Page 97 of Forever For You

He smirks. “I’d rather show than tell.”

Sage harrumphs from behind him and he winks.

Our food arrives and I dig into my French toast. I point to his oatmeal with my fork. “Oatmeal seems an odd choice for a baker.”

He shrugs. “I don’t train the way I used to. I can’t afford to eat empty calories anymore.”

“And I can?”

“I think you’re perfectly aware of how much I enjoy your body, dream girl.”

Sage sighs. “How much does he love your body, Ashlyn? Details please.”

I growl. Can’t she tell I’m trying to have a moment with my man here? “Aren’t you needed at the police station?”

“Lyric can get along fine without me.”

“I can?” Lyric asks as he comes to stand next to her table.

“Oh dear. My break must be over,” Sage proclaims as she slides out of her booth and rushes out of the diner.

Lyric shakes his head. “The bane of my existence.”

“Good morning, future brother-in-law.”

“Good morning, bane of my existence number two.”

I widen my eyes and flutter my lashes. “Whatever do you mean, Chief?”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “Really? This is how you’re going to play it?”

I drop my innocent act. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Officer.”

He snorts. “How many times have you said those words, Ashlyn?”

I wrinkle my nose. “Once?”

“You’re such a liar,” he says but there’s no heat in his words. “Did you have fun last night?”

“The paint and sip event your future wife organized was a blast.” I deliberately misconstrue his words.

“Too bad I couldn’t enjoy my tipsy fiancée when she came home as I got summoned for a disturbance.”

He did? We didn’t disturb anyone. River was fast asleep when we left. Across from me, Rowan groans. Idiot. He should know better than to make any admissions of guilt. And, yes, a groan can be construed as an admission of guilt. You quickly learn this when the police always confront you first whenever anything happens.

“River was pissed. And refused to leave the safety of his home because of the ‘skunk’ in his front yard.” Lyric winks.

“He probably shouldn’t steal socks then.”

Lyric clasps Rowan on the shoulder. “You got your hands full with this one.”

“But what fun it is,” I sing as Lyric departs while shaking his head.

“See? There’s no reason to visit your girlfriend in the clink.”

Rowan barks out a laugh and I enjoy the show. His brown eyes sparkle, and the muscles in his neck contract as he tilts his head back. When his laughter dies, he taps my plate with his fork. “Finish your food. We have places to be.”

“Told you, places was plural,” I say before doing as I’m told.