say nothing happened.”

“Nothing happened the night of the book club.”

“I surmise this to mean something happened on a different night.” I glare at Lilac. “What? What did I do wrong now?”

Aspen claps. “I want to hear everything.”

“Ew.” Ellery feigns retching. “No. I don’t want to hear the details of my sister’s sexual exploits.”

“Don’t worry. There were no sexual exploits.”

“But something happened. You can’t deny it. You’re as easy to read as an open book,” Aspen claims.

“I’m hungry,” I say instead of responding to her. I try to catch the eye of the waitress, but Aspen blocks me.

“No food until we get the details.”

“What are you? The food police?” I stand, so I can see around her.

Juniper yanks me back down again. “You might as well tell us. We’ll just keep pestering you until you do.”