Page 84 of Forever For You

Chapter 29

Homestretch – entering the final phase of your quest to capture the man of your dreams

Islap Rowan’s hand when I notice him reaching with a chip into my seven-layer dip.

“Don’t you dare,” I growl at him.

“But it looks good.” He pouts.

“And I intend for it to look absolutely perfect when our friends arrive.”

He drops the chip in favor of wrapping his arms around me from behind. He bites my earlobe and I shiver. “There’s no need to be nervous,” he whispers into my ear.

I relax into his arms. “I know. I’m being silly. It’s just…”

“Just what, dream girl?”

I take a deep breath and let it out before admitting my fears to him. “I’m afraid I’m going to wake up from this dream in which I got everything I’ve ever wished for. Have you ever gotten everything you ever wished for? Stupid question. You were a quarterback in the NFL. You have an honest to goodness Super Bowl ring. Of course, you have.”

He twirls me around until we’re facing each other and cradles my face in his hands. “Why do you think I dubbed you my dream girl?”

I roll my eyes. “Because my parents are hippies who thought giving me the middle name Dream was completely normal. Spoiler alert – it’s not.”

He smiles as he shakes his head. “No, Ash. Because you are my dream.”

My heart stalls and my lungs forget about the whole needing oxygen to live thing. “What?” I gasp out.

He kisses the tip of my nose. “You might have been waiting forever for me to catch up to you, but I’ve been dreaming about having a woman as perfect as you forever.”

I melt into him, and his lips touch mine in the briefest of kisses. When he pulls away, I mewl in protest and reach for him, but the door crashes open.

“Fabulous has arrived!” Bryan announces as he enters. He glances over at me and Rowan cuddled up in the kitchen and squeals. “I hope this means we’ve seen the last of Queen Bitch.”

“I prefer money grubbing she-devil.”

“I knew I liked you Ashlyn Dream West.”

I merely shake my head at him as I watch a dog saunter in behind him followed by Juniper.

“Why did you bring Bark Twain with you?”

“He’s been sick and throwing up this morning.”

“So, you brought him with you?” I screech. “No way. He can stay on the back porch, but I’m not cleaning up dog puke.”

“You never clean up dog puke,” she mutters as she leads the dog outside.

“Because he’s your dog,” I shout after her.

I turn back to the door in time to see Aspen and Lyric stroll into the house. “Does no one know how to knock in this town?”

Aspen’s brow wrinkles. “Why would we knock? You invited us over.”

I move away from Rowan to take the crockpot out of her hands. “You should still knock.”

“And miss the chance to embarrass you when we barge in on you and Rowan having sexy times?”

I groan. “You remind me of Mom.”