Page 32 of Forever For You

I grunt in response.

He sighs. “Fine. I’ll speak. I’m sorry.”

I raise an eyebrow. An apology needs to consist of more than the words ‘I’m sorry’. There should be an explanation and groveling. Definitely groveling.

“I didn’t think.”

I snort. Tell me something I don’t know.

“I mean. I guess I thought it would be a great business for you. A recording studio compliments your narration work perfectly.”

Except I have no idea how to manage a recording studio and from the little – okay, fine, lot – of Googling I’ve done, it’s way expensive to build a studio. To start with, there’s soundproofing and all the digital equipment. On top of which, there’s the building itself. The storefront next to the brewery has been vacant for a while. Who knows how the structure is holding up?

“And I don’t want a sex shop across the street from my bakery.”

“I don’t know why not. Everyone knows sex gives you the munchies.”

His eyes heat and I realize I not only opened my big, fat mouth, but I hit on him once again. But, wait a minute, why are his eyes heating? There goes my imagination running off again. Inventing responses I wish would happen when the truth is Rowan thinks of me as his little sister. Nothing more.

I return to my pancakes. Cream cheese frosting and chocolate have never let me down.

“Come on, Ash,” he cajoles, and I grit my teeth before I end up forgiving him. I’m not ready to forgive him. Really, I’m not. “What’s the big deal anyway? You said you aren’t embarrassed by your work.”

“And I’m not. There are other reasons for me to be mad about the situation besides being embarrassed.”

He doesn’t have the first clue, proving this man doesn’t know me at all. I file the information away for times when I need to remind myself why Rowan and Ashlyn are not a good pair.

“I don’t know what else the big deal could be.”

“Maybe,” I grit out, “the big deal is I wanted to choose the moment when I told the entire world about my business.”

He shrugs and I see red. Seriously, a red haze covers my vision while my nostrils flare. I’m about to blow.

“The entire town of Winter Falls knew about your business already anyway.”

“It doesn’t mean I forgive you for spilling my secret.”

“But is it really a secret if everyone already knew?” he asks, and my anger bursts out of me and I tell him things I never would if it weren’t for the red haze thing.

“No one in this town takes me seriously. I’m always the little sister of the West girls. They call me babycakes and everyone laughs. And when they’re not calling me baby, I’m ‘the troublemaker sister’.”

“I think you earned the designation.”

I shove my palm into his face. “I’m talking now.”

He motions for me to continue.

“For once, one freaking time, I wanted people in this town to sit up and pay attention to me. To take me seriously for a change. I wanted to present them with the finished feat of me, Ashlyn Dream West, as a successful business owner. But now, it’s all ruined. All because of you,” I snarl.

I run out of breath and wait for Rowan to respond with some placating words. After all, it’s what happens every dang time I complain I’m not being taken seriously. But he doesn’t react the way I think he will.

He palms my neck and uses his hold to draw me near before his mouth slams down on mine. I gasp in surprise, and he takes advantage of the opportunity to thrust his tongue into my mouth. He tastes of chocolate and coffee, and I want to drown in the flavor.

I clutch his t-shirt and drag him closer to me. The table stops our chests from being able to touch, but it doesn’t prevent me from exploring his broad shoulders with my hands. The muscles I discover are hard and warm. Yum. I want to feel every hard inch of his naked skin.

Rowan rips his mouth away from mine with such intensity, I nearly tumble back into my chair. His hold on my neck is the only thing preventing me from melting to the floor in a big puddle of goo. He stares at me while he pants for breath for several moments before the intensity in his gaze shutters. Uh oh.

“This was a mistake.”

“Didn’t feel like a mistake to me.”

He releases my neck and makes sure I’m steady in my seat before launching to his feet. “It was. We shouldn’t… We can’t… I can’t …” His hands dive into his hair, and he yanks on the strands.

“I don’t know why not. I’m single. You’re single. I’m an adult. You’re an adult.”

His hands drop. “No. We can’t. I’m sorry.”

He whirls around and sprints away, leaving me staring at his retreating form. Well, how’s that for a shitty morning? I finally get my mouth on the object of my every desire, and he says it’s a mistake. Well, fuck you very much, Rowan Aries Hansley.