Page 73 of Forever For You

“Next!” I shout and look up from the cash register to find my worst nightmare has arrived. “What can I get you, Sandra?”

“You know I don’t eat carbs.”

“We have several low carb options.” I hand her a menu. “Feel free to peruse the various options while I help the next customer.”

She slaps the menu on the counter. “No! You will listen to me and hear me out.”

I place my hands on my hips. “I’m kind of busy here. I don’t come to your place of work and disturb you, do I? Oh wait. That’s right. You don’t work.”

“Burn!” Soleil squeals from behind my ex.

I crane my neck to peek behind her and notice she’s not alone. Ellery is with her. Great. This confrontation is going to get back to Ash before it can begin. I know I told Ash we can’t be together, but it doesn’t mean I’m a total asshole who doesn’t realize my ex being around is hurting her.

“Why are you still in town?”

She tilts her chin in the air. “I told you. I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.”

“What did she come for?” Feather asks.

“Apparently, she wants Rowan back,” Soleil answers. “But he told her hell would freeze over first.”

I’m certain Feather already knows about the conversation Sandra and I had when she checked into the inn but, guessing by the twinkle in Soleil’s eyes, she’s enjoying rubbing it in Sandra’s nose.

“Mind your own business. This is private,” Sandra tells the crowd.

“Hey! We’re not the ones who decided to conduct a private conversation in front of the whole town,” Petal points out.

“Can you take a break?” Sandra asks me.

I motion to the line behind her. “Does it look like I have time for a break?”

“We need to talk, but you’ve been avoiding me.”

Damn straight I have. I want nothing to do with the woman standing in front of me. I can’t believe I stayed married to her for as long as I did. I blame my lapse of judgment on being young and getting drafted in the NFL. You hear your name picked and all common sense flies out the window for at least two years.

“I have nothing to say to you.”

She sticks out her bottom lip in a pout. Does she think any of her old tricks are going to work on me? Not a chance in hell when my dream woman is currently living in my house.

“You begged me not to divorce you,” she says.

Awesome. I wanted everyone in town to know how big of an idiot I was. Thanks.

“Because I believe marriage is forever.”

My marriage was over long before the defensive end tackled me and destroyed my knee and career, but I still thought I should work on my relationship with Sandra. I wasn’t ready to admit defeat. I never am. And I certainly wasn’t prepared to deal with a divorce while I was convalescing and learning to walk again.

“Good. We can start where we left off.”

“I believe where we left off was you leaving.” I indicate the door. “Don’t let it hit you on the way out.”

Bryan cheers. “Go, Rowan.” He pretends to have pompoms in his hands as he cheers. “Get rid of the trash. There you go.” Feather, Petal, and Sage cheer him on from the sidelines.

Sandra glares at him. “Wonderful. Bryan’s here. I should have known he followed you here. He always was such a devoted little puppy.”

“At least, I know how to be loyal,” Bryan fires back at her.

“I never cheated,” she insists.