Page 105 of Forever For You

Chapter 35

Quarterback – one who often thinks he’s a mastermind


I pace in front of Naked Falls Brewing as I wait for Ash to arrive. Aspen promised she would bring Ash here today, but I’m not sure how she’ll manage it. Ash doesn’t go anywhere she doesn’t want to, and she doesn’t want to be anywhere near me at the moment.

I can’t blame her. I completely blanked when she announced her ankle was healed. She wasn’t supposed to have her cast off until next week. I thought I had more time to prepare my surprise. Instead, Ash surprised me, and I went mute.

By the time my brain caught up to what was happening, Ash was barreling away on my golf cart with all her things. I hadn’t intended to ever let her leave – regardless of the condition of her ankle – but I did. I’m such an idiot.

“Stop pacing!” Bryan hisses at me. “You’re making me nervous.”

I scan the crowd gathered and wonder if I’ve completely lost my mind. Why didn’t I tell Ash I loved her when we were alone? What made me think this was a good idea?”

“Your face went all scrunchy. You need to stop whatever crazy thoughts are in your brain this minute.”


The words get caught in my throat when I catch sight of Ash. She’s obviously unhappy about being here. Good. Aspen didn’t give away the surprise. Or, maybe she did, and Ash won’t forgive me and thinks I’m a fool.

Ash’s gaze finds mine and she freezes. She tries to back away, but Lilac blocks her while Juniper captures her hand and drags her to me.

“You owe me,” Juniper says as she deposits Ash in front of me.

“What’s going on?” Ash asks as she scans the crowd of spectators. “Why is the entire town of Winter Falls here?”

I thought I was nervous the first time I was chosen to play first string in an NFL game. But those nerves were nothing compared to how I feel now. If Ash doesn’t forgive me, I don’t know how I’ll go on. But I’m not going to find out if I stand here speechless. I should know better after yesterday.

“Ash, may I take your hands?” I begin.

Her nose wrinkles. “You’re asking to touch me? What’s going on?”

“I can’t do this if I’m not touching you,” I whisper my admission to her.

She rolls her eyes, but she also holds her hands out to me. I cling to them.

“Ashlyn Dream West, I love you.” The words slip out. I didn’t intend to begin my grand gesture by declaring my love, but I can’t stand her not knowing how I feel for another second.

“But you let me leave yesterday. Why didn’t you ask me to stay?”

“Because you surprised me. Because I had a flashback of Sandra walking away when I was in the hospital.”

She gasps before her eyes spit daggers at me. “Don’t you dare compare me to your ex-wife ever again. You hear me. You think Aspen shaving Lyric’s entire freaking body when she was mad at him was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

I bite my lip to stop my smile from emerging. My little spitfire would not appreciate my amusement at her threats. I incline my head. “I will never compare you to Sandra again,” I vow.

“Good. You may proceed.”

This is supposed to be my show, but somehow Ash is running it. I might as well get used to it. This woman is going to run roughshod over my life and I’m happy to let her. No, more than happy. I’m fucking ecstatic.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I let you leave yesterday. It’s one of the biggest regrets of my life.”

Her eyes narrow as she studies me. I let her see all the emotions I’m feeling. I don’t hide a single thing from her. After what feels like an eternity, she nods.

“I forgive you. But you better not go mute on me again, you hear? If you need time to think, you tell me, and I’ll give it to you. Nod if you understand.”

I chuckle. “I understand. Now, do you want to see your surprise?”